Opposite Claim
- red flag
centers on the opposite of the argument's conclusion
Grouped Extreme
- Red flag
- centers on the most extreme part of the groups discussed in the stimulus
What is the construction of a "Best Way" answer choice?
[Superlative] + [Value Judgement]
ex. "most effective", "most efficient"
Best Way
Red flag: literally uses the words "best way" or a Best Way keyword.
Red flag; when the answer choice is right except for one word or phrase
Red flag; labels something as important, usually without an explanation for why it is important
When does an "Important" answer choice become viable?
when the stimulus deems it important and explains why
Dormant Conditionals
Red flag; is never activated by premises in the stimulus
Opposite Claims negate the _________________ of the stimulus without also negating the _________________.
- conclusion
- premises
If you can activate the contrapositive of a conditional, it is not ________________________.
Comparatives and Absolutes
Comparative: red flag; states a relative relationship between 2 things
Absolutes: red flag; attaches an adjective to a thing
T/F: For comparative answers to be powerful, the comparative relationship needs to matter to the argument in the stimulus
In what question types are Stepladder answer choices especially desirable?
Sufficient Assumption and Strengthen
Powerful Conditionals
Powerful; a conditional that connects premises to the conclusion or to other premises
Provable Conditionals
Provable; A conditional that reads a chain from the stimulus or states a necessary assumption
In what two question types will you find necessary assumption answer choices stated as Provable Conditionals?
Inference and MSS
Crazy Nonsense
- red flag
- has nothing to do with anything in the stimulus
Strong Answers
Powerful; contains bold language and Certainty Power Players
Powerful; outlines a directly proportional relationship between 2 things
Grouped Opposite
Powerful; is about the opposite of the group discussed in the stimulus
In what type of stimulus is the Grouped Opposite answer choice most powerful
Causal stimuli
Grouped Opposites do not ___________/___________ a causal relationship. They nudge it in a different direction.
Weak Answers
Provable; contains flexible language and Possibility Power Players