Cases and Concepts in Comparative Politics 2nd edition
chapter 7 developed democracies
political diversity
balancing freedom and equality
modern and postmodern politics
international integration
European Union
intergovernmental system
supranational system
welfare state
tech economy
the immigration wave
sophomore year
transfer student
Societal institutions
________ are challenged by postmodern shifts and increasing diversity brought on by immigration.
________- characterized by a set of values that center on "quality of life "considerations and give less attention to material gain.
________ exist in the regulation, allowance, or prohibition of activities such as abortion, prostitution, and hate speech.
________ is seen as a way to bring government closer to the people.
Economic development
________ (stagnation or inequality) can lead to value "backsliding ..
Mercantilist systems
________ focus on development rather than freedom or equality.
________: characterized as secular, rational, materialistic, technological, and bureaucratic, and places a greater emphasis on individual freedom.
________ is a bicameral legislature.
Higher wages
________= higher labor costs= less business profit= less businesses= fewer jobs.
Developed democracy
a country with institutionalized democracy and a high level of economic development
Intergovernmental system
a system in which two or more countries cooperate on issues
Supranational system
an intergovernmental system with its own sovereign powers over member states