Which federal act sought to have gun dealers run background checks on prospective buyers?
The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Megan’s Laws require states to provide communities with information about…
Sex Offenses
This was enacted to help address corporate fraud by providing for new and improved accounting standards for public companies in the United States
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
What measures self-reported drug use among high school students?
Monitoring the Future
President _________ signed the Patriot Act into law on October 27
Gun ______ programs are short-lived and voluntary
Right-to-carry laws all but guarantee that people who are not barred from purchasing guns can carry guns, often in a ____________ manner
Which approach includes trigger locks and personalized gun technology?
Altering gun design
It is estimated that enforcing America’s drug laws costs the federal government about _____ annually.
$18 billion
The ______ regulates virtually all consumer products, but not firearms
Consumer Product Safety Commission
According to one source, at least _____ of the national U.S. drug control budget is spent on apprehending and punishing drug dealers and users
Under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, the most ________
offenders were required to register for life due to the serious nature of their offenses
Research indicates that judges, and even the public, do not consider ___________ a serious offense
Presently, all _______ (with the exception of rural counties in Nevada) have chosen to
criminalize prostitution
The so-called _____ model of notification requires paroled sex offenders to directly notify the community they reside in of their offense
The most common legal challenge to sex offender registration is based on the __________ Amendment’s double jeopardy provision
One of the most common approaches to crime control in the United States is for legislators to ban certain _________ and substances that are thought to contribute to the crime problem
So long as the justice system fails to target the demand for drugs that exists, the supply will eventually find its way to ______
Critics of drug and gun bans argue that criminalization creates a black market where products and services will be provided by profit-seeking criminal _______
Research suggests that ___________ resulted in only modest reductions in the consumption of alcohol, despite significant increases in the costs of alcohol resulting from the policy
America’s war on drugs has had little adverse affect on inner-city communities
Participation in “buyback programs” of firearms is strictly voluntary
The Brady Bill sought to establish waiting periods for purchasing guns
The Eighth Amendment prohibits government from bringing someone to trial again after acquittal
America’s prohibition of alcohol is often cited as a resounding success and evidence we should continue bans on substances