Bengal was %%one of the largest provinces of British India%% with a huge population of more %%80 million%% spread over a small area.
The British were also closely observing the %%growing disparity between the Hindus and the Muslims.%%
Hindus dominated the politics and economy of Bengal while keeping Muslims underdeveloped and poor.
The period %%1900-1911%% was a %%period of improved British – Muslim relations.%%
Perhaps British wanted to give Muslims an opportunity to prosper in the newly created province of %%East Bengal with Assam and three districts Dhaka, Chittagong and Mymensingh%% where they would be in a majority and hence would be able to farm their own government (which exactly happened).
The other part, %%West Bengal, remained a Hindu majority province.%%
Muslims now began to develop a %%new seaport at Chittagong.%%
Finally the British were also mindful of the INC demand of self ruled in the 1890s.
For example, INC leaders like %%Mr. Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak%% used to deliver impassioned and provoking speeches to incite the people for %%pressurizing the government for self rule.%%
Such %%leaders were arrested%% and British decided to distract the INC attention from its demand for self rule.
Thus when Lord Curzon in October 1905 announced the partition of Bengal, the INC guns were directed against the partition instead of demand for self rule.
The INC did not like the partition and opposed it fiercely.
The INC also viewed the partitioned as a step against the %%Indian nationalism.%%
It believed that all people living in India were primarily Indians regardless of the cultural and religious differences and identities.
So, all communities living in Bengal were equally Indians whether they were Hindus or Muslims.
It viewed the whole country as “mother India” and therefore, condemned the partition of Bengal as a kind of vivisection of their motherland.
It declared %%16th Oct 1905 as a day of mourning.%%
The Hindu dominated INC was also unhappy over the loss of monopoly over the economy and politics of Bengal.
In East Bengal, Muslims were a decisive majority and had formed their own government.
Therefore, their economic condition began to improve.
They decided to develop the %%Chittagong port%% in order to compete with the %%Calcutta por%%t of West Bengal.
All this scenario was worrying for the INC who launched an aggressive campaign against the British.
British took many %%quick measures%% to deal with the Hindu protest.
They placed %%restrictions on newspapers and public meetings.%%
Between %%1906%% and %%1908%% several %%editors were arrested, trialed and imprisoned%% for writing articles against the British policies.
The %%Press Act of 1908%% gave more powers to the government to restrict freedom of expression and media.
Between %%1905%% and %%1909%% thousands people were arrested and jailed.
The Government grants to schools and colleges participating in the %%Swadeshi Movement%% were discontinued.
%%Mr Tilak was arrested in June 1908%%, and after a speedy trial, was given %%six years imprisonment.%%
Many %%radical leaders left India%% in these circumstances as jails were filled with those the British considered as revolutionaries.
The British themselves deported many suspects without framing them in a case or conduting a trial against them.
The British got worried over the growing protest by the Hindu-led INC.
They realized that use of force against Hindus would not be sufficient.
Therefore, they decided to win the support of the moderate Hindus by %%drafting new constitutional reforms.%%
The %%Viceroy Lord Minto%% worked with the %%Secretary of State of India, John Morley.%%
Finally, the %%Indian Council’s Act 1909/ the Morley-Minto Reforms%% were introduced to win the support of the Hindu community.
The Muslim League was founded on %%30th December, 1906%%.
Reasons for Formation:
The %%pro-Hindu INC policies%% were a major reason for the formation of Muslim League (ML).
The INC had been demanding enforcement of %%Hindi as the official language replacing Urdu%% in various provinces.
It also opposed the partition of Bengal in 1905.
This was shocking for the Muslims as they realized the hidden INC aims of denying Muslims to make any progress.
The way the INC launched the %%Swadeshi Movement%% with country-wide protests and strikes, proved to be an %%eye opening experience%% for the Muslims.
The reaction of Hindus meant they could not tolerate Muslims making progress.
So the Muslims increasingly felt the need of their own political party that could %%counter any anti-Muslim activities and campaigns.%%
Another reason for the formation of ML was the %%success of the Simla Delegation.%%
In October 1906 about 36 Muslim delegates led by Sir Aga Khan called on the Viceroy Lord Minto at Simla.
This delegation demanded a greater share of Muslims in the councils and the government jobs.
It also demanded separate electorates for the Muslims in view of their political importance and numerical weakness against the Hindu majority.
Lord Minto’s encouraging response convinced the delegates that the organized efforts were more likely to be successful.
For this a political party was needed.
By the start of the twentieth century %%the activities of the Hindu extremist party, Arya Samaj%% (Hindu Society), had become more intense.
In February 1906, the %%Liberal Party won elections%% in England.
Opposition by INC:
The INC was disappointed by the reforms.
The British knew all this and therefore, they increased the size of the councils according to their own policies as they were in no mood to raise the legislative councils to the status of a parliament or establish a democracy in India as can be seen from the %%remarks of John Morley, “I for one would have nothing to do with it (democracy/parliament).”%%
The INC sharply %%criticized the granting of separate electorate%% to the Muslims.
%%INC reacted sharply and violently%% to the partition of Bengal. It considered the partition as another example of the British policy of “Divide and Rule” and a step against Indian nationalism.
Events took a dangerous turn when some %%extremist Hindus adopted terrorist behavior%% by targeting senior British officials.
%%British goods and institutes were boycotted%% under the %%Swadeshi movement%%.
Finally %%King George V announced the annulment of the partition in December 1911%%, in his coronation ceremony.
The %%Indians were divided%% when the War broke out in %%1914%%.
However, it is also true that many %%Indians were not%%
%%sympathetic to the British and wanted to exploit the British weakness during the War%%.
Reasons For Signing:
The %%INC and the ML decided to work together%%.
The British were %%planning to introduce fresh reforms%% and this was leaked to the two major parties.
%%ML and INC also wanted to reduce mutual friction%% and to accommodate each other.
The British anticipated a violent reaction to the Mont-Ford reforms.
They appointed an investigative committee under %%Justice Rowlatt%% in Dec, %%1917%%.
%%Gandhi launched a countrywide strike%% against it, and %%Jinnah resigned from the Imperial Legislative Council in protest%%.