Chemistry- Functional Groups, Their Properties, and Reactions

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Alkanes Melting and Boiling Points

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Alkanes Melting and Boiling Points

  • only interact via dispersion forces

  • lowest melting and boiling point of all organic molecules

  • as molecules become larger, melting and boiling point increase

  • branched alkanes have lower boiling point because of their more compact structure (increase in branches decreases boiling point)

<ul><li><p>only interact via dispersion forces </p></li><li><p>lowest melting and boiling point of all organic molecules</p></li><li><p>as molecules become larger, melting and boiling point increase </p></li><li><p>branched alkanes have lower boiling point because of their more compact structure (increase in branches decreases boiling point)</p></li></ul>
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Alkanes Solubility

  • nonpolar, insoluble

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Alkanes Density

  • less dense than water

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Combustion of Alkanes

reactant- alkane and O2

product- CO2 + H2O + energy

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Hydrogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes

  • adding 2 hydrogens

  • metal catalyst: Pt, Ni, or Pd

  • breaks alkenes to alkanes and alkynes to alkenes

<ul><li><p>adding 2 hydrogens</p></li><li><p>metal catalyst: Pt, Ni, or Pd</p></li><li><p>breaks alkenes to alkanes and alkynes to alkenes</p></li></ul>
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Hydration of Alkenes

  • addition of water

  • requires a strong acid as a catalyst- H2 or H2SO4

  • H is added to carbon with larger number of Hs to begin with

<ul><li><p>addition of water</p></li><li><p>requires a strong acid as a catalyst- H2 or H2SO4</p></li><li><p>H is added to carbon with larger number of Hs to begin with</p></li></ul>
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Halogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes

  • reaction with Cl2 or Br2

  • no catalysts needed

  • removes double bond and attaches there

<ul><li><p>reaction with Cl2 or Br2</p></li><li><p>no catalysts needed</p></li><li><p>removes double bond and attaches there</p></li></ul>
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Hydrohalogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes

  • reaction with HCl or HBr

  • no catalyst needed

  • H adds to C atom with larger number of Hs

<ul><li><p>reaction with HCl or HBr</p></li><li><p>no catalyst needed</p></li><li><p>H adds to C atom with larger number of Hs</p></li></ul>
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Alcohols Boiling Points

  • hydrogen bonding between molecules

  • 2nd highest boiling point

  • length of chain increases boiling point

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Alcohols Solubility

  • hydrogen bonds form between alcohols and water

  • soluble with 3 or less carbon atoms

  • slightly soluble with 4 carbon atoms

  • insoluble with 5+ carbon atoms

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Ethers Boiling Point

  • cannot form hydrogen bonds with itself

  • have similar boiling points with alkanes

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Phenol Boiling Point

  • high boiling point because of hydrogen bonding

  • slightly soluble due to aromatic ring

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Ethers Solubility

  • can hydrogen bond with water

  • stronger intermolecular forces than hydrocarbons, weaker than alcohols

  • slightly soluble in water with lower molecular weight

  • not soluble if 5 or more carbon atoms

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Dehydration of Alcohols

  • requires a catalyst- H+ and heat

  • elimination of H and OH from adjacent carbon atoms

  • primary form an alkene and water

  • secondary form two possible alkenes, take hydrogen from carbon with less (major product has fewer hydrogen atoms on double bond)

<ul><li><p>requires a catalyst- H+ and heat</p></li><li><p>elimination of H and OH from adjacent carbon atoms</p></li><li><p>primary form an alkene and water</p></li><li><p>secondary form two possible alkenes, take hydrogen from carbon with less (major product has fewer hydrogen atoms on double bond)</p></li></ul>
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Oxidation of Alcohols

  • [O]

  • increases number of carbon oxygen bonds - add oxygen or remove hydrogens

  • primary alcohols are oxidized to produce aldehyde then can react again to form a carboxylic acid (carbonyl bonded to OH)

  • secondary alcohols are oxidized to produce a ketone

  • tertiary alcohols do not oxidize because there are no hydrogen atoms on the carbon bonded to the OH group

