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Bones are organs because they contain different types of tissues. A bone is mostly made of __________ connective tissue.
All bone has a dense outer layer consisting of __________ bone that appears smooth and solid.
Inside the compact bone is __________ bone, which consists of honeycomb, needle-like, or flat pieces, called trabeculae.
Open spaces inside spongy bone are filled with red bone marrow (full of __________ cells) or yellow bone marrow (full of __________ cells).
blood; adipocytes
The __________ is a long tubular shaft of bone. It is made of an outer layer of compact bone around a central medullary cavity filled with yellow bone marrow in adults.
The __________ are the ends of long bones that consist of compact bone around spongy bone filled with red marrow.
The __________ is the transition between the diaphysis and the epiphysis.
The __________ of the bone is covered by the periosteum membrane.
external surface
The __________ surface of the bone is lined by a delicate connective tissue membrane called the endosteum.
The periosteum and endosteum each contain an __________ layer, the inner layer in contact with bone that contains osteoprogenitor stem cells.
Osteogenic cells are __________ active stem cells found on the periosteum and endosteum membranes.
Osteoblasts secrete un-mineralized bone matrix called __________.
Osteocytes are mature bone cells in lacunae that no longer divide. They maintain bone matrix and act as stress or strain __________.
Osteoclasts are derived from the same __________ stem cells that produce macrophages.
They have ruffled borders that increase __________ for the degradation of bone.
surface area
Bone-lining cells are flat cells that work with osteocytes to help maintain bone __________.
Bone-lining cells aren’t inside __________ because they are on the edges of the bone structure.
List the six important functions of bones.
Support, movement, protection, mineral storage, blood cell production, and energy storage.
The __________ cartilage covers the ends of long bones at joints, providing a smooth surface for articulation.
The __________ is a dense connective tissue membrane covering the outer surface of bones, providing protection and nourishment.
The __________ is a thin membrane lining the internal surfaces of bones, including the medullary cavity and the surfaces of trabecular bone.
Red bone marrow is primarily located in the __________ of long bones, where it produces blood cells.
Yellow bone marrow is found in the __________ cavity of long bones and serves as a fat storage area.
Osteogenic cells are found in the periosteum and endosteum and develop into __________ or osteoblasts, contributing to bone formation.
Osteoblasts are responsible for the secretion of __________, which is the organic component of bone matrix.
Osteocytes, which are mature bone cells, act as __________ for the bone matrix, detecting mechanical strain and signaling to osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
Osteoclasts are responsible for the __________ of bone tissue, ensuring proper bone remodeling and calcium mobilization.
Periosteal cells are similar to osteoblasts and are involved in the __________ of the bone surface, responding to mechanical stress.