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3.5 -The American Revolution- APUSH 10/6/21

3.5 The American Revolution


Learning Objective: Explain how various factors contributed to the American victory in the revolution

Theme Focus: America in the World

Patrioits vs Loyalist

  • Whigs vs Tories

  • Whigs = Patriots

  • Tories = Loyalists

  • Rebels treated Loyalists poorly

  • Tarred and feathered, hung, imprisoned

  • Some fled to British lines

Advantages vs Disadvantages for Britain and America in the War

America Advantages

America Disadvantages

Had a lot of good revolutionaries such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin

7.5 million Britons vs 2.5 million colonists

Marquis de Lafayette helped the Patriots

Badly organized at war as they lacked unity

Fought defensively

Basic Military supplies were very scarce in the colonies

Women helped during the Revolution by maintaining farms and businesses as well as accompanying the troops and cooking and sewing for them

Manufactured goods were in short supply

Had many minutemen, but they were highly unreliable

Britian Advantages

Britan Disadvantages

Had an army of around 50,000 men

Their army had a lot of difficulties that they had to work through

Army operating over 3,000 miles away from their home

Manufactured goods were in short supply

Three Fun Facts

  • During the Boston Tea Party, the colonists dumped about $1 million worth of tea into the water.

  • They boycotted British products by enforcing the everyone to boycott by threatening them like government

  • The declaration got rid of about ¼ of Jefferson’s original Declaration through editing

  • There weren’t many non-monarchial forms of government in the world

  • Better sense of equality after the Revolution

The War

  • Lexington and Concorde (April 1775)

  • British troops were sent to seize gunpowder and rebel leaders

  • Rebel minutemen resisted, ending in bullets exchange

  • Became the first battle of the war

  • Bunker Hill was seized by colonists (June 1775)

  • Just outside Boston

  • Gave colonists access to the British soldiers in the city

  • Eventually forced to abandon the hill

  • Battle of Long Island (August 1776)

  • Major British success

  • Untrained Americans on the retreat from British Army

  • On Christmas Day 1776, George Washington crossed Delaware

  • December 26: surprised and captured almost 1000 Hessians (Germans)

  • 1777: British attempted to cut off New England from the Rest of the colonies

  • Attempt thwarted by Patriot General Benedict Arnold

  • Tried to cut off the colonies by taking their quartz in New England

  • British General William Howe attempted to capture Philadelphia and quickly gave up

  • Purposely got himself up to prison so he could be warm in prison and have enough to eat instead of outside in the winter with the troops

  • Winter at Valley Forge

  • British General John (“Gentlemen Johnny”) Burgoyne was forced to surrender his command at Saratoga (Oct 17, 1777)

  • British General Charles Cornwallis fell back to Yorktown to await supplies & reinforcements

  • French and American forces attacked

  • Cornwallis surrendered 7,000 men on Oct. 19, 1781

  • Beginning of the end, even though the British continued fighting for more than a year

A Word War

  • Help from France

  • Treaty negotiated by Ben Franklin

  • French fears of reconciliation between British and Colonies pushed them to join the American cause (1778)

  • They didn’t want the British to have more wealth and resources and power

  • France hated the British for losing a lot of land from the 7 Years War

  • Spain and Holland also entered the war against Britain [a]

  • Didn’t send soldiers but sent resources and money

  • “Armed Neutrality” by Catherine the Great of Russia

  • Remained neutral countries exhibited “passive hostility” towards Britain

  • Didn’t help America but didn’t want Britain’s to win

  • British use of Hessians (Germans)

  • Hessians do not care about who wins the war

  • The American cause was helped by the fact that this became a worldwide war, too big for the British to handle

  • Britain cannot handle all of the other countries supporting the Colonies

  • Britain attempted to take the colonies one by one starting with the south (more Loyalists)

  • First Georgia than South Carolina

  • Had better support in the south

French in the War

  • 6,000 French troops arrived in 1780

  • Troops

  • Resources

  • Higher morale

  • Americans were wary but eventually became willing partners in the alliance

The West

  • Native Americans supporting the British in an attempt to keep their land

  • 1784: forced to sign Treaty of Fort Stanwix the first treaty between the US and an Indian nation

  • Forced to cede of their land

  • Excuse for colonies to take more land

  • Revenge for helping Britain out

  • British more susceptible to attack in rule areas

  • No roads, getting lost, fight in very strict formations that are very predictable in open plains

