Practice for Ms. Elena's Ballet Test
en l’air (ahn lehr)
in the air
arabesque (a-ra-BESK)
a position on one leg with the other behind either á terre, or en l’air (4 different types)
assemblé (a-sahn-BLAY)
to assemble/ to join
attitude (a-tee-TEWD)
a position standing on one leg with the other bent at an angle, en l’air
balancé (ba-lahn-SAY)
rocking step
ballonné (bah-low-NAY)
bounced/ ball like
ballotté (ba-law-TAY)
battement (bat-MAHN)
beating/ to beat
brisé (bree-ZAY)
broken/ breaking
cabriole (ka-bree-AWL)
caper. an allegro step in which the extended legs are beaten in the air.
cambré (com-BRAY)
chaînés (sheh-NAY)
chains/ links
changement/ changment de pieds (shahnzh-MAHN duh pyay)
change of the feet
chassé (sha-SAY)
en cloche (ahn klawsh)
like a bell
sur le cou-de-pied (sewr luh koo-duh-PYAY)
at the neck of the foot, sometimes wrapped
coupé (koo-PAY)
to cut
coupè jeté en tournant (koo-PAY zhuh-TAY ahn toor-NAHN)
a compound step consisting of a coupé dessous making a three-quarter turn and a grand jeté en avant to complete the turn. the step is usually done in a series either en manège or en diagonale.
couru (koo-REW)
croisé, croisée (kmJah-ZAY)
en croix (ahn krwah)
in the shape of a cross
en dedans (ahn duh-DAHN)
en dehors (ahn duh-AWR)
demi-plié (duh-MEE-plee-AY)
half bend on the knees keeping the heels on the ground
sur la demi-pointe (sewr la duh-mee-PWENT)
on the half point
derrière (deh-RYEHR)
behind/ back
dessous (duh-SOO)
dessus (duh-SEW)
devant (duh-VAHN)
in front
temps développé (tahn dayv-law-PAY)
time developed/ developing movement
en diagonale (ahn dya-gaw-NAL)
in a diagonal
échappé (ay-sha-PAY)
to escape
entrechat (ahn-truh-SHAH)
interweaving/ braiding
épaulement (ay-pohl-MAHN)
shouldering/ the placing of the shoulders
failli (fy-E)
failing/ giving away
fondu/ fondue (fawn-DEW)
to melt/ sinking down
fouetté (fweh-TAY)
whipped/ to whip
frappé (frah-PAY)
to strike
glissade (glee-SAD)
to glide
jeté (zhuh-TAY)
throwing step/ to throw
jeté battu (zhuh-TAY ba-TEW)
a beaten jeté
grand jeté en avant (grahn zhuh-TAY ah na-VAHN)
large jeté forward
grand jeté (grahn zhuh-TAY)
large jeté
petit jeté (puh-TEE zhuh-TAY)
small jeté
manèges (ma-nezh)
circular/ done in a circle
ouvert/ ouverte (oo-VEHR/ oo-VEHRT)
open/ opened
pas de bourée (pah day boo-RAY)
bourée step
pas de bourrée couru (pah duh boo-RAY koo-REW)
pas de bourrée running
pas de chat (pah duh shah)
step of the cat
pas de cheval (pah duh she-vall)
step of the horse
pas de deux (pah duh duh)
dance for two
passé (pah-SAY)
to pass
penché/ penchée (pahn-SHAY)
leaning/ inclining
cinq positions des pieds (sen paw-zee-SYAWN day pyay)
five positions of the feet
piqué (pee-KAY)
to prick
pirouette (peer-WET)
to whirl/ to spin
grande pirouette à la second (grahrul peer-WET a lah suh-GAWND)
large pirouette in second position
pirouette piquée (peer-WET pee-KAY)
pricked pirouette
plié (plee-AY)
to bend
port de bras (pawr duh brah)
carriage of the arms
tour de promenade (toor duh prawn-NAD)
turn in a walk, or on one leg
relevé (ruhl-VAY)
raised/ to raise
retiré (ruh-tee-RAY)
rond de jambe (rawn duh zhahnb)
circle of the leg
rond de jambe à terre (rawn duh zhahnb a tehr)
rond de jambe on the ground
rond de jambe en l’air (rawn duh zhahnb ahn lehr)
rond de jambe where the working leg in in the air
royale (ruah-YAL)
royal; changement with a beat
saut de basque (soh duh bask)
basque jump
sauté/ sautée (soh-TAY)
jumped/ jumping
sissonne (see-SAWN)
jump from both feet onto one foot
sissonne fermée (see-SAWN fehr-MAY)
jump from both feet onto both feet
grand sissonne ouverte (grahnd see-SAWN oo-VEHRT)
big open sissonne
sous-sus (soo-soo)
under over
soutenu (soo-ten-OO)
temps lié (tahn lee-AY)
connecting movement
en tournant (ahn toor-NAHN)
croisé devant (kmJah-ZAY duh-VAHN)
crossed to the front- one of the 8 positions of the body
à la quatrième devant/ en face (a lah cwa-TREE-em duh-VAHN/ ahn fahss)
to the fourth position to the front/ facing the audience- one of the 8 positions of the body
effacé devant/ effacée devant (eh-fa-SAY duh-VAHN)
shaded to the front- one of the 8 positions of the body
écarté (ay-har-TAY)
separated/ thrown wide apart- one of the 8 positions of the body (can be derrière or devant)
à la seconde (a lah suh-GAWND)
to second position- one of the 8 positions of the body
épaulé/ éffacé derrière (ay-paul-ay/ eh-fa-SAY deh-RYEHR)
shouldered/ open to the back- one of the 8 positions of the body
à la quatrième derrière (a lah cwa-TREE-em deh-RYEHR)
to the fourth position to the back- one of the 8 positions of the body
croisé derrière (kmJah-ZAY deh-RYEHR)
crossed to the back