Psychologists who use techniques and adopt ideas from a variety of approaches are considered eclectic.
The biopsychosocial model integrates biological processes, psychological factors, and social forces to provide a more complete picture of behavior and mental processes.
The model is a unifying theme in modern psychology drawing from and interacting with the seven approaches to explain behavior.
Experimenter bias (also called the experimenter expectancy effect) is a phenomenon that occurs when a researcher’s expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results obtained.
Demand characteristics: The clues participants discover about the purpose of the study, including rumors they hear about the study suggesting how they should respond.
Single-blind procedure, a research design in which the participants don’t know which treatment group—experimental or control—they are in.
Double-blind procedure, a research design in which neither the experimenter nor the participants know who is in the experimental group and who is in the control group.
Placebo: The imitation pill, injection, patch, or other treatment
Placebo effect is now used to describe any cases when experimental participants change their behavior in the absence of any kind of experimental manipulation.
Within-subjects design: A research design that uses each participant as his or her own control.
Counterbalancing, a procedure that assigns half the subjects to one of the treatments first and the other half of the subjects to the other treatment first.
Quasi-Experimental Research: Quasi-experimental research designs are similar to controlled experiments, but participants are not randomly assigned.
Correlational Research: Correlational methods look at the relationship between two variables without establishing cause-and-effect relationships.
Naturalistic Observation: Naturalistic observation is carried out in the field where naturally occurring behavior can be observed.
Survey Method: researchers use questionnaires or interviews to ask a large number of people questions about their behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes.
Retrospective or ex post facto studies look at an effect and seek the cause.
Test Method: Tests are procedures used to measure attributes of individuals at a particular time and place.
Reliability is consistency or repeatability.
Validity is the extent to which an instrument measures or predicts what it is supposed to.
Case Study: is an in-depth examination of a specific group or single person that typically includes interviews, observations, and test scores.
Elementary Statistics: Statistics is a field that involves the analysis of numerical data about representative samples of populations.
Descriptive Statistics: Numbers that summarize a set of research data obtained from a sample.
Frequency distribution, an orderly arrangement of scores indicating the frequency of each score or group of scores.
Histogram—a bar graph from the frequency distribution
Frequency polygon—a line graph that replaces the bars with single points and connects the points with a line.
Measures of Central Tendency
Chapter 2: Biological Bases of Behavior