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opposition to liberal principles and values which typically advocate for individual freedoms, democracy, and a free market economy

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prejudice, discrimination or hostility directed against jews based on their religious or ethnic background

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policy of a nation striving for economic self sufficiency, minimizing reliance on foreign trade and resources

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network of high speed, controlled access highways in Germany. The term is often associated with the extensive highway system developed during the Nazi era.

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historically misused concept referring to a hypothetical Indo-European master race, often used in racist ideologies

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Black shirts

Black shirts were members of the Italian Fascist movement under Mussolini. They were known for their brutal tactics and violence against political opponents.

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Brown Shirts

The Sturmabteilung (SA) paramilitary group in Nazi Germany, known for their brown uniforms and played a key role in the early days of the Nazi Party

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socio-political organization where societal groups, especially economic and labour interests are integrated into the political structure to collaborate in policy making

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coup d’etat

sudden, illegal seizure of governmental power by force, often carried out by a military or political group

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cult of leadership

political system or ideology that emphasizes the glorification and unquestionable authority of a single leader

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Dawes plan

plan implemented in 1924 to restructure Germany’s reparations payments after WWI. american banks lent money to germany

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expression of opinions or beliefs which differ from the prevailing or official views

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italian term meaning leader, often used to refer to benito mussolini

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enabling act

legislation passed in Nazi germany in 1933 that granted Hitler and his cabinet the authority to enact laws without the Reichstag’s approval. nazi became majority party

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the study or practice of improving the human race’s genetic quality through selective breeding or other forms of genetic manipulation

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intentional ending of a person’s life to “relieve suffering” often associated with controversial practices, especially when applied to individuals with disabilities. secret killing of disabled children

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advocacy or support for extreme beliefs, ideologies, or actions, often departing from mainstream or moderate fiews

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ancient roman symbol of authority, a bundle of rods with an axe, often used as a symbol of fascist movements.

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german term meaning leader, used to refer to adolf hitler as the leader of Nazi Germany

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secret police force in Nazi Germany responsible for internal security and suppressing opposition

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hitler youth

the youth organization in nazi germany, indoctrinating young people into Nazi ideology and preparing them for service in the military

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increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of a currency

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lateran accords

agreements between italian government and the church in 129 on the church’s power in italy. The Papacy allowed the Italian state to control the Papal states but held onto the Vatican and became the sole state religion.

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league of german maidens

girls wing of the hitler youth in Nazi Germany, promoting Nazi ideology among young women

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nazi program aimed at promoting the reproduction of individuals who were considered racially and genetically valuable. SS members were encouraged to have children with “racially pure” unmarried women.

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term used by hitler to describe the territorial expansion, particularly in Eastern Europe, that he believed was necessary for the survival and prosperity of the Aryan race

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Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto written in prison, outlining his political ideology, future plans for Germany, and antisemitic views

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strong sense of identification and loyalty to one’s nation, often accompanied by a believe in its superiority and a desire for self-determination

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National socialism

official ideology of the Nazi Party, combining elements of extreme nationalism, racism, antisemitism and authoritarianism

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Nuremberg Laws

Anti-Semitic laws enacted by the Nazis in 1935 which stripped Jews of their German citizenship and prohibited marriage or sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews

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Nazi party

the national socialist german worker’s party led by hitler which gained power in germany in the 1930s and played a key role in initiating WWII

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oath of allegiance

a pledge of loyalty or fidelity to a government or leader, often required in authoritarian regimes

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organizations with a military structure and training that operate outside the official armed forces, often involved in political violence or coercion

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spreading of information, ideas, or rumors to influence public opinion, often used in a biased or misleading manner to promote a particular political ideology

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a person or group opposing social or political change and seeking to return to a previous state of society

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reich citizenship law

a law enacted in nazi germany in 1935 as a part of the nuremberg laws, determining who was considered a citizen and who was not based on racial criteria

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german parliament, which existed in various forms throughout german history

