this is a vocab list for my first AP human geo quiz.
The study of the spatial characteristics of various elements of the physical environment.
Physical Geography
The study of the spatial characteristics of humans and human activities.
Human Geography
Representations of reality or theories about reality to help geographers see general spatial patterns.
Stylized maps illustrating theories about spatial distributions.
Spatial Models
Illustrate theories and concepts using words, graphs, or tables.
Nonspatial Models
Essentially, the farther apart two places are, or the more time it takes to travel between them, the less likely it is that there will be a strong connection or interaction between them.
Time Distance Decay
The general arrangement of things being studied.
Spatial Patterns
Interconnected entities, sometimes called nodes.
Information measurable and recorded using numbers.
Quantitative Data
Quantitative and spatial data with a geographic location component.
Geospatial Data
Data collected as interviews, photos, or descriptions, not represented by numbers.
Qualitative Sources
Looking at topics at local, regional, country, or global scales.
Scales of Analysis
Designed for general information about places.
Reference Maps
Show human-created boundaries and designations.
Political Maps
Show natural features like mountains and rivers.
Physical Maps
Show highways, streets, and alleys.
Road Maps
Show spatial aspects of information or phenomena.
Thematic Maps
Use colors to show the location and distribution of spatial data.
Chloropleth Maps
Show specific location and distribution of something across a map. Uses dots of the same size distributed across a plane.
Dot Distribution Maps
Use symbols of different sizes to indicate different amounts of something.
Graduated Symbol Maps
Use lines to depict points of equal value across space.
Isoline Maps
Show points of equal elevation, creating contours.
Topographic Maps
Map where sizes of countries are shown according to specific statistics.
Ratio between real-world size and map size.
Communication of ratios on a map.
Cartographic Scale
Show larger areas with less detail.
Small Scale Maps
Show smaller areas with more detail.
Large Scale Maps
Precise spot according to a system like latitude and longitude.
Absolute Location
Distance north or south of the equator.
Imaginary line halfway between the north and south hemispheres.
Distance east or west of the prime meridian.
Imaginary line through Greenwich, England.
Prime Meridian
Roughly follows 180 degrees longitude.
International Date Line
Description of where something is in relation to other things.
Relative Location
How well locations are tied together by roads and links.
How quickly people can interact between locations.
Describes where things are in relation to each other.
General arrangement of things.
Measured in feet, miles, meters, or kilometers used when describing length from point a to b
Absolute Distance
Indicates nearness based on time or money.
Relative Distance
Distance of features above sea level.
The spread of a phenomenon over an area.
Phenomena arranged in a group or concentrated area.
Clustered (Agglomerated) Distribution
Phenomena arranged in a straight line.
Linear Distribution
Phenomena spread out over a large area.
Dispersed Distribution
Phenomena equally placed from a central point.
Circular Distribution
Phenomena in a regular arrangement.
Geometric Distribution
Phenomena with no apparent order in position.
Random Distribution
Defining and describing landscapes.
Landscape Analysis
Physically visiting a location and recording firsthand information.
Field Observations
Information tied to specific locations.
Spatial Data
Gathering information from satellites or other craft above the atmosphere.
Remote Sensing
Professional images captured from planes within the atmosphere.
Aerial Photography
Observing and recording information on location.
Turning data into interactive maps or visualizations from geospatial data collected from various sources.
Determines and records a receiver's exact location.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Computer system storing, analyzing, and displaying geospatial data.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Solutions involving local residents for increased success and cultural acceptance.
Community-based Solutions