localized abnormal dilation of a vessel
chest pain caused by obstruction or spasms of the coronary arteries
irregularity in heart rate
abnormally rapid, uncoordinated quivering of the myocardium that can affect the atria or ventricles
heart block
interference with the normal transmission of electrical impulses from the sinoatrial node to the purkinje fibers
bruit, murmur
soft, blowing sound heard on auscultation
disease or weakening of heart muscle that diminishes cardiac function
narrowing of a vessel, especially the aorta
a rapid and irregular heart beat
partial or complete loss of consciousness
holter monitor test
procedure that uses a small, portable system to record and stor electrical activity of the heart
stress test
ecg taken under controlled exercise stress conditions
cardiac biomakers
blood test that measures the presence an amount of several substances released by the heart when it is damaged
doppler us
ultrasonography used to assess the direction and speed of blood flow
carotid artery us
ultrasound procedure that determines blood flow problems
cardiac catheterization
passage of a catheter into the heart through a vein or artery to provide evaluation of the heart
percutaneous transluminal coronary angiolasty
involves insertion of a balloon catheter through the artery to the site of stenosis
coronary artery bypass graft
graft to bypass blocked area of artery and restore blood supply to the heart muscle
restart the heart by delivering high voltage electrical current
defibrillation technique using low energy shocks to reset the rhythm back to its normal pattern