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Dawes Plan
United States banks would lend large sums to Germany. Germany would use the money to rebuild its economy and pay reparations to Great Britain and France. Then Great Britain and France would pay their war debts to the United States.
American Civil Liberties Union
organization formed during the Red Scare to protect free speech rights
Buying on the margin
purchase method allowed people to borrow most of the cost of the stock, making down payments as low as 10 percent. Investors depended on the price of the stock increasing so they could repay their loans
Gross National Product
value of all the goods and services produced by a nation in one year.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
a measure for propping up faltering railroads, banks, life insurance companies, and other financial institutions. Pres Hoover believed emergency loans would stabilize key business and the benefits would "trickle down" to smaller businesses and ultimately bring recovery
Uneven income distribution
Wages had risen relatively little compared to the large increases in productivity and corporate profits. Economic success was not shared by all, as the top 5 percent of the richest Americans received over 33 percent of all wealth
Bonus March
Thousands of unemployed World War I veterans marched to Washington, D.C. and set up encampments to demand immediately payment of the bonuses promised to them at a later date.
Fireside Chats
President Franklin Roosevelt spoke on the radio to the American people.
Schechter v. U.S
Declared National Recovery Administration (NRA) unconstitutional
Congress of Industrial Organizations
labor union concentrated on organizing unskilled workers in the automobile, steel, and southern textile industries.
Stimson Doctrine
the United States would not recognize territorial changes resulting from Japan's invasion of Manchuria.
America First Committee
isolationists became alarmed by President Roosevelt's support for Britain. To mobilize American public opinion against the war, they formed this committee
Quarantine Speech
FDR proposed that democracies act together to "quarantine" Japan. Public reaction was negative, and the idea was abandoned.
Four Freedoms Speech
FDR proposed lending money to Britain for the purchase of U.S. military weapons. He argued that the U.S. must help other nations defend freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
Atlantic Charter
August 1941, U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill met aboard a ship off the coast of Newfoundland. They created this agreement which outlined the principles for peace after the war.
policy of making concessions to an aggressor in the hopes of avoiding war.
Office of Price Administration
agency regulated most aspects of civilian lives by freezing prices, wages, and rents and rationing commodities in order to control inflation.
Manhattan Project
Code name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs
Korematsu v. US
upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay financial compensation to each survivor
Reciprocal Trade Agreements
plan that would reduce tariffs for nations that reciprocated with comparable reductions for U.S. imports.