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reichstag fire decree

decree issued by hitler in 1933, following the reichstag fire, that suspended civil liberties and allowed for the arrest of political opponents

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reparation payments

payments made by a defeated country to compensate for war damage or aggression, often associated with the reparations demanded from germany after WWI

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region in western germany along the rhine river which was demilitarized by the treaty of versailles but remilitarized by germany in 1936

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Right wing

political stance characterized by support for traditional institutions, authority, and a reluctance to embrace social or political change

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person or group blamed for problems or difficulties, often to divert attention from the real causes

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Schutzstaffel (SS)

originally hitler’s personal bodyguard, the ss evolved into a powerful and elite paramilitary organization responsible for various atrocities during the nazi era

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rendering an individual incapable of reproduction, often enforced as a eugenic measure

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Sturmabteilung (SA)

known as brownshirts, the SA was the paramilitary organization instrumental in the rise of the Nazi Party, particularity during its early stages

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treaty of versailles

peace treaty which officially ended WWI, signed in 1919 and imposing significant restrictions and reparations on germany

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derogatory nazi term meaning “subhumans” used to dehumanize certain groups, especially Jews and others considered racially inferior

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war guilt clause

article 132 of the treaty of versailles, assigning full responsibility of the outbreak of WWI to germany and its allies. germany had to pay 33 million

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weimar constitution

constitution of the weimar republic, the democratic government established in Germany after WWI

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weimar republic

democratic government of germany which existed from 1919 to 1933 marked by economic difficulties and political instability

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white rose society

non violent, anti nazi resistance group in germany, primarily composed of students and intellectuals during WWII

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far right authoritarian political ideology characterized by dictatorial power, strong nationalism, suppression of political opposition and a focus on centralized control. glorifies state and national and assigns the state control over every aspect of national life.

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non liberal or authoritarian action taken by a typically liberal state

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social darwinism

 Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” idea applied to human society: certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better, often used to justify prejudice and mistreatment.

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the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.

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The Third Reich

The Nazi designated name of Germany.

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Kaiser / Chancellor

In Germany, the Kaiser was the primary leader while the Chancellor was the right hand who did most of the government work. They were made into one role when Hitler came into power.

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beer hall putsch

known as munich putsch, it was a failed coup attempt by hitler and the nazi party to overthrow the bavarian government in 1923

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king victor emmanuel III

the king of italy during a crucial period including WWI, the rise of fascism, and WWII. he played a controversial role in appointing mussolini as prime minister

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great depression

severe worldwide economic depression that took place in the 1930s characterized by widespread unemployment, poverty, and a decline in industrial production

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the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and genocide carried out by nazi germany and its collaborators during WWII, resulting in the extermination of six million jews and millions of others

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president paul hindenberg

the president of germany from 1925-1935. he appointed hitler as chancellor in 1933, leading to the consolidation of nazi power

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adolf hitler

leader of the nazi party and chancellor of germany from 1933-1945. he initiated WWII and was responsible for numerous war crimes including the holocaust

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also known as the night of broken glass. it was a violent pogrom against jews throughout nazi germany on november 9-10, 1938, resulting in widespread destruction of jewish owned businesses, homes, and synagogues

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leilani muir

a canadian woman who became a prominent advocate for survivors of forced sterilization after she herself was sterilized without consent under alberta’s eugenics program

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march on rome

the event in 1922 who mussolini and his national fascist party marched on the italian capital, leading to mussolini’s appointment as prime minister

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M.S. St. Louis

a german ocean liner carrying jewish refugees that was denied entry to several countries, including the US and Canada, in 1939, highlighting the challenges faced by jewish refugees during the holocaust

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founder of italian fascism and prime minister of italy from 1922-1943. allied italy with nazi germany during WWII.

radicalized middle class youth, repress workers violently and set up tough central government to restore law and order. nationalism, militarism, and aggressive restoration of bourgeois state.

