Association areas are regions of the cerebral cortex that do not have specific sensory or motor functions but are involved in higher mental functions, such as thinking, planning, remembering, and communicating.
Medulla oblongata—regulates heart rhythm, blood flow, breathing rate, digestion, vomiting.
Pons—includes portion of reticular activating system or reticular formation critical for arousal and wakefulness; sends information to and from medulla, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex.
Cerebellum—controls posture, equilibrium, and movement.
Basal ganglia—regulates initiation of movements, balance, eye movements, and posture, and functions in processing of implicit memories.
Thalamus—relays visual, auditory, taste, and somatosensory information to/from appropriate areas of cerebral cortex.
Hypothalamus—controls feeding behavior, drinking behavior, body temperature, sexual behavior, threshold for rage behavior, activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, and secretion of hormones of the pituitary.
Hippocampus—enables formation of new long-term memories.
Cerebral cortex—center for higher-order processes such as thinking, planning, judgment; receives and processes sensory information and directs movement.
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Plasticity: Although specific regions of the brain are associated with specific functions, if one region is damaged, the brain can reorganize to take over its function.
Hypothalamus: systematically regulates changes in your body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar levels, hormonal levels, and activity levels over the course of about a day.
Circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.
Sleep is a complex combination of states of consciousness, each with its own level of consciousness, awareness, responsiveness, and physiological arousal.
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) can be recorded with electrodes on the surface of the skull.
Hypnagogic state; you feel relaxed, fail to respond to outside stimuli, and begin the first stage of sleep, Non-REM-1.
EEGs of NREM-1 sleep show theta waves, which are higher in amplitude and lower in frequency than alpha waves.
As you pass into NREM-2, your EEG shows high-frequency bursts of brain activity (called sleep spindles) and K complexes.
NREM-3 sleep EEG shows very high amplitude and very low-frequency delta waves.
REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep) about 90 minutes after falling asleep.
Nightmares are frightening dreams that occur during REM sleep.
Lucid dreaming, the ability to be aware of and direct one’s dreams, has been used to help people make recurrent nightmares less frightening.