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Exam 2 study guide // CH 4-7

Exam 2 Study Guide

Cells Pt 1

  • 3 parts of the basic cell

    • Cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm

  • Principles of cell theory

    • All living things are made of cells

    • Cells = basic unit of life

    • Cells arise from pre-existing cells (not spontaneous generation as previously thought)

    • Hereditary info is passed from cell (DNA)

    • All cells have the basic chemical composition (carbs, proteins, lipids, etc.)

    • Energy flow occurs within cells (metabolism)

  • Cell membrane function

    • Separates insides of cell from the outside environment. Dictates what passes through the cell

  • Defining characteristic for difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

    • Prokaryotes don’t have a nucleus, eukaryotes do have a nucleus

  • What do ribosomes do

    • Synthesize proteins

  • Structure bacteria use during bacterial conjugation

    • pili

  • Label on prokaryotic cell: flagella, nucleoid, cell membrane

  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    • Father of microbiology, made a microscope, discovered cells

Lecture: Cells Part 2

  • Know the function of the endomembrane system (you don’t have to know the steps)

    • modifies, transports, and packages proteins and lipids in the cell

  • Know which cell junctions are found in animal cells and plant cells

    • Animals: tight junctions, adhering junctions, gap junctions

    • Plants: plasmodesmata

  • Know the different structures cells use to move

    • Motor proteins, cilia, pseudopods

  • Terms to know:

    • Exocytosis: moving something inside the cell to outside

    • ATP (cell currency): produces energy

Lecture: Intro to Metabolism

  • Know difference in chemical, kinetic, and potential energy

    • Chemical- energy stored in chemical bonds

    • Kinetic - energy of motion

    • Potential - stored energy related to something’s position

  • Know difference in autotrophs and heterotrophs

    • Autotrophs - make their own food using the sun’s energy; producers

    • Heterotrophs - don’t make their own food, eat others for energy; consumers

  • Know the first two laws of thermodynamics

    • Energy can’t be created or destroyed. Energy tends to disperse.

  • Know difference in exergonic and endergonic reactions

    • Ex - energy releasing, spontaneous

    • End - energy consuming, needs energy

  • Terms to know:

    • Catabolism - destroys; breaking down glucose from food to form ATP. Uses and Produces energy

    • Anabolism - builds; building proteins using amino acids. Uses energy

    • Metabolism - chemical reactions in body’s cells that change food into energy

    • Energy - ability to do work; ability to cause some kind of change

    • activation energy - minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction

Lecture: Enzymes and Membranes

  • Know that enzymes are reusable and coenzymes are not

  • Know where catalysis occurs on enzymes

    • The active site

  • Know difference in linear and cyclic pathways

    • Linear is reaction to reaction and it ends. Cyclic is reaction to reaction where the last reactions starts the reactions again

  • Know difference in

    • receptor proteins - Trigger change in cellular activity in response to stimuli

    • adhesion proteins - Fasten cell’s membranes together

    • transport proteins - Transports substances across lipid bilayer

    • Enzymes - Catalyzes reactions at membrane

  • Know difference in active and passive use of transport proteins

    • Active requires energy to move across membrane, goes against gradient differences. Passive doesn’t require input to happen

  • Terms to know:

    • Phosphorylation - donates phosphate group to enzyme which donates to reaction

    • Diffusion - spontaneous spreading of molecules or atoms through a fluid or gas

    • Catalysis - Speeds up reactions

    • Osmosis - the movement of fluid across membranes

Lecture: Sunlight

  • Know where photosynthesis occurs in eukaryotic cells

    • Chloroplasts, thylakoid, stroma

  • Know that light with wavelength of 380-750nm is visible light

  • Know that different colors come from different wavelengths of light

  • Know that photon energy is inverse to wavelength

  • Know what pigment gives plants their green color

    • Chlorophyll a

  • Terms to know: photon

    • A particle of light

  • People to know: Theodor Engelmann

    • Discovered sunlight is driver for photosynthesis, hypothesized color of light affects photosynthesis; blue and red are best for driving photosynthesis

Lecture: Light - dependent reactions

  • Know where light-dependent reactions take place

    • Thylakoid membrane

  • Know what types of light-dependent reactions use which photosystems

    • Cyclic light dependent reactions use PSI and noncyclic light dependent reactions uses PSI and PSII