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night of the long knives

purge carried out by hitler in 1934, during which he SS and the gestapo eliminated perceived political rivals and potential threats within the nazi party

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reichstag fire

burning of the reichstag building in berlin in 1933, which hitler used as a pretext to push through the reichstag fire decree, granting him emergency powers and paving the way for the suppression of political opposition

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sophie scholl

member of the white rose, a non violent resistance group in nazi germany. she was executed for distributing anti-nazi leaflets at the university of munich in 1943.

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Italian fascism ideology

extreme right wing. celebrate nation or race as organic community transcending all other loyalties. powerful and continuing nationalism (flags, symbols)

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italian fascism: subordination to the state

forcibly subordinates all aspects of society to its vision of organic community (through totalitarian state)

uses organized violence to suppress opposition (antidemocratic, social Darwinism, glorification of force)

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fascists were taught

credere (to beleive)

obbedire (to obey)

combattere (to fight)

individual had no significance except as a member of the state

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italian fascism: myth of rebirth

phoenix rising from ashes. emphasis on national or racial rebirth after decline or destruction. seeks to purge alien forces and groups which threaten organic community

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Italian fascism: religion

fascist government used most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion

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mussolini early influences

war was a turning point for italy, returning combat soldiers would form a new elite and bring a new state, new elite would transform italian politics and society

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laws passed for italy’s transformation into single party state

  1. independent political parties and trade unions abolished

  2. freedom of press was curbed

  3. special courts created to persecute any political opposition

  4. national police force created (with secret police)

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national council of corporations created

goal → harmonize interests of workers, managers and state by abolishing class warfare

reality → system stifled technological progress and destroyed workers rights

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great depression effects on german economy

unemployment, hyperinflation, lawlessness, republic cannot deal with economic problems effectively

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The final solution

nazi policy of intimidating jews, taking property and money and encouraging them to emigrate. extermination camps then made to mass murder jews.

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francis galton

coined term eugenics in his book inquiries into human faculty and its development. embraced in north america.

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law for the encouragement of marriage

loans to newlywed couples and medals given based off of number of children they had

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law for the prevention of hereditarily diseased offspring

thousands of forced sterilizations by nazis

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Aktion T4

extended euthanasia to adult disabled patients. hitler signed authorization protecting physicians from prosecution.

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reich ministry of public enlightenment and propaganda

Division I: Administration and legal

Division II: Mass rallies; public health; youth; race

Division III: Broadcasting (Radio)

Division IV: National and foreign press

Division V: Films and film censorship

Division VI: Art, music, and theatre

Division VII: Protection against counter-propaganda, both foreign and domestic

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hitler and the youth focuses

boys → future military roles (clubs, young german boys, hitler youth, labour service or armed forces)

girls → domesticity (young maidens. league of german maidens)

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4 restrictions on germany in treaty of versailles

not over 100 000 troops

navy limited vessels and less than 15 000 men

no manufacturing or exporting weapons and armaments

rhineland demilitarized

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3 reasons nazis were appealing

absolute nationalism, german unification

private paramilitary organizations (terror opposition)

law and order (tired of instability)

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List the six elements common to totalitarian regimes, whether they are fascist or communist.

extensive local, regional, and national organization

youth, professional, cultural, and athletic groups (often forced participation)

a secret police using terror

indoctrination through education

the censorship of the media

redirecting popular discontent (use of scapegoats)

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What did the passing of the Reichstag Fire Decree (1933) and the Enabling Act (1933) allow the Nazi government under Hitler to do

restrict personal freedom, freedom of opinion, freedom of the press, and freedom of organization and assembly

eliminate the privacy of mail, telegrams, and telephone conversations

eliminate the need for warrants to conduct searches

pass legislation through the office of the chancellor without the approval of the Reichstag

ban all political parties except the Nazi Party

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how did nazi party improve economic conditions in germany

  • ban on trade unions and strikes

  • autobahnen

  • rearm german military

  • farming and industries given subsidies

  • purchase of farmers produce guaranteed and foreign imports restricted

  • autarky

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