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Many parasitic members of the excavates lack plastids and have highly reduced mitochondria. Which of the following statements explains these observations?

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Many parasitic members of the excavates lack plastids and have highly reduced mitochondria. Which of the following statements explains these observations?

These parasites live in dark, low-oxygen conditions and therefore loss of genes for plastids and mitochondria did not result in lower fitness.

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The fact that amoebas are not monophyletic demonstrates that ________.

scientists need to continue to investigate the origins and evolutionary history of protists

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In the life-cycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium, where does fertilization and formation of the zygote occur?

within the body of a mosquito

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Joe Student is looking through a microscope at a sample of planktonic life filtered from the Gulf of Mexico.  He discovers a single-celled organism with no pigmentation, but with a glassy-looking and porous shell or skeleton.  Through the pores, tiny extensions of cytoplasm extend out in all directions, stiffened by thin rods.  Joe is correct in thinking he is observing a member of the 


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In protists exhibiting both asexual and sexual modes of reproduction, what factor frequently triggers the shift from asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction?

the onset of unfavorable environmental conditions

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A geologist asks you to look at some ocean sediment, knowing this "dirt" contains the remains of dead protists whose hard shells have fossilized.  You mix the sediment with water and examine it under the microscope.  The "shells" or "tests" you observe will most likely belong to which group(s)?

Radiolarians, Foraminiferans, or Diatoms

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Which essential organelle, which is present in all other Eukaryotes, is functionally absent in the parabasilids and diplomonads?


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Dr. Bio samples some pond water to observe under the microscope.  She finds the specimen above, which seems to have a clear shell or wall with yellowish pigmentation within.  No flagella or cilia are observed.  Recognizing that this is clearly a unicellular organism, Dr. Bio's best guess as to its classification is:


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The main body of a multicellular fungus is called


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Fungal cell walls contain


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Most fungi spend the majority of their life cycle as

haploid mycelium

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Looking under the microscope, you see hyphae that are coenocytic.  What are you likely to see (select all that apply)?

multinucleate hyphae and hyphae with no cross walls (septa)

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In the lab, you are observing some plant roots and notice that in many of the root cells there are tree-like projections inside the cells.  Subsequent staining indicates that these structures are fungal in origin.  What are these structures?  What is their purpose? (Select all that apply)

nutrient exchange and haustoria

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This group of organisms have pairs of flagella located in perpendicular grooves, and includes Karenia brevis, a common cause of red-tides on the Gulf coast.


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In the fungi, the process that directly produces the zygote stage is called


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no cell walll; flagella with crystalline rod, some free living and others are parasites

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Key primary producers. Have silica skeletons, and produce oil to maintain buoyancy

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Brown Algae

multicellular marine protist that can form large thallose; used as human food

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No cell wall but have alveoli and a complex life cycle. Some are pathogens of humans

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May be unicellular or colonial. Photoautotrophic and bi flagellated.

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Which of the following is NOT evidence supporting the hypothesis of the endosymbiotic evolution of mitochondria and chloroplasts?

the ribosomal RNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts are more similar to those of prokaryotes than they are to the nuclear genes of the cells in which these organelles occur

the membrane systems of eukaryotes are thought to be derived from the prokaryotic plasma membrane

mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar in size to prokaryotes

mitochondria and chloroplasts are self-replicating and have their own genetic material

photosynthetic eukaryotes must have evolved prior to the oxygen revolution

photosynthetic eukaryotes must have evolved prior to the oxygen revolution

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In the life-cycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium, where does fertilization and formation of the zygote occur?

within the body of a mosquito

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A geologist asks you to look at some ocean sediment, knowing this "dirt" contains the remains of dead protists whose hard shells have fossilized.  You mix the sediment with water and examine it under the microscope.  The "shells" or "tests" you observe will most likely belong to which group(s)?

Radiolarians, Foraminiferans, or Diatoms

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How does fertilization in a moss occur?

Flagellated sperm enter the archegonium.

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An individual fern sporophyte is able to produce far more spores than an individual moss sporophyte because, unlike the moss, the fern sporophyte has


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What would describe the gametophyte generation in a plant?


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In the ferns and horsetails, dispersal to new locations occurs through

air-borne spores

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In the early history of land plants, which of the following trends was observed?


from dominant gametophyte stage to dominant sporophyte stage


from no leaves to microphylls to megaphylls


from sporangia on a single stalk to multiple branches with sporangia


from low ground-level plants to taller, more upright plants


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Many of the coal deposits we have today date to the Carboniferous Period and were formed from great forests that thrived at that time. Which of the following characteristics would you be LEAST likely to find among the plants in those forests?


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Which of the following characteristics is shared by mosses and ferns?

fertilization requires water for motile sperm.

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If a male and female flower are on the same plant, that plant would be considered: 


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What is the BEST description of pollination in flowering plants?

delivery of pollen grain to a stigma

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The earliest fossils that seem to be animals

looked like jellyfish and sponges

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What is the main advantage to those animal species that are true hermaphrodites? 

They don't need to find a mate to produce offspring.

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Organisms that have two germ layers following gastrulation are said to be


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Organisms that undergo determinate development

have cells that have a predetermined fate early in development

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Lies between mesodermal and endodermal tissue and is not completely surrounded by mesodermal tissue

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No true body cavities between the layers of tissues

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fluid-filled cavity between the gut wall and the outer body wall

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patches of mesoderm on body cavity

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________ is an important group of protists that produce ________, a substance useful to humans.