  • Know what flows through ATP synthase to trigger phosphorylation

    • Hydrogen ions

  • Know the products of both types of light-dependent reactions

    • Cyclic produces ATP

    • Noncyclic produces ATP, NADPH, and Oxygen

  • Terms to know: carbon fixation

    • taking carbon atoms from inorganic molecules (CO₂) to attach them to organic molecules (sugar)

Lecture: Light - independent reactions

  • Know product of light-independent reactions

    • Sugars (glucose)

  • Know where light-dependent reactions occur

    • stroma

  • Know what enzyme starts the Calvin Cycle

    • Rubsico

  • Know most molecules of PGAL are recycled back into the Calvin Cycle

  • Know difference in

    • C3 - fixes carbon once, both stages of photosynthesis run during the day, stomata are closed during the day, 85% of modern plants

    • C4 - closes stomata during the day, fixes carbon twice, 3% of modern plants

    • CAM plants - fixes carbon twice, stomata open at night, desert plants, 12% of modern plants

Lecture: Intro to Cell Respiration

  • Know how oxygen negatively affected the earth

    • Oxygen was toxic, it polluted the air. Great oxidation event - give rise to multicellularity

  • Know oxidative stress

    • Free radicals accumulating and stopping the mitochondria from functioning, damages tissues.

  • Terms to know:

    • Aerobic - can live in the presence of oxygen

    • Anaerobic - without oxygen

    • Antioxidants - minimize damage caused by oxygen

Lecture: Aerobic cell respiration

  • Know where glycolysis occurs

    • cytoplasm

  • Know the product of glycolysis

    • Produces ATP by converting glucose to pyruvate

  • Know what oxygen does in electron transfer phosphorylation

    • O₂ accepts electrons from transfer chain and other H+. creates H₂O

Lecture: Anaerobic cell respiration

  • Know the product of alcoholic and lactate fermentation

    • Alcoholic fermentation converts glucose into ethyl alcohol

    • Lactate fermentation converts glucose into lactate

  • Know why fermentation is less efficient than aerobic respiration

    • It doesn’t fully break down glucose and only produces 2 molecules of ATP vs aerobic respiration producing 36 molecules of ATP

Exam 2 study guide // CH 4-7

Exam 2 Study Guide

Cells Pt 1

  • 3 parts of the basic cell

    • Cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm

  • Principles of cell theory

    • All living things are made of cells

    • Cells = basic unit of life

    • Cells arise from pre-existing cells (not spontaneous generation as previously thought)

    • Hereditary info is passed from cell (DNA)

    • All cells have the basic chemical composition (carbs, proteins, lipids, etc.)

    • Energy flow occurs within cells (metabolism)

  • Cell membrane function

    • Separates insides of cell from the outside environment. Dictates what passes through the cell

  • Defining characteristic for difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

    • Prokaryotes don’t have a nucleus, eukaryotes do have a nucleus

  • What do ribosomes do

    • Synthesize proteins

  • Structure bacteria use during bacterial conjugation

    • pili

  • Label on prokaryotic cell: flagella, nucleoid, cell membrane

  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    • Father of microbiology, made a microscope, discovered cells

Lecture: Cells Part 2

  • Know the function of the endomembrane system (you don’t have to know the steps)

    • modifies, transports, and packages proteins and lipids in the cell

  • Know which cell junctions are found in animal cells and plant cells

    • Animals: tight junctions, adhering junctions, gap junctions

    • Plants: plasmodesmata

  • Know the different structures cells use to move

    • Motor proteins, cilia, pseudopods

  • Terms to know:

    • Exocytosis: moving something inside the cell to outside

    • ATP (cell currency): produces energy

Lecture: Intro to Metabolism

  • Know difference in chemical, kinetic, and potential energy

    • Chemical- energy stored in chemical bonds

    • Kinetic - energy of motion

    • Potential - stored energy related to something’s position

  • Know difference in autotrophs and heterotrophs

    • Autotrophs - make their own food using the sun’s energy; producers

    • Heterotrophs - don’t make their own food, eat others for energy; consumers

  • Know the first two laws of thermodynamics

    • Energy can’t be created or destroyed. Energy tends to disperse.

