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Vicarious Punishment
Observing a model being punished, decreasing the likelihood of imitating their behavior
Modern Psychiatry
Scientific approach to diagnosing and treating psychological disorders
Wilhelm Wundt
Founder of modern psychology, established the first psychology laboratory
Process of examining one's own conscious experience to break it into its component parts
Psychoanalytic Theory
Theory that focuses on the role of the subconscious mind and early childhood experiences in shaping behavior
Biological Psychology
Study of how the nervous system generates behavior
Social Psychology
Study of how individuals interact and relate with others
Clinical Psychology
Focuses on diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Application of psychological theories to work settings
Sports and Exercise Psychology
Focus on psychological aspects of sports and physical performance
Forensic Psychology
Branch of psychology dealing with the justice system
Mary Whiton Calkins
Psychologist who faced discrimination in receiving her PhD
Process of validating empirical claims
Confirmation Bias
Tendency to seek out information that confirms our beliefs
Tendency to overgeneralize based on limited cases
Hindsight Bias
Tendency to falsely believe we predicted an outcome
Confounding Variable
Unanticipated factor that affects both variables of interest
Electrically charged cell that transmits information
Superstitious Behavior
Behavior developed in response to random reinforcement
Individual performing the behavior being imitated
Group of neurons that represent a memory
Scientific study of the mind and behavior
Soul or Mind
The seat of consciousness and identity
Subconscious Mind
Unconscious mental processes that influence behavior
Nature vs Nurture
Debate about the relative importance of genetics and environment in shaping behavior
Psychological approach that aimed to identify the components of the mind through experiments and introspection
William James
First American psychologist, founder of functionalism
Psychological approach that emphasized how mental activities help us adapt to our environment
Sigmund Freud
Psychologist known for psychoanalytic theory and emphasis on the subconscious mind
Dream Analysis
Technique used by Freud to assess the subconscious mind
Ivan Pavlov
Russian physiologist known for developing the concept of classical conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus
Cognitive Psychology
Study of thoughts and their relationship to experiences and actions
Carl Rogers
Psychologist known for client-centered therapy and emphasis on empathy and genuineness
Feminist Psychology
Branch of psychology that focuses on reducing barriers and biases based on gender
Developmental Psychology
Study of physical and mental attributes of aging and maturation
Scientific Method
Process of proposing hypotheses, conducting research, and modifying theories based on results
Well-developed set of ideas that explains observed phenomena
Tentative and testable statement about the relation between variables
Freud's Theories
Psychological theories that have fallen out of favor due to lack of falsifiability
Clinical Studies
In-depth examination of an individual in unique psychological circumstances
Naturalistic Observation
Observation of behavior in its natural setting
Archival Research
Use of past records or data sets to answer research questions
List of questions used to gather data from a sample of a population
Cross-sectional Research
Comparison of multiple segments of a population at a single time
Longitudinal Research
Study in which the same group of individuals is surveyed repeatedly over time
Relationship between two or more variables
Cause-and-Effect Relationship
Changes in one variable cause changes in another variable
Independent Variable
Variable controlled by the experimenter
Dependent Variable
Variable measured to see the effect of the independent variable
Experimental Condition
Participants experience the manipulated variable
Control Condition
Participants do not experience the manipulated variable
Placebo Effect
Expectations or beliefs influencing a person's experience
Random Assignment
Method of assigning participants to groups
Subjects of psychological research
Overall group of individuals that the researcher is interested in
Random Sample
Subset of a population in which every member has an equal chance of being selected
Statistical Analysis
Determines the likelihood of differences between groups
Scientific Journals
Publications that report research findings
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Article reviewed by experts in the field before publication
Repeating a study to verify results
Institutional Review Board
Committee that reviews research proposals involving human participants
Informed Consent
Process of informing research participants and obtaining their consent
Purposefully misleading participants to maintain the integrity of the experiment
Providing participants with complete information about the experiment after it is concluded
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Committee that reviews research proposals involving non-human animals
Genetic material inherited from parents
Observable traits influenced by genetic variations
Evolutionary Psychology
Focuses on how traits have helped organisms survive and reproduce
Natural Selection
Process by which organisms better suited for their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
Range of Reaction
Genes set boundaries, environment determines where we fall within the range
Gene/Environment Correlation
Genes influence how we interact with the environment, and the environment affects gene expression
Biological factors beyond genes that affect gene expression
Resting Potential
Negative charge of a neuron at rest
Action Potential
Brief shift in electrical charge that travels down the axon
Space between neurons where neurotransmitters cross
Chemicals that affect neurons
Process of moving neurotransmitters back into the axon terminal
Observational Learning
Learning by watching others and imitating their behavior
Vicarious Reinforcement
Observing a model being rewarded, increasing the likelihood of imitating their behavior
Mental process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information
Process of inputting information into the memory system
Retention of encoded information in the memory system
Process of getting information out of memory and back into awareness
Sensory Memory
Storage of brief sensory events
Short-Term Memory
Temporary storage system that processes incoming sensory memory
Long-Term Memory
Continuous storage of information beyond initial processing
Explicit Memory
Conscious memory of facts and events
Episodic Memory
Memory for autobiographical events
Semantic Memory
Memory for general knowledge and facts
Implicit Memory
Unconscious memory for skills and behaviors
Procedural Memory
Memory for how to do things
Retrieving information without cues
Identifying information that has been previously learned
Learning information that has been previously learned
Process of focusing on information to be encoded
Elaborate Rehearsal
Thinking about the meaning of new information to encode it better
Organizing information into manageable chunks
Mnemonic Devices
Memory aids that help organize information
Loss of long-term memory