  • Native Americans could hide better and demolished many British forts

The Sea

  • Tiny American naval force making a dent against the huge British navy

  • Destroying merchant shipping

  • Privateers: privately owned armed ships

  • Did so on the basis of patriotism and greed

  • Could get wealthy from smuggling

  • Most of our navy was based on them

  • Loaded u their small boats with guns and gunpowder

Women in the War

  • Maintained farms and businesses while men fought

  • Camp followers: women who accompanied the troops, cooking, and sewing for them

  • Wanted to be patriotic, might have loved ones, sometimes got paid but not a priority, given rations and clothes

  • Women’s education increased after the war

  • Women needed to know enough to maintain business and other things in case this ever happened again (and it did)

African-Americans in the War

  • Initially banned from serving[b]

  • Neither free nor enslaved were allowed to

  • More than 5,000 by the end of the war, most from the north

  • Most volunteered

  • Some fought for the British side as well, in exchange for promises of freedom

  • Would evacuate some of the slaves to Britain to save them


  • Profiteers: selling goods and information to the British in exchange for gold

  • Tried to make a profit by selling colonial resources

  • Very easy to see who was one at the end because they were wealthier than most people since the economy was very bad

  • General Benedict Arnold (1780)

  • Sold out West Point for money

  • Elite Military Academy in New York

  • One of the only places where you could get training to fight[c]

  • Very important

  • Plot detected in the nick of time

  • Fled to England after the war

  • In reality, a minority of colonists supported the independence movement

The End of the War

  • John Adams, Ben Franklin, and John Jay represented America at peace talks in Paris

  • France wanted a weak America

  • Frances whole point in fighting in the war to become the biggest superpower instead of England

  • France didn’t get what they want out of the war[d]

  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

  • Recognized American Independence with generous geographical boundaries

  • Loyalists no longer to be persecuted

  • Opportunity to pay back British debts

  • Didn’t want America to take place of Britain

  • Extended land line further west past the Appalachian

  • Accepting defeat when they did not allow Britain the chance to build back up its navy and army and not lose their world power status

[a]What problems did Holland have against Britain?

[b]If we didn't allow them to serve because they weren't "humans" then why did colonists not care if they died?

[c]Where else could you go to get military training?

[d]How did France react to not getting what they wanted?

3.5 -The American Revolution- APUSH 10/6/21

3.5 The American Revolution


Learning Objective: Explain how various factors contributed to the American victory in the revolution

Theme Focus: America in the World

Patrioits vs Loyalist

  • Whigs vs Tories

  • Whigs = Patriots

  • Tories = Loyalists

  • Rebels treated Loyalists poorly

  • Tarred and feathered, hung, imprisoned

  • Some fled to British lines

Advantages vs Disadvantages for Britain and America in the War

America Advantages

America Disadvantages

Had a lot of good revolutionaries such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin

7.5 million Britons vs 2.5 million colonists

Marquis de Lafayette helped the Patriots

Badly organized at war as they lacked unity

Fought defensively

Basic Military supplies were very scarce in the colonies

Women helped during the Revolution by maintaining farms and businesses as well as accompanying the troops and cooking and sewing for them

Manufactured goods were in short supply

Had many minutemen, but they were highly unreliable

Britian Advantages

Britan Disadvantages

Had an army of around 50,000 men

Their army had a lot of difficulties that they had to work through

Army operating over 3,000 miles away from their home

Manufactured goods were in short supply

Three Fun Facts

  • During the Boston Tea Party, the colonists dumped about $1 million worth of tea into the water.

  • They boycotted British products by enforcing the everyone to boycott by threatening them like government

  • The declaration got rid of about ¼ of Jefferson’s original Declaration through editing

  • There weren’t many non-monarchial forms of government in the world

  • Better sense of equality after the Revolution

The War

  • Lexington and Concorde (April 1775)

  • British troops were sent to seize gunpowder and rebel leaders

  • Rebel minutemen resisted, ending in bullets exchange

  • Became the first battle of the war

  • Bunker Hill was seized by colonists (June 1775)

  • Just outside Boston

  • Gave colonists access to the British soldiers in the city

  • Eventually forced to abandon the hill

  • Battle of Long Island (August 1776)

  • Major British success

  • Untrained Americans on the retreat from British Army

  • On Christmas Day 1776, George Washington crossed Delaware

  • December 26: surprised and captured almost 1000 Hessians (Germans)

