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a factor in heightened susceptibility to disorders and diseases
suppresses your immune system
positive stress
Debilating (Distress)
negative stress
Adverse Childhood Experiences (abuse, neglect)
General Adaption Syndrome
describes the process of experiencing stress
Alarm Reaction
When you encounter some type of stress
stress is confronted
your body becomes exhausted to the stress; this is where people most likely get sick (fatigue, depression, anxiety)
Tend and Befriend Theory
some people react to stress by tending to their own needs or by connecting with others
ex. gathering with friends after a loss
Problem-focused coping
you think stress is a problem and you need to find a solution to solve it
Emotion-focused coping
you need to figure out your emotional reaction to stress
Positive psychology
factors that lead to well being, resilience, positive emotions, and psychological health (gratitude)
subjective well being
people say when they express gratitude it makes them feel better
6 Categories of virtues
After some traumatic event…
…there is growth
dealing with something in an unhealthy way
Factors used to identify psychological disorders
level of dysfunction
perception of distress
deviation from the social norm
medical doctor; prescribes medicine
classifies and contains descriptions and symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders
Specific phobia
fear or anxiety toward a specific situation
ex. fear of elevators, fear of dogs
fear of heights
fear of spiders
intense fear of specific social situations
ex. public transportation, being in a crowd, standing in line, open spaces
Panic disorder
experience of panic attacks; unanticipated and overwhelming
Social Anxiety Disorder
intense fear of being judged or watched by others
generalized anxiety disorder
prolonged experiences of nonspecific anxiety or fear
symptoms: tics, excessive worry, inability to cope
involuntary movements
Behavioral causes of anxiety disorders
something is learned, learned association
Biological causes of anxiety disorders
people have chemical inbalances
Cognitive causes of anxiety disorders
unhealthy thinking
ex. agoraphobia
dissociative disorders
dissociation’s from consciousness, memory, identity, emotions; they blackout and don’t have any recollection of it; they feel separate from themselves
dissociative amnesia
inability to recall important personal information about themselves; usually a product of trauma or stressful events
dissociative fuge
state of purposeful travel or bewildered wandering
dissociative identity disorder
multiple personality; develops 2 or more independent personalities
usually related to abuse in childhood
integration treatment
accept all personalities
repetitive behavior
feeding and eating disorders
altered consumption or absorption of food that impair health or physiological functioning
anorexia nervosa
restriction of energy intake; intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat
binge-purge cycle; you eat a lot then throw it all up
Biological causes of eating disorder
genetics, chemical imbalance, heredity from parents
Social cultural causes of eating disorder
social media, enviormental (sports)
Behaviorial causes of eating disorder
learned association, positive reinforcement like compliments
people have irrational thoughts, maladaptive thoughts
depressive disorders
presence of sad, empty, or irritable mood along with physical and cognitive changes that affect a persons ability to function
major depressive disorder
depressed mood or loss of interest;
sleep issues, weight loss/gain
persistent depressive disorder
depressed mood lasting for more than 2 years
poor appetite, sleep issues, low self-esteem, low energy, hopelessness
Manic episodes
elevated irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week
Inflated self esteem, flight of ideas, grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, super talkative
Schizophrenia Spectrum disorder
Disorganized thinking or speech
Disorganized motor behavior
False beleifs
false perceptions (hears voice, see’s things that aren’t there)
Disorganized thinking/speech
talking and they make no sense; word salad
Disorganized motor behavior
absolute excitement body movements, repetitive behavior unconsciously.
They guy was constantly twirling his hair
Negative symptoms
takes away from personality
Neuro-developmental Disorder
disorders that occur not appropriate for age/maturity
ex. autism, ADHD
Personality disorders
enduring patterns of internal experience and behavior that is deviant from others; begins early adolescence, leads to distress, stable over time
Cluster A
odd or eccentric behavior
pattern of distress and suspiciousness
pattern of detachment from social relationships
Cluster B
dramatic, emotional, erratic behavior (abandonment)
pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy
pattern of excessive emotion and attention seeking
pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image
Cluster C
anxious or fearful
pattern of submissive and clinging behavior, excessive need to be taken care of (needs others to take care of them and make decisions for them)
psychologists must abide by certain principles
nonmaleficence; do no harm, fidelity, integrity, respect for peoples rights
Psycho dynamic Therapies (good for DID)
Goal: uncover unconscious conflict; free association: whatever comes to mind, dream interpretation
Humanistic perspective (good for Anxiety)
active listening and unconditional positive regard, wanting to get someone to self actualize
Cognitive therapies
changing unhealthy thoughts; fear heiarches
Behavioral (good for Anxiety)
principles of conditioning, observable behavior that you want to change
system desensitization
pairing undesirable behavior with a negative
system desensitization
anxiety hierarchy
flood patients with anxiety in safe environment
(girl with agoraphobia left with elevator)
they learn to control biological emotions
Cognitive Behaviorial
used for people who experience extreme emotions
Rational emotive behavioral therapy
Rational emotive behavioral therapy
Your beliefs lead you to act a way which leads to consequences
Beleifs, Actions, Consequence
thoughts or impulses that occur over and over again and feel outside the persons control
repetitive behaviors or thoughts that a person uses to neutralize or counteract the obsession
Ptsd syptoms
unwanted memories of traumatic events, reliving a traumatic event, upsetting dreams or nightmares, severe emotional distress or physical reaction to something that reminds you of a traumatic event
Hypervigellence: overly protective, Flashbacks, Insomnia, Hostiltiy
Group Therapy (AA, NA, GA)
effective; they realize others have similar problems to their own
effective in treating pain and anxiety
Anti-anxiety drug
suppressing the central nervous system, treats anxiety
SSRI’s are most commonly prescribed drug'; stops reuptake, bipolar
a variety; not sticking to one pathway/approach
treats schizophrenia; fewer auditory, hallucinations, less confused and agitated talk
tartdive dyskinesia
movement disorder, they don’t have control
used for serious depression
repeated pulses of a magnet in your head; shizo’s have fewer auditory hallucinations
Therapeutic lifestyle change
exercise, sleep, nutrition