  • Know difference in exergonic and endergonic reactions

    • Ex - energy releasing, spontaneous

    • End - energy consuming, needs energy

  • Terms to know:

    • Catabolism - destroys; breaking down glucose from food to form ATP. Uses and Produces energy

    • Anabolism - builds; building proteins using amino acids. Uses energy

    • Metabolism - chemical reactions in body’s cells that change food into energy

    • Energy - ability to do work; ability to cause some kind of change

    • activation energy - minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction

Lecture: Enzymes and Membranes

  • Know that enzymes are reusable and coenzymes are not

  • Know where catalysis occurs on enzymes

    • The active site

  • Know difference in linear and cyclic pathways

    • Linear is reaction to reaction and it ends. Cyclic is reaction to reaction where the last reactions starts the reactions again

  • Know difference in

    • receptor proteins - Trigger change in cellular activity in response to stimuli

    • adhesion proteins - Fasten cell’s membranes together

    • transport proteins - Transports substances across lipid bilayer

    • Enzymes - Catalyzes reactions at membrane

  • Know difference in active and passive use of transport proteins

    • Active requires energy to move across membrane, goes against gradient differences. Passive doesn’t require input to happen

  • Terms to know:

    • Phosphorylation - donates phosphate group to enzyme which donates to reaction

    • Diffusion - spontaneous spreading of molecules or atoms through a fluid or gas

    • Catalysis - Speeds up reactions

    • Osmosis - the movement of fluid across membranes

Lecture: Sunlight

  • Know where photosynthesis occurs in eukaryotic cells

    • Chloroplasts, thylakoid, stroma

  • Know that light with wavelength of 380-750nm is visible light

  • Know that different colors come from different wavelengths of light

  • Know that photon energy is inverse to wavelength

  • Know what pigment gives plants their green color

    • Chlorophyll a

  • Terms to know: photon

    • A particle of light

  • People to know: Theodor Engelmann

    • Discovered sunlight is driver for photosynthesis, hypothesized color of light affects photosynthesis; blue and red are best for driving photosynthesis

Lecture: Light - dependent reactions

  • Know where light-dependent reactions take place

    • Thylakoid membrane

  • Know what types of light-dependent reactions use which photosystems

    • Cyclic light dependent reactions use PSI and noncyclic light dependent reactions uses PSI and PSII

  • Know what flows through ATP synthase to trigger phosphorylation

    • Hydrogen ions

  • Know the products of both types of light-dependent reactions

    • Cyclic produces ATP

    • Noncyclic produces ATP, NADPH, and Oxygen

  • Terms to know: carbon fixation

    • taking carbon atoms from inorganic molecules (CO₂) to attach them to organic molecules (sugar)

Lecture: Light - independent reactions

  • Know product of light-independent reactions

    • Sugars (glucose)

  • Know where light-dependent reactions occur

    • stroma

  • Know what enzyme starts the Calvin Cycle

    • Rubsico

  • Know most molecules of PGAL are recycled back into the Calvin Cycle

  • Know difference in

    • C3 - fixes carbon once, both stages of photosynthesis run during the day, stomata are closed during the day, 85% of modern plants

    • C4 - closes stomata during the day, fixes carbon twice, 3% of modern plants

    • CAM plants - fixes carbon twice, stomata open at night, desert plants, 12% of modern plants

Lecture: Intro to Cell Respiration

  • Know how oxygen negatively affected the earth

    • Oxygen was toxic, it polluted the air. Great oxidation event - give rise to multicellularity

  • Know oxidative stress

    • Free radicals accumulating and stopping the mitochondria from functioning, damages tissues.

  • Terms to know:

    • Aerobic - can live in the presence of oxygen

    • Anaerobic - without oxygen

    • Antioxidants - minimize damage caused by oxygen

Lecture: Aerobic cell respiration

  • Know where glycolysis occurs

    • cytoplasm

  • Know the product of glycolysis

    • Produces ATP by converting glucose to pyruvate

  • Know what oxygen does in electron transfer phosphorylation

    • O₂ accepts electrons from transfer chain and other H+. creates H₂O

Lecture: Anaerobic cell respiration

  • Know the product of alcoholic and lactate fermentation

    • Alcoholic fermentation converts glucose into ethyl alcohol

    • Lactate fermentation converts glucose into lactate

  • Know why fermentation is less efficient than aerobic respiration

    • It doesn’t fully break down glucose and only produces 2 molecules of ATP vs aerobic respiration producing 36 molecules of ATP
