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What are the different types of psychological treatments?
Psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, group therapy
Biomedical treatments for psychological disorders
medication, and brain stimulation
Brain stimulation
Doesn’t have the side effects of medication. It’s mostly used for depression
Empirical Evidence
information acquired by observation or experimentation that is used to confirm or disprove a hypothesis or theory
“The Extraction of the Stone of Madness”
Based on intuition, beliefs, authority
Methods in modern psychology
medication, psychotherapy, brain stimulation, changes in thinking
Empirical evidence for evaluation treatments
Original studies, replicate original studies, review
Randomized Clinical Trial
A type of scientific experiment that aims to reduce bias when testing the effectiveness of new treatments, by randomly assigning participants to either the treatment group or the control group
Empirical evidence for evaluation treatments
Original studies (Experiments) → replications → review (systematic reviews / meta-analysis)
The process of repeating a research study or experiment under the same or similar conditions to verify the results and ensure reliability
Systematic Review
A methodical and comprehensive synthesis of all available evidence on a specific research question, often using rigorous criteria to search, appraise, and summarize the findings of multiple studies
Meta analysis
a statistical technique that combines the results of multiple scientific studies to quantify the overall effect size and derive a more precise estimate of the effect.
Effect size
a measure of the strength or magnitude of the effects of treatment
Main symptoms of ADHD
Making careless mistakes
Treatments for ADHD
Methylphenidata (Ritalin)
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Can cause anxiety and addiction
New Treatments
Systematic reviews in health care database