The way participants take turns in a conversation
Adjacency pairs
The way turn-taking often proceeds when it is cooperative
Overlapping / Simultaneous speech
When speakers talk at the same time
Speech markers / discourse markers
Words that show the structure of a speech by breaking it into seperate chunks. These make clear the sequence of thought
Words or phrases used by the speaker to check that the listener is following what is being said
Back-channeling / speaker support
A word, expression or vocalisation used by a listener to indicate that they are listening
Non-fluency features
Features that reflect the fact that the speech is spontaneous and ‘drafted’ as it is spoken
Either words or sounds that signal that the speaker is thinking and has not finished what they are saying
Can be of varying length
Voiced pauses
Type of filler
Of words or phrases
Sound that has a meaning but is not a word
Contraction, loss of sound without loss of meaning
Self-correction or reformulation
Speaker changes or corrects what they have previously said
False starts
The speaker changes their mind about what they are going to say
Use of language that causes something to seem less certain
Vague language
Imprecise language used when the speaker is reluctant to give detail, or when precision or detail is not needed
Informal register that can also include slang expressions
Omission of standard grammatical elements without creating an unclear sentence
Minor sentence
An incomplete sentence in which elements are missing
Phonetic spelling
Where the spelling reflects the pronunciation
Number and letter homophones
where a word is subsituted for a number or letter
Deviant spelling
When a word is deliberately misspelled
When a title is reduced to its key initials
vocabulary or word choice
The study of meaning
Words that are commonly associated together
When one word is an example of another
Latinate lexis
Words originating from latin or greek
Words that modify the meaning of a noun