The quantity of a good/service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price, at a particular time.
Demand curve
Typically slopes downwards - shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded
Factors causing a shift in demand
Changes in tastes and fashion
Changes to people’s income. If real income increases:
Demand for normal goods will increase
Demand for inferior goods will decrease
Substitute goods
Goods which are alternatives to each other. An increase in the price of one good will decrease its demand and increase the demand for its substitutes (‘competitive demand’)
Complementary goods
Goods that are often used together so are in joint demand. The increase in the price of one good will cause the demand for both to decrease.
Derived demand
Demand for a good or a factor of production used in making another good or service
Composite demand
Demand for goods which have more than one use
Price elasticity of demand (PED)
A measure of how the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in its price
Formula for PED
% change in quantity demanded/ % change in price
Elastic Demand
PED > 1
A % change in price will cause a larger % change in quantity demanded
Inelastic Demand
0 < PED < 1
A % change in price will cause a smaller % change in quantity demanded.
Unit Elasticity of Demand
PED = +-1
The size of the % change in price is equal to the size of the % change in quantity demanded.
Income Elasticity of Demand (YED)
How much the demand for a good changes with a change in real income.
Formula for YED
% change in quantity demanded/ % change in real income
Cross Elasticity of Demand (XED)
A measure of how the quantity demanded of one good responds to a change in the price of another good.
Formula for XED
% change in quantity demanded of Good A/ % change in price of Good B
XED for substitutes
The XED for substitute goods will be positive
XED for complements
The XED for complementary goods will be negative.
Factors influencing PED
Type of good/service
% of income spent on good
YED for normal goods
Normal goods have a positive YED (0 < YED < 1)
YED for inferior goods
Inferior goods have a negative YED (YED < 0)