a variety of structural changes in the vocal folds can affect the voice
Nodules - calluses that develop on the vocal folds
Polyps - Blisters
Polyps are relatively common
Abuse (one time), unilateral, breathy/hoarse
Voice therapy to reduce vocal misuse/abuse, surgery
Contact ulcers and the granulomas that develop at sites of ulceration arise at the vocal processes (on the vocal folds between the arytenoids cartilages)
Site is further back than the midpoint where nodules and polyps typically form
The human papillomavirus can cause warts on the vocal folds
Grow large
Not common
Hoarse voice quality
Surgery, developing good vocal hygiene
Carcinoma - Cancer of the larynx
Frequently arises from exposure to inhaled smoke
Preoperative and postoperative care is laryngectomy is needed
Rare disorder
Accepted as a neurological problem involving a disturbance in the basal ganglia that causes disordered muscle tonicity
Voice Evaluation Team - otolaryngologist, speech therapist
Voice Evaluation Interview - History (how voice disorder started, etc.)
Perceptual Assessment - clinician makes judgements regarding the pitch, volume, and quality of voice during a variety of tasks (sometimes recorded)
Clinicians use scales for grading vocal parameters
Instrumental Evaluation