Ethos, Pathos, Logos

What is Rhetoric?

  • Ability in any particular case to see the available means of persuasion

What is an Argument?

  • A viewpoint that is backed up with reason and evidence
  • Technique an author uses to make an argument
  • Ethos, pathos, logos are used when constructing an argument


  • Authority, character, or credibility
  • Based of the author- their position, credentials, and how they present themselves
  • Do they have credibility? Did they use credible sources/ appropriate evidence? What is their tone? Did they use logic to develop their argument? Did they address any counteragruemnts?


  • Logical appeal of the argument
  • Facts and evidence
  • Are the claims reasonable? Does the evidence support it well? Does the speaker make logical conclusions?


  • Emotional appeal- anger, guilt, sadness, compassion, etc.
  • An argument that caters to an audience’s beliefs
  • Emotional examples, personal stories, emotional tone