<ul><li><p>[O]</p></li><li><p>increases number of carbon oxygen bonds - add oxygen or remove hydrogens</p></li><li><p>primary alcohols are oxidized to produce aldehyde then can react again to form a carboxylic acid (carbonyl bonded to OH)</p></li><li><p>secondary alcohols are oxidized to produce a ketone</p></li><li><p>tertiary alcohols do not oxidize because there are no hydrogen atoms on the carbon bonded to the OH group</p></li></ul>
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Oxidation of Thiols

  • an H atom is lost from each of the -SH groups

  • product is disulfide

  • uses 2 thiols to produce product

<ul><li><p>an H atom is lost from each of the -SH groups</p></li><li><p>product is disulfide</p></li><li><p>uses 2 thiols to produce product</p></li></ul>
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Reduction of Thiols

  • [H]

  • an H atom is added to each sulfur to create -SH groups

  • disulfides will reduce to thiols

  • 2 products

<ul><li><p>[H]</p></li><li><p>an H atom is added to each sulfur to create -SH groups</p></li><li><p>disulfides will reduce to thiols</p></li><li><p>2 products</p></li></ul>
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-SH group

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carbonyl attached to R and H

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carbonyl attached to R and R

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Carboxylic Acid

carbonyl attached to R and -OH

  • COOH

<p>carbonyl attached to R and -OH</p><ul><li><p>COOH</p></li></ul>
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carbonyl attached to R and -OR


<p>carbonyl attached to R and -OR</p><ul><li><p>RCOOR</p></li></ul>
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Boiling Point Ketones

  • experience dispersion and dipole dipole, but no hydrogen bonding within ketones

  • higher boiling point than aldehydes, lower than alcohols

  • boiling point increases as carbons increase

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Boiling Point Aldehydes

  • experience dispersion and dipole dipole, but no hydrogen bonding within aldehydes

  • lower bp than ketones, higher than alkanes

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Solubility Ketones and Aldehydes

  • Form hydrogen bonds with water molecules between the carbonyl oxygen and hydrogen atoms on water molecules 

  • Are very soluble when they have four or fewer carbons 

  • More carbons/longer carbon chains are nonpolar, diminishing solubility effect of the polar carbonyl group 

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OH and OR attached to same carbon atom

<p>OH and OR attached to same carbon atom</p>
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OR and OR attached to same carbon atom

<p>OR and OR attached to same carbon atom</p>
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Oxidation Aldehydes

  • aldehydes oxidize to carboxylic acids- carbonyl attached to R and OH

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Chromic Acid (Jones Test)

  • K2CrO4/ H2SO4

  • oxidizes alcohols and aldehydes

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Benedict’s Test

  • Cu(OH)2 / sodium citrate

  • oxidizes aldehydes

  • add O to H on carbonyl

<ul><li><p>Cu(OH)2 / sodium citrate</p></li><li><p>oxidizes aldehydes</p></li><li><p>add O to H on carbonyl</p></li></ul>
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Tollens’ Test

  • Ag2O / NH4OH

  • oxidizes aldehydes only

  • add oxygen to H on carbonyl

<ul><li><p>Ag2O / NH4OH</p></li><li><p>oxidizes aldehydes only</p></li><li><p>add oxygen to H on carbonyl</p></li></ul>
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Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones

  • add H2

  • aldehydes reduce to primary alcohols

  • ketones reduce to secondary alcohols

  • reduced by H2 or NaBH4 and a metal catalyst (Ni, Pt, or Pd)

  • decreases number of C-O bonds

<ul><li><p>add H2</p></li><li><p>aldehydes reduce to primary alcohols</p></li><li><p>ketones reduce to secondary alcohols</p></li><li><p>reduced by H2 or NaBH4 and a metal catalyst (Ni, Pt, or Pd)</p></li><li><p>decreases number of C-O bonds</p></li></ul>
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Aldehyde and Ketone Reaction

  • react with one mole of alcohol and acid to form a hemiacetal

<ul><li><p>react with one mole of alcohol and acid to form a hemiacetal</p></li></ul>
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Hemiacetal Reaction

  • will react with 1 mole of alcohol and acid to form an acetal

<ul><li><p>will react with 1 mole of alcohol and acid to form an acetal</p></li></ul>
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Cyclic Hemiacetal Formation

