REL 1350 Final Exam

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T/F The strict purity codes of the Jewish people in the ancient Greco-Roman world were likely quite foreign conceptually to the surrounding non-Jewish cultures who had very little understanding of “purity” and “pollution”

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T/F The strict purity codes of the Jewish people in the ancient Greco-Roman world were likely quite foreign conceptually to the surrounding non-Jewish cultures who had very little understanding of “purity” and “pollution”


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“A term of central importance for discourse about patronage is charis, frequently translates as"…””


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Considering the importance of the household within the ancient Greco-Roman world (the prominence of the paterfamilia), some groups not bound through blood or marriage used terminology drawn from the world of the household. Your text notes that such groups were attempting to establish “…” among their groups

Fictive kinships

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In the description of the proper standards Greco-Roman kin groups were to uphold in their relationships, your text lists 4 characteristics. Which of the following was not one of the characteristics listed?

Kin groups were usually charged with protecting the municipality and so had to be both unified in their goals and battle ready were enemies to arise

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T/F While the dynamics of honor and shame were an integral part of Roman social sensibilities, such dynamics were largely foreign to the Jewish people, further straining the Roman-Jewish relationship


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_____ criticism of the new Testament Gospels claims that the text can be broken down into “units of tradition” which can be studied independently of their literary context, attempting to get back to earliest form of these “units of tradition”


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Most likely, the New Testament Gospels were patterned after this ancient literary form

the ancient biography or “bios”

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Before reaching their completed literary form in the Gospels, the content of the Gospels likely went through a period in which the traditions surround (and sayings of) Jesus were

relayed or passed down through oral tradition

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In understanding the relationship of the New Testament Gospels, one prominent theory, the two-source hypothesis, argues that both Luke and Matthew used Mark and “Q” for their constructions. What is “Q”?

A theoretical source, primarily composed of Jesus’ sayings and derived from the German “quelle” (source)

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T/F The ancient Christian movement(s) produced numerous non-canonical gospels, many of which represented ideologies which were not harmonious with how the majority of the church understood the ministry of Jesus


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Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew introduces Jesus as “the messiah, the son of _____, the son of _____” indicating the importance of these two persons for understanding the ministry of Jesus

Abraham; David

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Within this genealogy, the author of Matthew mentions four individuals which differ from the characteristics of the rest of the people on the list. What is different about these four persons?

They are all women

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At the end of the genealogy in Matthew 1, the author of Matthew separates the content of the genealogy into three groups; how many names are included in each group?


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In Matthew’s Gospel, Matthew includes a number of teaching sections which some have correlated with the number of books in the torah. How many discreet teaching sections does Matthew include?


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Your text discusses the peculiarities of Matthew’s Gospel. Specifically, Matthew differes from the other Gospels in that he uses a much larger number of “_____” - that is, direct links with the Old Testament texts, usually the texts of the prophets

formula quotations

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In Matthew 2, the “holy family” (Jesus and his parents, Mary and Joseph) receive three visitors, bearing gifts for the young Jesus. What title are these three visitors given?


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Immediately after receiving the three visitors from the East in Matthew 2, Joseph receives an angelic message in a dream telling him ______

to take his family to Egypt for Herod was trying to kill the child

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What divine sign is enacted on Jesus as he emerges from the Jordan river after being baptized by John the Baptist?

the Spirit descends in the form of a dove and a voice decalers, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased”

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In Matthew’s Gospel, immediately after being baptized in the Jordan, Jesus is led by the Spirit ______

into the wilderness of Judea to be tempted

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In Matthew 5-7, Matthew provides the first of Jesus’ teaching sections in what has come to be known as ________

the “sermon on the mount”

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In Matthew 8:5-13, Jesus heals the boy/servant of a _______ commenting on the greatness of his faith

Roman centurion

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Passing into the region of the Gadarenes (in Matthew 8:28-34), Jesus exorcised demons from two men. Where did he send the demons?

into a herd of pigs

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In Matthew 10, Jesus gathers his 12 disciples and directs them to do what?

go to the “Lost sheep of the house of Israel” in a ministry of divine signs

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In Chapter 14 when Jesus feeds the 5,000 (plus women and children), what was originally brought to him as the available food?

five loaves of bread and two fish

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In Matthew 14, a “Canaanite” woman copmes to Jesus seeking what?

healing for her demon-tormented daughter

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This title, used often by Jesus as a title for himself in the Gospels, is likely taken from a vision in the book of Daniel and implies a divine position near to Yahweh

Son of Man

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In Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21), he rides on a ________ in order to fulfill a Hebrew prophecy


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After Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem in Matthew 21, Jesus went directly to the _________

temple in order to “cleanse”” it

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In Matthew 23, Jesus repeatedly condemns the ______ and ______ for a variety of offenses, emphasizing their hypocrisy

scribes; Pharisees

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In Matthew 26, Jesus prepares for and implements his last supper with his disciples (often called the Lord’s supper), correlated with the Jewish Passover celebration (i.e. Feast of Unleavened Bread). What two foods does he use in the meal with his disciples?

bread and “fruit of the vine” (wine)

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After Jesus was questioned by the high priest in Matthew 26-27, he was handed over to a Roman official named _____ who, though he was skeptical of the accusations against Jesus, eventually handed him over to be crucified


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Accompanied by his disciples, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane after his final supper with them in order to ______ immediately before his arrest


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From the following list, choose all the events which Matthew lists as occuring at the point of Jesus’ death in Matthew 27

Rocks were split, saints who had died were resurrected, an earthquake, the temple curtain was torn in two

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According to Matthew, who were the two followers of Jesus who first saw Jesus after his resurrection and were commissioned to bring the news to the rest of his disciples?

Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary”

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T/F In Jesus’ final commission to his disciples in Matthew 28:16-20 (the “Great Commission”), he commands his disciples to go only to those “lost sheep of the house of Israel”, indicating that, at least at the time, the mission of the church was only to the Jews.


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Ten days after Jesus’ ascension (and 50 days after the beginning of the Jewish Passover), the earliest believers experienced the Jewish festival of Pentecost; while originally a harvest festival, Pentecost now commemorates for Christians the _________

giving of the Holy Spirit to the earliest believers in Jerusalem

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One minor important event in the books of Acts was Peter’s bringing of the good news to a man named Cornelius (and his household). What is especially noteworthy about this event?

Cornelius’ (and his householder’s) conversion, as gentiles, convinced the early church that the message of the Gospel and the giving of the Spirit had come to both Jews and Gentiles alike

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One of the primary persecutors of the early church was a man named ________ who would eventually become Christianity’s most famous convert, the author of numerous New Testament epistles, and the “Apostle to the Gentiles”

Saul (also called Paul)

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According to Acts 2, the Pentecost experience included multiple divine signs for the earliest believers in Christ. Which of the following was NOT an accompanying sign of the events of Pentecost

the bodily resurrection of Jesus

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T/F early in the life of the church, if was persecution that pushed Christians to take their message beyond Jerusalem and Judea to other parts of the world


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In Galatians 1, Paul declares that he received his Gospel not from a human nor from being taught it but , rather, he received it ______

through a revelation of Jesus Christ

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In Galatians 1, Paul declares that, after his “conversion”, Paul went ________

into Arabia

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After Saul/Paul’s conversion, he eventually returned to Jerusalem. According to Galatians, what two apostles did he see in Jeruslaem during his first 15 day stay in Jerusalem?

Cephas (Peter) and James, the Lord’s brother

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In Galatians 2, Paul recounts confronting ________ “to his face, because he stood condemned” in Antioch

Cephas (Peter)

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Regarding the previously mentioned individual whom Paul confronted, over what behavior did Paul confront this individual?

He refused to eat with Gentiles after “some men from James” had arrived in Antioch

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The _________ presents the idea that Judaism of Paul’s day wasn’t actually “legalistic and driven by works righteousness” but rather it saw a foundation of grace and mercy at the root of God’s covenant with his people

New Perspective on Paul

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Toward the end of Galatians 3, Paul compares the law to a ________, arguing for its limited, even temporary role in the lives of believers in Christ


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In Galatians 4, Paul presents an allegory regarding believers in Christ using what two women from Jewish scriptures?

Sarah and Hagar

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Paul discusses in Galatians 5 the fruit of the ________ in contradistinction with the previously mentioned works of the flesh


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Spoken of throughout Galatians, this act is repeatedly renounced by Paul as something the Galatians believers should not engage in because they are not under law but under grace


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Of the possible early authors, which do most scholars believe has the best claim to having authored the Epistle of James in the New Testament?

James, the brother of Jesus

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T/F In the Epistle of James, there are only two references to Jesus: one in James 1:1 and one in James 2:1


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In looking at the organization of James, many have looked to James 1 as an epitome, a __________

summary of the contents of the whole

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In what traditional Jewish genre do most scholars place the epistle of James?

wisdom tradition

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It has appeared to many over the centuries that the author of James is antagonistic toward what other early church figure

the Apostle Paul

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In James 3, the author of James describes ______ as a “fire” and “a world of iniquity” which “stains the whole body, sets on fire the cycloe of life, and is itself set on fire by hell.”

the tongue

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In James 5:13-18, the author describes the prayer of faith and its effectiveness; in doing so, he uses what Old Testament prophet as an example of effective prayer?


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In James 5:12, the author of James prohibits what activity (mirrored in the Gospel of Matthew’s similar prohibition against this activity)?

swearing an oath

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T/F Your supplemental article by Alicia Batten argues that the Epistle to James was largely alone within its original context in its condemnation of the wealthy and the pursuit of wealth


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In James 4:13-16, the author of James warns against overconfidence (boasting). What example does the author give to illustrate such warned-against overconfidence?

declaring that one will spend a year in a city, doing business, and making money

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According to Revelation 7, John hears that an angel “seals” 144,000 persons, drawns from _________

each of the twelve tribes of Israel

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The Book of Revelation was written by John to ________

the seven churches of Asia

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In the desciption of the heavenly worship in Revleation 4, the throne is surrounded by four beings. Which description below matches the description in Revelation 4 of these four beings?

Each of the four beings looked like a different creature, each had 6 wings, and each was covered with eyes

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In Revelation 5, the one seated on the throne holds a scroll with seven seals. While no one at first is found worthy to open the scroll, who eventually is found worthy to open the scroll (and does)?

a lamb who looks like he has been slaughtered

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The Book of Revelation is an example of this type of literary genre

apocalyptic literature

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