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who was the roman centurion who that Peter vistied after receiving a vision?
which disciple preached on the day of pentecost and is recorded in the book of Acts?
what is saul doing the first time we see him in the book of acts?
saul was holding the coats of those who stoned stephen
who explained the prophecies of Isaiah to an Ethiopian eunuch and then baptized him?
what was the issue being debated at the Jerusalem council (Acts 15)?
Do Gentiles have to become Jews?
How does the book of Acts end?
Paul still in prison in Rome awaiting his trial
what is the genre style of the apocalypse in revelation?
who laid hands on the blind Paul, and later baptized him into Christianity?
when Paul and Barnabas travelled on their missionary journeys they took the gospel to this first?
according to Paul’s writings, the punishment for sin is
how many missionary journeys of Paul are recorded in the book of Acts
who was the original audience for the book of revelations?
the 1st century churches/christians in asia
which of the following is not considered one of the general letters or epistles?
1 Peter
What is another word for letter?
you cannot separate faith and works
How does James describe the relationship between faith and works?
paul preached in this city to philosophers at the areopagus (also called mars hill) about the “unknown God”?
what is the main purpose of Revelation?
to encourage persecuted Christians
Paul defines____as “to be placed in covenant relationship with God.” Sometimes this word is translated “to be made righteous” or “to be acceptable by God”
True or False, Revelation predicts the date of christ’s return
true or false, Galatians if a Pauline letter?
true or false, Titus is not one of Paul’s prison letters?
in Paul’s letters, he understands Sin (with a capital “S”) as the sin of____
Paul defines___as “a person’s acceptance of God’s free and undeserved gift of covenant relationship.”
what is the climax of the book of Revelation?
we will enjoy a new heaven and Earth
what changed between the end of the gospels and Acts 2 that allowed Peter to preach?
Peter was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit
what is one of the main purposes of the book of Acts?
continuation of the gospel story
True or false, Philemon is one of Paul’s prison letters?
What is the term described as God’s undeserving kindness?
The first half of the book of Acts focuses on
Ministry of Peter
Paul says in the letter to the Romans that God’s gift to humanity is
Eternal Life
Traditionally, each gospel has been associated with a figure. Which gospel is associated with which figure?
Matthew- Human
Luke-Ox (Beast of Burden)
In mark 13 Jesus told his disciples that instead of trying to predict when the end times would occur, they should do what?
keep alert and awake
what does “synoptic” mean?
seen together
Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem. What are they supposed to wait for?
Power on High
Which gospels are the Synoptic gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke
in the gospel of mark, the women who find Jesus’ empty tomb say nothing to anyone about what they found. what reason does Mark give for their silence?
they were afraid
which of the many “Judaisms” that existed in the 1st century was characterized as: aristocratic members of the priesthood, who were more conservative? The temple was central to this group’s existence
Who was king of judea when Jesus was born?
King Herod (Herod the Great)
Many Jews had certain expectations for the role of God’s savior—they seemed to have expected a ____.
Someone to overthrow the Roman Empire
Rome allowed client states to rule themselves as along as they did two things:
keep the peace and pay the taxes
Which gospels contain the story of Jesus’ birth?
Matthew and Luke
What is the only gospel that does NOT contain post-resurrection appearances of Jesus?
This blind man has to be healed twice in the gospel of Mark
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, what did he do when he looked at the city?
he wept over it
True or false, Mark identifies Jesus as the Son of God
This roman governor did not want to sentence jesus to death, but because he wanted to satisfy the crowd, he allowed Jesus to be crucified
when Joseph and Mary forgot Jesus at age twelve, what was Jesus doing?
teaching in the temple
who was the king of judea who executed John the baptizer?
Herod Antipas
who are the first people to find that Jesus has been resurrected?
Mary Magdalene, the other Mary (the women)
Who helped carry Jesus’ cross?
simon of cyrine
which disciple betrayed Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane
after Jesus’ crucifixion, some of the women disciples want to prepare his body for burial. why can’t they do this right away?
it was sabbath day and passover
Jesus tells three parables in a row to the listening Pharisees and sinners. These parables are____, the parable of the lost coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son
the Lost Sheep
how does Jesus respond to Satan’s temptations?
quoting scripture
Where does John do most of his baptizing?
the Jordan River
Which of the following happened earliest?
Paul’s Third Missionary Trip
Paul’s witness in Caesarea
Paul’s witness in Rome
True or False, Hebrews is not a letter written by Paul?
When Jesus is born, who recognizes the significance of the newborn child?
the Shepards
Who functioned as a bridge between the old and the new covenants?
John the Baptist
Which covenant did Jesus inaugurate during the Passover Meal (or the Lord’s Supper)?
the new covenant
what is the relationship between Abraham’s and the new covenant?
That the covenant brings the Abrahamic covenant to fulfillment
With which sect of Judaism did Paul affilate?
Jesus’ Mother’s name was
Jesus’ main message was
The kingdom of God had come
Which of the following is an example of “recapitualation”?
Jesus’ favorite method of teaching was
the use of parables