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Deontological Ethics
An ethical framework that is concerned with duties and rules, emphasizing what is morally right regardless of the consequences.
An ethical theory that judges the rightness or wrongness of an action based solely on its outcomes.
Natural Law
The moral theory that suggests human beings can understand what is right or wrong through reason and the natural order of the world.
A term referring to human flourishing or living well, often associated with happiness but emphasizing a more holistic view of a fulfilling life.
The Categorical Imperative
Kant's principle that one should act according to maxims that can be universally applied, treating others as ends and not means.
Teleological Ethics
Ethical theories that are focused on the outcomes or goals of actions rather than on duties and rules.
An ethical theory that evaluates actions based on their ability to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
Trolley Problem
A thought experiment in ethics that asks whether one should sacrifice one person to save a larger number of people.
Atonement Theory
Various theological perspectives on how Jesus' life, death, and resurrection reconcile humanity with God.
Penal Substitution
The atonement theory that posits Christ died as a substitute for sinners, satisfying divine justice.
Moral Exemplar Theory
The view that Jesus' life serves as a model for ethical behavior that Christians should emulate.
Ecclesial Ethics
Ethics that are developed within a community of believers, emphasizing that moral decisions are informed by communal values.
The transformative process of becoming one with God, integral to Orthodox understanding of salvation.
Satisfaction Theory
An atonement theory that proposes Christ's sacrifice restores the honor and justice of God.
Eudemonistic Teleological Ethics
An ethical approach that aims at maximizing flourishing or well-being.
Divine Command Ethics
Ethical theory that suggests actions are right or wrong based on God's commands.