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Adult: /əˈdʌlt/ (n)

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Adult: /əˈdʌlt/ (n)

a fully grown person who is legally responsible for their actions

  • synonym grown-up

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Injure: /ˈɪndʒər/ (v)

Gây thương tích

to harm yourself or somebody else physically, especially in an accident

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Save: /seɪv/ (v)


to keep somebody/something safe from death, harm, loss, etc.

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Niece: /niːs/ (n)

the daughter of your brother or sister; the daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister

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Nephew: /ˈnefjuː/ (n)

the son of your brother or sister; the son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister

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Triplet: /ˈtrɪplət/ (n)

one of three children born at the same time to the same mother

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Essay: /ˈeseɪ/ (n)

a short piece of writing by a student as part of a course of study

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Participate: /pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ (v)

to take part in or become involved in an activity

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Workout: /ˈwɜːrkaʊt/ (n)

a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit

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Charge: (

to pass electricity through something so that it is stored there; to take in electricity so that it is stored and ready for use

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Seesaw: /ˈsiː sɔː/ (n)

to keep changing from one situation, opinion, emotion, etc. to another and back again

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Refreshed: /rɪˈfreʃt/ (adj)

less hot or tired

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Merry-go-round: /ˈmeri ɡəʊ raʊnd/ (n)

a round platform for children to play on in a park, etc. that is pushed round while the children are sitting on it

  • Roundabout: /ˈraʊndəbaʊt/

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Cashier: /kæˈʃɪr/ (n)

a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank, shop, hotel, etc.

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Scholarship: /ˈskɑːlərʃɪp/ (n)

an amount of money given to somebody by an organization to help pay for their education

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Guide: /ɡaɪd/ (v)

to show somebody the way to a place, often by going with them; to show somebody a place that you know well

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Knowledgeable: /ˈnɑːlɪdʒəbl/ (adj)

knowing a lot

  • synonym well informed

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Well-informed: /ˌwel ɪnˈfɔːrmd/ (adj)

having or showing knowledge or information about many subjects or about one particular subject

  • opposite ill-informed

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Record: /rɪˈkɔːrd/ (v)

to keep a permanent account of facts or events by writing them down, filming them, storing them in a computer, etc.

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Instruct: /ɪnˈstrʌkt/ (v)

to tell somebody to do something, especially in a formal or official way

  • synonym direct, order

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Presentation: /ˌpriːznˈteɪʃn/ (n)

a meeting at which something, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people

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Nightlife: /ˈnaɪtlaɪf/ (n)

entertainment that is available in the evening and at night

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Mega: /ˈmeɡə/ (adj)

very large or impressive

  • synonym huge, great

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Coral: /ˈkɔːrəl/ (n)

a hard substance that is red, pink or white in colour, and that forms on the bottom of the sea from the bones of very small creatures. Coral is often used in jewellery.

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Cruise: /kruːz/ (n)

Dù lịch biển

a journey by ship or boat, visiting different places, especially as a holiday

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Absolutely: /ˈæbsəluːtli/ (adv)

used to emphasize that something is completely true

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Unique: /juˈniːk/ (adj)

very special or unusual

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Fairy tale:

a story about magic or fairies, usually for children

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Active: /ˈæktɪv/ (adj)

always busy doing things, especially physical activities

  • opposite inactive

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Weather forecast: /ˈweðər fɔːrkæst/ (n)

a description, for example on the radio or television, of what the weather will be like tomorrow or for the next few days

  • Forecast

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Thundery: /ˈθʌndəri/ (adj)

with thunder; suggesting that thunder is likely

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Hurricane: /ˈhɜːrəkeɪn/ (n)

a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean

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Thunderstorm: /ˈθʌndərstɔːrm/ (n)

a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain

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warm and slightly wet

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