MGCR 331
set of menus at the top of the excel program window, switch between by clicking the ribbon name
context menu
set of options appearing when you right click an object. quickly access common formatting choices like copy, paste, clear contents, delete, etc
right click on a sheet tab
rename sheet, or make a copy
function def.
shortcut that allows you to do a specific task/calculation. excel has many built in functions
must be proceeded by a =
in order to work
function structure general
=FUNCTIONNAME(argument1, argument2)
no spaces in the naming
entering and formatting data into the excel sheet
left click cell to activate
press tab
key to enter next cell or left click another cell
formatting text and numbers
automatically left justifies text and right justifies numbers
to change: home ribbon> options in number section
very big/small numbers are in scientific notation or “###” across its width
adjust width of a column
drag the boundary
Hover mouse over the dividing line> double click
sort data
data ribbon
sort wizard
indicate if data has headers or not
choose from dropdown, which col to sort
choose how data is to be ordered:
text A-Z or Z-A
small- large or large- small for numbers
add level: first sort, second sort
cell references def
using a cells address and not explicit value, soft coding
model builder adds notes and documentation to explain how you got values
useful tools created
easy to change
enables goal seek and data tables
relative references def
refer to the position relative to the active cell, so this changes with where the mouse is
absolute referencing def
excel locking a reference (won’t change depending on where in the sheet you are)
do this by putting in a $
, eg. $A$1 (can leave row or column relative like $A1 or A$1 also)
mathematical functions in excel
place =
before the formula
follows BEDMAS
basic functions (requires at least one #):
- addition
- multiplication
requires 1 #:
- takes the square root
- takes the exponent
- takes the natural log
inequalities, comparisons
<= less than, equal to
>= greater than, equal to
<> not equal to
(are they equal)
check comparisons excel, returns output true
or false
evaluates true
if and only if all included arguments are true
=AND(#a>#b, #d>#c)
evaluates true
if any statements are true
=OR(3>=5, 7<1)
would return false
user specifies preferred output depending on if logical statement is true or false
identifies the number of numeric items in dataset → arguments can be a list or reference to a range
identifies all items in a dataset, not just numeric values (eg can calculate number of non blank cells) → can be a list or a reference to a range
min and max
→ smallest number in a given set
→ biggest number in a given set
small and large - beyond max and min
→ returns the kth smallest number
→ returns the kth biggest number
position of observation relative to the other data
=rank.eq(number, ref,[order])
returns rank in list of numbers, the ref
order: optional argument designating ascending =1 or descending =0
standard deviation
=covariance(array1, array2)
on a fixed scale from -1 to +1
counts the number of cells within a specified range meeting a specific criteria → criteria assumed to be an equivalence logic test but an inequality can also be specified
=countif(range, criteria)
this will count the number of cells within a specified range that meet all the specified criteria, each criteria range needs to have the same length
will sum the values in the first range provided they meet the criteria
is for many criterias
averages the values in first range provided they meet the criteria
=averageif(average_range,criteria_range1, criteria1)
is for a range of numbers provided they meet many criteria
naming in excel
names cannot have spaces and must start with a letter, underscore, or backslash
name for each cells must be different
can reference the cell name you gave the range in formulas
counts the empty cells in a range
returns a list of unique values in a list or range
round to a specified number of digits
eg. =round(a1,2)
will round a1 to 2 decimal places
want to make sure one value doesnt equal another
freeze panes
view>freeze panes
conditional formatting
make patterns and trends more apparent in data, drop down menu, can apply rules
fills cells with data that follows a pattern or are based on data in other cells
flash fill
automatically fills your data when it senses a pattern
select array>data>flash fill
data validation
restricts the data type or the values that users enter into a cell like a drop down list
dropdown list:
data>data validation>settings: allow list
> source box: type text that will be your options for the drop down
excel errors: #value!
finds spaces, characters, text, in a formula expecting a number
excel errors: #name?
excel cannot understand the name of the formula you’re trying to run
excel errors: ########
column isn’t wide enough to display the value you’ve inputted
excel errors:#div/0
dividing a formula by zero or an empty cell
excel errors:#ref!
formula is referencing an invalid cell
excel errors: #null!
when you specify an intersection of two areas that don’t intersect or when an incorrect range operator is used
excel errors: #n/a
numbers you’re trying referring to in your formula aren’t found
excel errors: #num!
contains invald numeric values
with ranges:
:specify the match
default 0
- exact match and if none, return #n/a
- exact match but if not found then return next smaller item
- exact match but if none found then return the next bigger item
nested xlookups:
pivot tables
cut data up to use more readily
goal seek, what if analysis
set cell to what you want to be the desired number
to value: to the desired value, type in
by changing cell: the cell that you need to change to get desired set cell
highlight the one you want to change to goal before even opening menu
data>what if analysis
data tables, what if analysis
See how different input values in single or multiple variables in a formula change the results of the formula. useful for sensitivity analysis
one variable - different inputs for a single variable → either row or column
two variables - row and column
highlight entire range of where you want to do the data table
data>what if analysis
financial functions: payment =pmt
=pmt(rate, nper, pv, [fv],[type])
financial functions: present value =pv
=pv(rate, nper, pmt, [fv],[type])
financial functions: future value =fv
=fv(rate, nper, pmt, [pv], [type])
put pmt and pv in as negative values
financial functions: type as an optional argument
type is the payment type
→ options:
or nothing (default): at the end of the period
: at the beginning of the period
=DATE(year, month, day)
date serial number
days from 1900
prints todays date
get the full name for the day
“DDDD” in text function
combine text
=LEFT(text, [num_chars])
remove extra space from the text
length (number of characters in string)
excel macros
powerful way to record actions you want repeated
use cases for macros
recording formatting highlighting hiding
can connect to other apps
get macros
developer section
drawback of recording macros
have to practice bc every click is recorded