Christianity : beliefs and teachings

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whats deity?

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whats deity?

a god - a supernatural or divine being

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What's monotheism?

Belief in one God

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what's omnipotent

all powerful

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What's Omniscient?

all knowing

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whats omnibenevolent

all loving

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what's omnipresent

always there, god is everywhere

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what does it mean when god is just

he is just so he can and will judge between right and wrong

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What does eternal mean?

existing forever; without an end or a beggining

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what does transcendent mean?

beyond normal or physical human experience

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what is immanent

existing and working within the world

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how is god personal?

can have a relationship with humans (through jesus)

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how is god forgiving

he can cancel out sin

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What is the Holy Trinity?

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

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What are denominations?

a religous denomination is a sub group within a religion which operates under a common name, tradition and identity

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when did Christianity start

some people say when Jesus birth/ baptism but others say when he was resurrected

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where did christianity start

Jerusalem, Israel

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How many books are in the Bible?

66 ( 39 in old testament and 27 in new)

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the life of jesus appears in 4 gospels, what are these called

  • matthew

  • mark

  • luke

  • john

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which was the first group to break away from the catholics and why?

the orthodox because they didn't want to read the bible in latin

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in the sixteenths century, which domination broke away from rome and why

protestants because they didn't like the pope

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What did Epicurus say about the problem of evil?

was a Greek philosopher who said the fact there is evil in the world proves there is no god. If he is all powerful and can prevent evil but dosnt, god is not good

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whats the inconsistent triad

god is omnipotent, god is benevolent, evil exists

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what is the idea of the trinity

there are three forms, all of which are god

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what does the holy Trinity compare to

ice water and steam because they all have different forms of the same thing

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who is the first person of the trinity

God the father, maker of heaven and Earth

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Who is the second person of the Trinity?

God the Son, Jesus Christ

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Who is the third person of the Trinity?

God the holy spirit , giver of life

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What was made on the first day of creation?

day and night

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What was made on the second day of creation?

sky and land

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What was made on the third day of creation?

skyline and seas

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what was made on the fourth day of creation

plants and trees

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What was made on the fifth day of creation?

sun and moon and stars

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What was made on the sixth day of creation?

land creatures and humans(adam and eve)

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what happened on the seventh day of creation?

god had a rest

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what 3 things does the holy trinity describe?

  • there is only one god

  • each persons of the trinity is fully god

  • the persons of the trinity are not the same

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whats Charles darwins theory of evolution in creation?

that all different species have evolved from simple life forms that first devolved millions of years ago.

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What's the Incarnation?

God becomes flesh (jesus)

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why did god need to come to earth (jesus)

because since Adam and eve sinned, humans had been separated from god. So God sent laws, kings,prophets but they just didn't 'get it' so god sent himself

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What was life like in 1st Century Palestine?

  • governed by rome

  • payed taxes to romans + religious leaders

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Why was the Incarnation so Important?

believe that the son of GOD became flesh in order to be the saviour of MANKIND

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what happens when jesus is 12

when Mary, Josephs and Jesus are at Passover, they lose Jesus and 3 days later they found him in the temple talking to the teachers. When they find him he says "didn't you know I had to be in my fathers house?"

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What does baptism mean?

a symbolic act which symbolises being made physically clean to represent being spiritually clean. It also symbolises you dying to sin and being alive to god.

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why is it significant that Jesus was baptised by John and what does this show about him?

To show humility and respect which shows Jesus is sensitive to peoples needs and shows us Jesus care for people

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why is it significant that Jesus is led away by the devil to be tempted after hos baptism rather than immediately "rising to fame"?

to prove his obedience to god and aslo helped Jesus understand how humans feel when they're tempted

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how does jesus overcome the devils temptation after hes baptised

he quoted the old testament to show how to really apply them to life

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why is it significant that Jesus chooses fishermen as his disciples?

as fishermen weren't educated, rich or powerful so it shows how Jesus came to save and help everyone

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What is the Sermon on the Mount?

A collection of Jesus' teachings on many important topics about how to live a good life

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why did people listen to Jesus' teachings?

  • radically different

  • helpful and hopeful

  • practical and understandable stories

  • empowered women, children, the sick, the poor and uneducated as well as rich and powerful.

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how does Jesus' miracle of calming the storm teach about Jesus, God and humans

jesus - powerful, in control, calm

god - has given Jesus power, god is in control and has a plan

humans- little faith in god

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how does Jesus' miracle of healing people from sickness teach about Jesus, God and humans

jesus- all powerful and all loving

god- god has a plan

humans- by believing in Christianity you will get rewarded

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whats the key events in the story of Mary, Martha and Lazarus?

  1. mary, martha and lazerus were siblings and their dad was a leper and jesus healed him

  2. they were grateful to jesus and let him stay in their house if he needed to and they became friends

  3. lazerus then gets sick and mary and martha send for jesus' help but jesus said "this sickness will not end in death"

  4. lazerus is dead 4 days before jesus aroves and jesus wept at his grave

  5. jesus prayed to the heavenly father and lazerus came out of his grave alive

  6. people who saw the miracle believed in jesus but others reported it too the jewish leaders who were angry as jesus had resurrected him on the holy day (sabbath)

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what were the key events from the last supper

  • jesus + disciples go into the city to find someones house to celebrate passover at

  • they ate in the evening and jesus announces one of his disciples will betray him when judas asks if hes talking about him

  • then he took bread and wine and said it was his body and blood

  • they eat, sung a hym and then went out to the mountain of olives

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what happens on the day after the last supper (on the friday)?

jesus is put on trial, tortured, crucified and dies. The world went dark and there was a huge earthquake.

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what happens the day after jesus is crucified ( on the saturday)

the disciples go into hiding so they dint get killed for being friends with Jesus

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what happpens on the Sunday after jesus is crucified

the female disciples go to jesus grave to bury him but its empty. They think someone has stolen his body but they find out that Jesus is alive (the resurrection)

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what are 2 different beliefs Christians believe about resurrection

  1. some believe a persons soul is resurrected soon after the death occurs

  2. others believe that some time in the future when jesus will return to judge, the dead will be raised. The soul will go in a waiting room and Jesus will decide who goes to heaven/hell

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whats heaven

A state of eternal life in presence with God; the place of eternal peace ruled over by god

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whats hell

the place of eternal suffering or the state of being without god

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What's purgatory

The intermediate state where souls are cleansed in order to enter heaven

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whats satan

name for the devil - the power and the source of evil

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what are two contrasting christian beliefs about who will get into heaven

  1. some Christians believe only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven

  2. others believe Christians regardless of how they live their lives and by simply being baptised will guarantee a place in heaven

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what does repent mean

asking for forgiveness and changing your ways

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what do Christians believe Jesus’ role in salvation is

jesus’ death makes up for the original sin committed by Adam and eve and so can bring people back to god.

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whats the ressurection of jesus

the belief that jesus came back to life three days after he died on the cross

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whats the ascension on jesus

Jesus left the Earth by being taken up, body and soul, to Heaven to re-join God .

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whats atonement

restoring the relationship between people and god through the life, death and ressurection of jesus

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whats original sin

all humans are born with the urge to sin and disobey God because of adam and eve

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what is crucifiction

when jesus dies on the cross

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why is the Crucifixion important for Christians?

Jesus was able to forgive those who killed him showing that you that by accepting jesus sacrifice, their sins will be forgiven and they will go to heaven

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