  • hydroxyl group is looped to carbonyl group

  • bonds break to form cyclic, H goes goes to double-bonded O

<ul><li><p>hydroxyl group is looped to carbonyl group</p></li><li><p>bonds break to form cyclic, H goes goes to double-bonded O</p></li></ul>
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Hydrolysis Reaction of Hemiacetals and Acetals

  • Reverse of formation of hemiacetals/acetals 

  • Requires water and acid (H2SO4) 

<ul><li><p><span>Reverse of formation of hemiacetals/acetals</span><span style="color: windowtext">&nbsp;</span></p></li><li><p><span>Requires water and acid (H2SO4)</span><span style="color: windowtext">&nbsp;</span></p></li></ul>
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Aldehyde Common Name

  • aldehydes of 1-4 carbons

  • 1- formaldehyde

  • 2- acetaldehyde

  • 3- propionaldehyde

  • 4- butyraldehyde

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Ketones Common Name

  • alkyl groups bonded to carbonyl group are turned into substituents and are listed in alphabetical order before ketone with spaces

  • ex: 2-propanone - > dimethyl ketone

  • ex: 2-butanone → ethyl methyl ketone

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Phenols Common Name

  • ortho (o)- substituents on 1 and 2

  • meta (m)- substituents on 1 and 3

  • para (p)- substituents on 1 and 4

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Ethers Common Name

  • names of each alkyl or aromatic group attached to the oxygen atom are written in alphabetical order then followed by ether

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Ethers IUPAC

  • An alkoxy group of a smaller alkyl group and the oxygen atom 

  • Add the alkane name of the longer carbon chain 

  • Add the locator number of where the alkoxy group is attached to the longer group 

<ul><li><p><span>An alkoxy group of a smaller alkyl group and the oxygen atom</span><span style="color: windowtext">&nbsp;</span></p></li><li><p><span>Add the alkane name of the longer carbon chain</span><span style="color: windowtext">&nbsp;</span></p></li><li><p><span>Add the locator number of where the alkoxy group is attached to the longer group</span><span style="color: windowtext">&nbsp;</span></p></li></ul>
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CH3-CH-CH3 (bonds to central carbon at middle C)

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CH3-CH2-CH2- (bonds to central carbon at end)

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CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2- (bonds to central carbon at end)

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CH3- CH- CH2- CH3 (bonds to central carbon on second C)

<p>CH3- CH- CH2- CH3 (bonds to central carbon on second C)</p>
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R Designation

  • lowest priority on vertical

    • clockwise- R

  • lowest priority on horizontal

    • counterclockwise- R

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S Designation

  • lowest priority on vertical

    • counterclockwise- S

  • lowest priority on horizontal

    • clockwise- S

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Haworth Structures

  1. Turn Fischer projection clockwise 90 degrees

  2. Fold to make a hexagon. OH on carbon 5 bonds with carbonyl 1. CH2OH becomes 5.

  3. Join oxygen on last chiral center to carbonyl carbon. remove H from OH and add H to carbonyl. C = O becomes C- O

<ol><li><p>Turn Fischer projection clockwise 90 degrees</p></li><li><p>Fold to make a hexagon. OH on carbon 5 bonds with carbonyl 1. CH2OH becomes 5.</p></li><li><p>Join oxygen on last chiral center to carbonyl carbon. remove H from OH and add H to carbonyl. C = O becomes C- O</p></li></ol>
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Anomeric Center

carbon formerly in the carbonyl, but is now bound to the ring O atom and a hydroxyl

<p>carbon formerly in the carbonyl, but is now bound to the ring O atom and a hydroxyl</p>
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alpha anomer

OH is below ring

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beta anomer

OH is above ring

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a-anomer and b-anomer convert when in solution.

  • cyclic structure opens + closes

  • A-D-glucose → B-D-glucose

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Oxidation of Monosaccharides

  • requires Cu²

  • Cu² is reduced to Cu+

  • -ose to -onic acid

  • add O to H

  • forms a carboxylic acid

<ul><li><p>requires Cu²</p></li><li><p>Cu² is reduced to Cu+</p></li><li><p>-ose to -onic acid</p></li><li><p>add O to H</p></li><li><p>forms a carboxylic acid</p></li></ul>
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Oxidation of Ketoses

  • ketone carbonyl group has to form an aldose and then be oxidized to a carboxylic acid using Benedict’s regent