  • 1777: British attempted to cut off New England from the Rest of the colonies

  • Attempt thwarted by Patriot General Benedict Arnold

  • Tried to cut off the colonies by taking their quartz in New England

  • British General William Howe attempted to capture Philadelphia and quickly gave up

  • Purposely got himself up to prison so he could be warm in prison and have enough to eat instead of outside in the winter with the troops

  • Winter at Valley Forge

  • British General John (“Gentlemen Johnny”) Burgoyne was forced to surrender his command at Saratoga (Oct 17, 1777)

  • British General Charles Cornwallis fell back to Yorktown to await supplies & reinforcements

  • French and American forces attacked

  • Cornwallis surrendered 7,000 men on Oct. 19, 1781

  • Beginning of the end, even though the British continued fighting for more than a year

A Word War

  • Help from France

  • Treaty negotiated by Ben Franklin

  • French fears of reconciliation between British and Colonies pushed them to join the American cause (1778)

  • They didn’t want the British to have more wealth and resources and power

  • France hated the British for losing a lot of land from the 7 Years War

  • Spain and Holland also entered the war against Britain [a]

  • Didn’t send soldiers but sent resources and money

  • “Armed Neutrality” by Catherine the Great of Russia

  • Remained neutral countries exhibited “passive hostility” towards Britain

  • Didn’t help America but didn’t want Britain’s to win

  • British use of Hessians (Germans)

  • Hessians do not care about who wins the war

  • The American cause was helped by the fact that this became a worldwide war, too big for the British to handle

  • Britain cannot handle all of the other countries supporting the Colonies

  • Britain attempted to take the colonies one by one starting with the south (more Loyalists)

  • First Georgia than South Carolina

  • Had better support in the south

French in the War

  • 6,000 French troops arrived in 1780

  • Troops

  • Resources

  • Higher morale

  • Americans were wary but eventually became willing partners in the alliance

The West

  • Native Americans supporting the British in an attempt to keep their land

  • 1784: forced to sign Treaty of Fort Stanwix the first treaty between the US and an Indian nation

  • Forced to cede of their land

  • Excuse for colonies to take more land

  • Revenge for helping Britain out

  • British more susceptible to attack in rule areas

  • No roads, getting lost, fight in very strict formations that are very predictable in open plains

  • Native Americans could hide better and demolished many British forts

The Sea

  • Tiny American naval force making a dent against the huge British navy

  • Destroying merchant shipping

  • Privateers: privately owned armed ships

  • Did so on the basis of patriotism and greed

  • Could get wealthy from smuggling

  • Most of our navy was based on them

  • Loaded u their small boats with guns and gunpowder

Women in the War

  • Maintained farms and businesses while men fought

  • Camp followers: women who accompanied the troops, cooking, and sewing for them

  • Wanted to be patriotic, might have loved ones, sometimes got paid but not a priority, given rations and clothes

  • Women’s education increased after the war

  • Women needed to know enough to maintain business and other things in case this ever happened again (and it did)

African-Americans in the War

  • Initially banned from serving[b]

  • Neither free nor enslaved were allowed to

  • More than 5,000 by the end of the war, most from the north

  • Most volunteered

  • Some fought for the British side as well, in exchange for promises of freedom

  • Would evacuate some of the slaves to Britain to save them


  • Profiteers: selling goods and information to the British in exchange for gold

  • Tried to make a profit by selling colonial resources

  • Very easy to see who was one at the end because they were wealthier than most people since the economy was very bad

  • General Benedict Arnold (1780)

  • Sold out West Point for money

  • Elite Military Academy in New York

  • One of the only places where you could get training to fight[c]

  • Very important

  • Plot detected in the nick of time

  • Fled to England after the war

  • In reality, a minority of colonists supported the independence movement

The End of the War

  • John Adams, Ben Franklin, and John Jay represented America at peace talks in Paris

  • France wanted a weak America

  • Frances whole point in fighting in the war to become the biggest superpower instead of England

  • France didn’t get what they want out of the war[d]

  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

  • Recognized American Independence with generous geographical boundaries

  • Loyalists no longer to be persecuted

  • Opportunity to pay back British debts

  • Didn’t want America to take place of Britain

  • Extended land line further west past the Appalachian

  • Accepting defeat when they did not allow Britain the chance to build back up its navy and army and not lose their world power status

[a]What problems did Holland have against Britain?

[b]If we didn't allow them to serve because they weren't "humans" then why did colonists not care if they died?

[c]Where else could you go to get military training?

[d]How did France react to not getting what they wanted?