Every possible option - solution guranteed
A limbic system structure involved in memory and emotion, particularly fear and aggression.
Anterograde Amnesia
Inability to create new memories
Automatic Processing
Minimal concious effort on the task (ex.Driving)
Availability Heuristic
Most mentally "avaliable" based on memory
B.F. Skinner
Who believed language is learned through nurture? (association, imitation, reinforcement)
Belief Perseverance
When beliefs are challenged by contrary evidence, but the beliefs are maintained
Part of brain that stores implicit memories
organizing items into familiar, manageable units; often occurs automatically
All forms of knowing and awareness
Confirmation Bias
Selectively seeking and recalling information to support one's existing beliefs
When memories are processed from short to long term
Context Effects
The ability to better recall information in the same location it was learned
Convergent Thinking
"There is one correct solution"
Critical Period
The optimal time to develop a skill
Deep Processing
Meaningful properties rather than characteristics
Deep Processing Examples
Elaborative Rehearsal - pleasentness, definition, relationship to other things
Déjà Vu
The feeling of experiencing something again
Divergent Thinking
Thinking outside of the box - multiple solutions
Divided Attention
Ability to respond to more than one stimulus
Effortful Processing
Needing to rehearse and connect information (ex. Remembering new information)
Elaborative Rehearsal
An encoding strategy linking new information to what one already knows (connection)
Elizabeth Loftus
Her research on memory construction and the misinformation effect created doubts about the accuracy of eye-witness testimony (car crash study, application)
Bringing information into our awareness
Encoding Failure
Occurs when a memory was never formed in the first place
Episodic Memory
(explicit) memories of events related to own life
Explicit Memory
Concious effort to retrive
Preoccupation with a current mental set, inability to solve a problem through a new perspective
Flashbulb Memories
Memories that are linked to strong emotions
How something is presented can influence how it is perceived
Functional Fixation
Inability to consider a new function for an item
Gambler's Fallacy
Belief that the probability of a random event is influenced by similar past events
George Miller and the "magical number 7"
Theorized that people tend to have 7 (+/- 2) memories in their short-term storage
Herman Ebbinghaus
He was a German psychologist who pioneered the experimental study of memory, and is known for his discovery of the forgetting curve and the spacing effect. He was also the first person to describe the learning curve.
Shortcut - will not try every possible solution
Part of brain that routes explicit memories for storage
Implicit Memory
Unconscious retrieval
The sudden realization to a solution for a problem
Gut feeling/instinct
Language Aquisition Device
idea by Chomsky that all humans have an inborn ability to learn language
Language Development
Stages of this include: Receptive and productive
Linguistic Determinism/Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
Language determines thinking (limitations on grammar/vocab alter our world perspective
Duration - unlimited
Capacity - unlimited
Long-Term Potentiation
A neuron's enhanced firing capacity due to rehearsal (stronger connections)
Maintenance Rehearsal
Repetition that maintains short-term memories until information is use
Mental Set
Temporary readiness based on past success
Thinking about thinking
Method of Loci
A mnemonic technique that involves associating items on a list with a sequence of familiar physical locations
Misinformation Effect
Incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event
any device or technique used to assist memory, usually by forging a link or association between the new information to be remembered and information previously encoded.
Mood-Congruent Memory
The ability to better recall information in the same emotional state as when it was learned
Smallest unit of a meaningful sounds (prefixes/suffixes)
Motivated Forgetting
A memory lapse motivated by a desire to avoid a 'painful' recollection
Noam Chomsky
Who believed language is a natural human ability?
An overestimation of what you know or what you can do
application of grammatical rules without making appropriate exceptions (goed, doed)
Practice that continues beyond expected use of information
smallest unit of sound in a language
Primacy Effect
Easily remembering items first on a list
(implicit) An unconscious or automatic process that can influence our thinking later
Proactive Interference
When old, previously recorded memories intrude with the recall of new memories
Procedural Memory
(implicit) memories related to tasks ex. muscle memory
Prospective Memory
Remebering to do something in the future
A sterotypical example of something
pulling information out of brain without any retrieval aid
Recency Effect
Easily remembering items last on a list
Recall WITH the use of a recall cue
Representative Heuristic
Stereotyping based on prototype
Defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness
Recalling information out of stored memory
Retrieval Failure
Forgetting due to breakdowns in the process of retrieval
Retroactive Interference
Current memories/info. get in the way of retrieving old information
Retrograde Amnesia
Inability to retrieve past memories
Selective Attention
Concentration on certain stimuli and not others
Self-Refernce Effect
Making information meaningful to you
Semantic Memory
(explicit) meanings, definitions, general knowledges
The set of rules which we derive meaning (s=plural ed=past tense)
Capacity - unlimited
Duration - 0.5 sec.-a couple sec.
Sensory Memory - Echoic
memory of audio information
Sensory Memory - Haptic
memory of 'touch' information
Sensory Memory - Iconic
memory of visual information
Serial Position Effect
The effect of an item's position on a list as to how well it's recalled
Shallow Processing
Superficial, perceptual characteristics
Shallow Processing Examples
Repetition and maintence rehearsal
Capacity - 7(+/- 2)
Duration - 20 sec.-20 min.
Source Amnesia (failure of source monitoring)
Unable to determine the source/origin of a memory, knowledge, beliefs, information, etc.
Spacing Effect/Distributed Rehearsal
Spreading studying out over time (brain is recalling info. more often)
State-Dependent Memory
The ability to better recall information in the same physiological state as when it was learned
Ability to maintain information over time
Storage Failure
The decay of memory with time
Sunk-Cost Fallacy
Continued behavior based on investment or commitment
The rules of grammar
Testing Effect
Testing = restudying for rentention
The Forgetting Curve
A graph showing retention and forgetting over time.
Trial & Error
Learning from mistakes until something works
Visual, audio and semantic
Types of information humans encode