  • requires Cu²+ and OH

  • forms carboxylic acid and Cu2O

<ul><li><p>ketone carbonyl group has to form an aldose and then be oxidized to a carboxylic acid using Benedict’s regent</p></li><li><p>requires Cu²+ and OH</p></li><li><p>forms carboxylic acid and Cu2O</p></li></ul>
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Reduction of Monosaccharides: Aldoses

  • requires H₂/Pd

  • carbonyl group of an aldose is reduced to a primary alcohol

  • produces a sugar alcohol- alditols

  • -ose to -itol

<ul><li><p>requires H₂/Pd</p></li><li><p>carbonyl group of an aldose is reduced to a primary alcohol</p></li><li><p>produces a sugar alcohol- alditols</p></li><li><p>-ose to -itol</p></li></ul>
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Reduction of Monosaccharides: Ketoses

  • carbonyl group of ketose is reduced to a secondary alcohol

  • uses H2/Pd

  • two possible products (OH can go on either side)

<ul><li><p>carbonyl group of ketose is reduced to a secondary alcohol</p></li><li><p>uses H2/Pd </p></li><li><p>two possible products (OH can go on either side)</p></li></ul>
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  • made of glucose

<ul><li><p>made of glucose</p></li></ul>
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Made of glucose and fructose

<p>Made of glucose and fructose</p>
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Made of galactose and glucose

<p>Made of galactose and glucose</p>
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Glycosidic Linkage

  • covalent bond joining two monosaccharides

  • between one anomeric carbon center of the sugar at the left and of hydroxyl group of sugar at the right

  • b if o is above, a if o is below

<ul><li><p>covalent bond joining two monosaccharides</p></li><li><p>between one anomeric carbon center of the sugar at the left and of hydroxyl group of sugar at the right</p></li><li><p>b if o is above, a if o is below</p></li></ul>
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Reducing Sugar

contain a hemiacetal RO-C-OH

<p>contain a hemiacetal RO-C-OH</p>
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  • a (1→ 4) glycosidic bonds

  • minor component of starch

  • unbranched with helical shape due to hydrogen bonding

<ul><li><p>a (1→ 4) glycosidic bonds</p></li><li><p>minor component of starch</p></li><li><p>unbranched with helical shape due to hydrogen bonding</p></li></ul>
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  • a (1→ 6) glycosidic bonds

  • major component of starch

  • branched polysaccharide

  • branching occurs every 30 glucose units

<ul><li><p>a (1→ 6) glycosidic bonds</p></li><li><p>major component of starch</p></li><li><p>branched polysaccharide</p></li><li><p>branching occurs every 30 glucose units</p></li></ul>
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  • b (1→ 4) glycosidic bonds

  • main component in wood, paper, and cotton

  • unbranched D-glucose with a strong layered shape

  • gives strength to plants due to hydrogen bonding

  • humans cannot digest

<ul><li><p>b (1→ 4) glycosidic bonds</p></li><li><p>main component in wood, paper, and cotton</p></li><li><p>unbranched D-glucose with a strong layered shape</p></li><li><p>gives strength to plants due to hydrogen bonding</p></li><li><p>humans cannot digest</p></li></ul>
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Carboxylic Acid

  • COOH

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Naming Carboxylic Acids: IUPAC

  • -e is replaced with -oic acid

  • use the same naming rules as usual

  • carboxylic acid does not require a locator number

<ul><li><p>-e is replaced with -oic acid</p></li><li><p>use the same naming rules as usual</p></li><li><p>carboxylic acid does not require a locator number</p></li></ul>
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Preparation of Carboxylic Acids

  • can be prepared through oxidation from primary alcohols or aldehydes

<ul><li><p>can be prepared through oxidation from primary alcohols or aldehydes</p></li></ul>
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Carboxylic Acid Boiling Point

  • strongly polar because they have two polar groups, higher boiling point than alcohols

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Carboxylic Acid Dimers

  • carboxylic acids can form dimers, hydrogen bond with itself

  • two hydrogen bonds between carboxyl groups

<ul><li><p>carboxylic acids can form dimers, hydrogen bond with itself</p></li><li><p>two hydrogen bonds between carboxyl groups</p></li></ul>
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Carboxylic Acid Solubility

  • can hydrogen bond with water

  • very soluble with 1-5 carbons

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Carboxylic Acid Dissociation

