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List the 10 mininum requirements for initiation for an individual
1. Earn at least a GPA of 2.7 with at least 10 credits
2. Pay all finances
3. Complete the greek life EDU courses
4. Complete capstone presentations
5. Attend 12 hours of study tables per week
6. 10 hours or $200 towards charity
7. Organize 5 brotherhood events
8. Provide #'s of 2 rushees
9. Attend all Fraternal events
10. Earn at least 90% points
What and when are your weekly obligations for the fraternity?
1. Associate meetings every sunday at 8 pm
2. Mandatory activities Wednesday at 8 pm
3. Study tables (Mon-Thurs 5:30-8 PM)
4. Grade checks weekly
5. Housing and Kitchen duties
6. Collard shirt mondays
What are the associate class responsebilities NOT covered under the minimum requirements?
1. Chapter improvement project
2. Class paddle
3. Scrapbook
4. Brotherhood event
5. Officer elections
What are the three Pi Kappa Phi standards of excellence?
Academics, Leadership, Service
What are the Alpha Delta Chapter basic rules of conduct?
1. Clean after yourself
2. No sweareing in formal
3. No eating/drinking in formal
4. No illegal activities while wearing house letters
5. Answer the door asap
6. Housing/kitchen duties done on time
7. Be a gentleman
8. Treat others with respect
9. Give cook respect
List all risk management policies outlined in the National Risk Management Policy
1. Must follow all fed. state laws
2. No illegal drugs
3. Alc must be provided by 3rd party vendor
4. No presence of Hard alcohol unless provided by 3rd party vendor
4. Alc cant be purchased with chapter funds
5. Cannot host event with bar unless rented
6. Cant host or cohost an event with Alc
7. dry rush
8. Hosted event must sustain a 3:1 ratio of guest to member
9. Cannot encourage drinking, ect
Define Hazing
Any action or situation created intentionally that causes any embarassement, harrassment or ridicule. Risks emotional or physical harm to members of a group or team, regardless of the persons willingness to participate
Write out Alpha Delta's mission statement.
Alpha deltas mission is to maintain a Gentlemans Fraternity where brotherhood is the utmost. We strive to attain excellent standards and we shall never haze.