Kelp; Algin

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Some companies advertise and sell mycorrhizae to home gardeners and commercial farms, claiming that thepresence of mycorrhizae improves plant growth and survival. If the company conducted experiments on plantswith and without mycorrhizae, which of the following measurements would support their claim?

increased production of corn ears in plants with mycorrhizae than in plants without mycorrhizae

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When did the Cambrian Explosion occur?

About 535 million years ago

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Ringworm is caused by

a fungus

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Several soft, green plants that grow close to the ground are called "moss," but the true members of Phylum Bryophyta would NEVER

have microphylls

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Arrange the following events in sequence from earliest to most recent:

1. first seed-bearing plants

2. multicellular charophytes invade shallow freshwater ponds

3. first land-dwelling bryophytes

4. first flowering plants

5. first seedless vascular plants


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Arrange the following in order from largest to smallest, assuming that they all come from the same fungus.

mycelium, basidiocarp, gill, basidium, basidiospore

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What do fungi and arthropods have in common?

Both groups use chitin for support.

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Specialized hyphae that penetrate the host plant without killing cell are known as ____.


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Plasmogamy can directly result in which of the following?

heterokaryotic cells or dikaryotic cells

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Both animals and fungi are heterotrophic. What distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungal heterotrophy isthat most animals derive their nutrition by ________

ingesting materials

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You are studying a new organism. If you find __________, you are CERTAIN that it belongs in the AnimalKingdom.


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When a mosquito infected with Plasmodium first bites a human, the Plasmodium________.

cells infect the human liver cells

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What do all deuterostomes have in common?

The pore (blastopore) formed during gastrulation becomes the anus

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<p>The illustration above shows a maturing gymnosperm seed. What does label 2 indicate?</p>

The illustration above shows a maturing gymnosperm seed. What does label 2 indicate?

food supply

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Where does meiosis occur in the pine life cycle?

within a megasporangium

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Which of the following pairs of protists and their ecological roles are correctly matched?

apicomplexans - parasites of animals

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Place these flowering plant life cycle steps in the correct sequence:

1. pollen develops in anther

2. fertilization of egg

3. development of fruit

4. pollen reaches stigma

5. pollen tube grows


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Acoelomates are characterized by

a solid body without a cavity surrounding internal organs.

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In what way(s) do the reproductive adaptations of seed plants make them so much more successful across the world today than the seedless plants?

A) The dispersal stage is a protected, miniature sporophyte packaged within its own food supply.

B) The female gametophyte of seed plants is completely protected from dessication (drying out).

C) Most seed plants utilize animals to help disperse new individuals.

D) Sperm cells do not have to swim through water drops or dew to reach the egg.

E) ALL of the above.


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Which of the following statements about stomata is accurate?

Stomata are important in terrestrial plants because they allow CO2 to diffuse into the plant.

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Why have biologists hypothesized that the first land plants had a low, sprawling growth habit?

The ancestors of land plants, green algae, lacked the structural support to stand erect in air.

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Which of these plant parts could belong to a monocot?

flower with 3 petals and 6 stamens.

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The embryonic tissue layer called endoderm:
A) gives rise to tissues of the digestive tract and digestive glands.

B) forms the archenteron.

C) forms in the gastrula stage.

D) is the innermost tissue layer in the gastrula embryo.


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How does the sperm finally reach and make physical contact with the egg (ovum) in a pine tree?

carried within the pollen tube

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Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm.

embryo sac, ovary, carpel, ovule, egg

carpel, ovary, ovule, embryo sac, egg

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The important derived characteristics that allowed taller growth in the early seedless vascular plants were

phloem, xylem

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What distinguishes a coelomate animal from a pseudocoelomate animal is that coelomates

have a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue, whereas pseudocoelomates do not.

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If animals had alternation of generations like plants, ________

the products of meiosis would undergo mitosis and become multicellular

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A porous test (shell) of calcium carbonate, through which pseudopodia protrude, is characteristic of ________.


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The fungal phyla that has spores with flagella is the


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A one-meter tall plant with a thick central stalk and palm-like leaves bears a central cone. The cone's scales bear exposed seeds. This plant most likely belongs in

Phylum Cycadophyta

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According to the fossil record, plants colonized terrestrial habitats ________

in conjunction with fungi that helped provide them with nutrients from the soil

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<p>The following question refers to the generalized life cycle for land plants shown in the figure. Each number within a circle or square represents a specific plant or plant part, and each number over an arrow represents meiosis, mitosis, or fertilization. <br><br>In the figure, which number represents an embryo?</p>

The following question refers to the generalized life cycle for land plants shown in the figure. Each number within a circle or square represents a specific plant or plant part, and each number over an arrow represents meiosis, mitosis, or fertilization.

In the figure, which number represents an embryo?


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The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a

flagellated protist.

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<p>Which of these plants is/are classified in the eudicot clade?What do ginkgos, cycads, and gnetophytes all have in common?</p>

Which of these plants is/are classified in the eudicot clade?What do ginkgos, cycads, and gnetophytes all have in common?

water lily and tomato plant

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What do ginkgos, cycads, and gnetophytes all have in common?

They bear seeds but no fruit.

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After fertilization, a cycad does not produce a fruit. However, a peach tree is able to produce a fruit after fertilization BECAUSE

its ovules are enclosed within an ovary

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Apical meristems ________.

occur in both roots and shoots of plants

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Which of these is a CORRECT match of term with description?

A)sessile--having a body elongated from anterior to posterior

B)mesoderm--germ layer that is the origin of muscle tissue

C)gastrulation--transformation from an embryo to a larval stage

D)archenteron--embryonic structure that becomes the ventral nerve cords

mesoderm--germ layer that is the origin of muscle tissue

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