  • carboxylic acids are weak acids

  • they dissociate in water to form carboxylate ions

  • lose H off carboyxlic acid, add to water

  • negative charge on ion, positive on water

<ul><li><p>carboxylic acids are weak acids</p></li><li><p>they dissociate in water to form carboxylate ions </p></li><li><p>lose H off carboyxlic acid, add to water</p></li><li><p>negative charge on ion, positive on water</p></li></ul>
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Carboxylic Acid Neutralization

  • carboxylic acid reacted to a strong base, NaOH or KOH

  • lose H from carboxylic acid, base loses OH

  • forms water

  • negative charge on salt + cation

<ul><li><p>carboxylic acid reacted to a strong base, NaOH or KOH</p></li><li><p>lose H from carboxylic acid, base loses OH</p></li><li><p>forms water</p></li><li><p>negative charge on salt + cation</p></li></ul>
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Naming metal salts

name of metal cation + parent chain + ate

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  • contain a carbonyl group bound to an -OR group


<ul><li><p>contain a carbonyl group bound to an -OR group</p></li><li><p>RCOOR</p></li></ul>
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  • ester formation

  • carboxylic acid + alcohol

  • requires H+ and heat

  • carboxylic acid loses OH, alcohol loses H

  • forms water

<ul><li><p>ester formation</p></li><li><p>carboxylic acid + alcohol</p></li><li><p>requires H+ and heat</p></li><li><p>carboxylic acid loses OH, alcohol loses H</p></li><li><p>forms water</p></li></ul>
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Ester Acid Hydrolysis

  • reverse of esterification

  • adds water

  • requires acid catalyst + heat

  • produces an alcohol and a carboxylic acid

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Ester Base Hydrolysis

  • reaction of ester with a strong base + heat

  • produces a carboxylate salt (ionic) + alcohol

  • salt has a negative charge on O and positive on Na

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Naming Esters

  • -e to -oate

  • parent chain includes carbonyl

  • carbons on other side of O are treated as a substituent

<ul><li><p>-e to -oate</p></li><li><p>parent chain includes carbonyl</p></li><li><p>carbons on other side of O are treated as a substituent</p></li></ul>
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Esters Boiling Point

  • higher than alkanes and ethers'

  • lower than alcohols and carboxylic acids of similar mass

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Esters Solubility

soluble in water if they have 2-5 carbon atoms

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contain fatty acids or a steroid nucleus

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Fatty Acids

  • long unbranched carbon chains with a carboxylic acid group at the end

<ul><li><p>long unbranched carbon chains with a carboxylic acid group at the end</p></li></ul>
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saturated fatty acid

do not contain carbon carbon double bonds

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unsaturated fatty acid

contain carbon carbon double bonds

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Myristic Acid

14 carbon atoms, 0 double bonds

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Palmitic Acid

16 carbon atoms, 0 double bonds

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Stearic acid

18 carbon atoms, 0 double bonds

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Oleic acid

18 carbon atoms, 1 double bond

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Linoleic acid

18 carbon atoms, 2 double bonds

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Linolenic acid

18 carbon atoms, 3 double bonds

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Arachidonic acid

20 carbon atoms, 4 double bonds

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Saturated fatty acids properties

  • C-C single bonds, fit close together in regular pattern

  • strong dispersion forces

  • higher boiling point/melting point

  • solids

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Cis double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids

  • give the molecule an irregular shape, resulting in fewer interactions between molecules

  • lower boiling/melting point compared to saturated fatty acids

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Properties of Fatty acids

  • as size of molecule increases, melting point increases

  • cis bond decreases melting point

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Delta System

  • number starting at carbonyl carbon, use locator number and triangle for double bonds

<ul><li><p>number starting at carbonyl carbon, use locator number and triangle for double bonds</p></li></ul>
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Omega System

  • start numbering with C farthest from carbonyl

  • use locator number and w to indicate double bond

<ul><li><p>start numbering with C farthest from carbonyl</p></li><li><p>use locator number and w to indicate double bond</p></li></ul>
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esters of saturated fatty acids and long chain alcohols

ester bond connects fatty acid and alcohol

<p>esters of saturated fatty acids and long chain alcohols</p><p>ester bond connects fatty acid and alcohol</p>
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