positively charged molecule
negatively charged molecule
a law stating that like charges repel and opposite charges attract (helps us measure electrical force)
What is Coulomb’s Law?
pulling electrons from one material to another
Charge by friction
bring charged objects near, but not touching
Charge by induction
charging one side of the atom or molecule (one side of the atom is more (+) or (-) than the other
Charge by Polarization
there is a negative charge
What happens when an object is charged by fur?
there is a positive charge
What happens when an object is charged by silk?
charge easily (silver and silicon)
hard to charge (glass)
non-flowing charges
what are electrostatics?
Amount of free electrons (-)
What are conductors and insulators determined by?
energy a charge has due to its location
(greater when closer) ;measured in volts
Electrical Potential
the current through each of the components is the same, and the voltage across the circuit is the sum of the voltages across each component
Series circuit
the voltage across each of the components is the same, and the total current is the sum of the currents through each component
Parallel circuit
a force that acts at a distance due to a magnetic field. This field is caused by moving electrically charged particles or is inherent in magnetic objects such as magnets
our magnetic field protects us from the solar wind from the sun
magnetic fields
allowing charges to flow off or on a conductor by touching it will a conductor
same number of positive and negative charges in an atom which cancel each other out
neutral charge
affect an electric field
Magnitude and direction
An electric charge is created when electrons are removed from an object. When negative charges are added to an object it becomes negatively charged and when they are removed they become positively charged.
What happens when you remove a charge from a charged object?
electric current (the greater the current the greater the magnetic field)
What produces a magnetic field?
voltage and resistance
What does the amount of current in a wire depend upon?
potential difference in a charge
What is voltage?
Resistance to a flow of charge
What is resistance?
Thickness, length and temperature of a wire
What does resistance depend upon?
must have a constant flow that is caused by a constant voltage
less resistance
What happens when the thickness of a wire increases?
more resistance
What happens when the length of a wire increases?
more resistance
What happens when the temperature of the wire increases?
it attracts electricity
why do we use lightening rods?
hold charges well (house and trees)
no charge buildup (charged are easily leaked)
Sharp objects
The space between objects (interactions of objects without touching)
What is a force field?
a charge alters the space around an object in such a way that another charge in the region experiences a force
How is an electric field created?
the space around an electric charge that is permitted by an electric field
What is an electric field?