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President of the chapter. In charge of security of the charter, ritual and ritualistic materials
Vice President of the chapter. Works with GP. In charge of Grievance Board.
Corresponding Secretary. Most direct connection between chapter house and national headquarters
Treasurer. Keeps up to date with house budget and makes sure everyone pays dues
Recording Secretary. In charge of book keeping at chapter meetings. Records minutes of chapter meeting and makes them available to be seen by brothers
Historian. Collects and documents activities the chapter is involved in throughout the academic year. Schedules composite photos
Messenger of the chapter. Informs all brothers of activities planned for the chapter
Sergeant at Arms. Head of security
Chaplain of the chapter. Serves as spiritual and moral leader
Recruitment Chairman
Organizes rush programs and is in charge of presenting information to the chapter on rush guests. In charge of distributing bids to potential new members
Risk Management
Serves as liaison between the chapter and risk management policy. Responsible for coordinating safety education to the chapter and addressing concerns (alcohol use, hazing, sexual abuse, etc.)
House Manager
Takes care of maintenance, safety, and cleanliness of chapter house
Scholarship Chairman
Provides information on learning resources to the chapter and serves as chapter liaison with the Phi Kappa Psi foundation
Philanthropy Chairman
In charge of coordinating and gathering the support of members for participation in other Fraternity and Sorority philanthropy events.