Glossary of Rhetorical Terminology (Terms Omitted) - AP Language and Composition

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See Concrete/[TERM]

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Ad Hominem Argument:

Comes from the Latin phrase meaning, "to the man." It refers to an argument that attacks the opposing speaker or another person rather than addressing the issues at hand.

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An [TERM] is a fictional work in which the characters represent ideas or concepts. In John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, for example, the characters named Faithful, Mercy, and Mr. Worldly Wiseman are clearly meant to represent types of people rather than to be characters in their own rights.

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[TERM] is the repetition of consonant sounds, usually at the beginning of words: the repeated “t" and "c" sounds in the sentence, "The tall tamarack trees shaded the cozy cabin," are examples of [TERM].

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An [TERM] is a passing reference to a familiar person, place, or thing drawn from history, the Bible, mythology, or literature. An [TERM] is an economical way for a writer to capture the essence of an idea, atmosphere, emotion, or historical era, as in "The scandal was his Watergate," or "He saw himself as a modern Job," or "Everyone there held those truths to be self-evident." An [TERM] should be familiar to the reader; if it is not, it will add nothing to the meaning. An [TERM] is a reference, usually oblique or faint, to another thing, idea, or person. For example, in the sentence, "She faced the challenge with Homeric courage, "Homeric" is an [TERM] to Homer's works, the lliad and the Odyssey.

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Ambiguity (ambiguous):

When something is [TERM], it is uncertain or indefinite; it is subject to more than one interpretation. For example, you might say, "The poet's use of the word is [TERM]," to begin to discuss the multiple meanings suggested by the use of the word and to indicate that there is an uncertainty of interpretation.

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[TERM] asks a reader to think about the correspondence or resemblance between two things that are essentially different– a form of comparison in which the writer explains something unfamiliar by comparing it to something familiar. For example, if you say, "The pond was as smooth as a mirror," you ask your audience to understand two different things: "pond" and "mirror" —as being similar in some fashion. A second example is: "A transmission line is simply a pipeline for electricity." In the case of a water pipeline, more water will flow through the pipe as water pressure increases. The same is true of a transmission line for electricity.

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[TERM] is the repetition of the last word of a preceding clause at the beginning of a new clause. "Having power makes [totalitarian leadership] isolated; isolation breeds insecurity; insecurity breeds suspicion and fear; suspicion and fear breed violence."- Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Permanent Purge: Politics in Soviet Totalitarianism

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Analytical Reading:

[TERM] means reading actively, paying close attention to both the content and the structure of the text. [TERM] often involves answering several basic questions about the piece of writing under consideration: - What does the author want to say? What is his or her main point? - Why does the author want to say it? What is his or her purpose? -What strategy or strategies does the author use? -Why and how does the author's writing strategy suit both the subject and the purpose? -What is special about the way the author uses the strategy? -How effective is the essay? Why?

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[TERM] is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.

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[TERM] is the inversion of the usual order of words or clauses. Authors sometimes use it to add emphasis or to achieve a desired rhythm. "It's all part of the enigma that is Jane" instead of "Jane is an enigma."

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Every pronoun refers back to a previous noun or pronoun—the [TERM]; [TERM] is the grammatical term for the noun or pronoun from which a pronoun derives its meaning. For example, in the sentence, "The car he wanted to buy was a green one," the pronoun "one" derives its meaning from the [TERM] "car."

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[TERM] is an opposition or contrast of ideas that is often expressed in balanced phrases or clauses. For example, "Whereas he was boisterous, I was reserved" is a sentence that balances two [TERM] observations.

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An [TERM] is a figure of speech in which an absent person or personified object is addressed by a speaker. For example, “love” is personified and addressed as though present in the sentence, ”Oh love, where have you gone?"

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The word "[TERM]" is derived from the Greek word deify. [TERM] occurs in literature when a character or a thing is elevated to such a high status that it appears godlike.

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An [TERM] is a word or phrase that follows a noun or pronoun for emphasis or clarity. [TERM]s are usually set off by commas. For example, in the sentence, "The Luxury train, The Orient Express, crosses Europe from Paris in just twenty-six hours," the name "The Orient Express" is the [TERM] for "train."

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Argument / Argue:

[TERM] is one of the four modes of discourse. Narration, description, and exposition are the other three. To [TERM] is to attempt to convince the reader to agree with a point of view, to make a given decision, or to pursue a particular course of action. Logical [TERM] is based on reasonable explanations and appeals to the reader's intelligence.

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The thesis or proposition that a writer puts forward in argument.

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[TERM] is a type of internal rhyming in which vowel sounds are repeated. For instance, listen to the [TERM] caused by the repeated short "o" sounds in the phrase, "the pot's rocky, pocked surface."

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A belief or principle, stated or implied, that is taken for granted.

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[TERM] occurs when the conjunctions (such, as, and, or, but) that would normally connect a string of words, phrases, or clauses are omitted from a sentence. For example, the sentence, "I came, I saw, I conquered" employs [TERM].

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[TERM] is the emotional feeling or mood of a place, scene, or event. In Toni Morrison's Beloved, for example, the opening chapters convey an [TERM] of loneliness and grief.

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[TERM] describes the feelings of a particular speaker or piece of writing toward a subject, person or idea. For example, a writer can think very positively or very negatively about a subject. In most cases, the writer's [TERM] falls somewhere between these two extremes. This expression is often used as a synonym for tone.

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An [TERM] is the intended readership for a piece of writing. For example, the readers of a national weekly news magazine come from all walks of life and have diverse opinions, attitudes and educational experiences. In contrast, the readership for an organic chemistry journal is made up of people whose interests and educational backgrounds are quite similar.

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1- A false or forced emotion that is often humorous. Whereas pathos draws upon deep emotion, bathos takes this emotion to such an extreme that the reader finds it humorous rather than touching. 2- An effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous.

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[TERM1] is the sentence, group of sentences or section that introduces an essay. Good [TERM1] usually identify the thesis or controlling idea, attempt to interest the reader and establish a tone. Some effective ways that writers begin essays include 1) telling an anecdote that illustrates the thesis, 2) providing a controversial statement or opinion that engages the reader's interest, 3) presenting startling statistics or facts, 4) defining a term that is central to the discussion that follows, 5) asking thought-provoking questions, 6) providing a quotation that illustrates the thesis, 7) referring to a current event that helps establish the thesis, or 8) showing the significance of the subject or stressing its importance to the reader. An [TERM2] is the sentence or group of sentences that brings an essay to closure. Good [TERM2] are purposeful and well planned. [TERM2] satisfy readers when they are the natural outgrowths of the essays themselves and convey a sense of finality or completion. Good essays do not simply stop; they conclude.

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Cause and Effect or Causal Analysis:

[TERM] analysis is one of the types of exposition. Process analysis, definition, division and classification, exemplification, and comparison and contrast are the others. [TERM] analysis answers the question why? It explains the reasons for an occurrence or the consequences of an action.

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A rhetorical or literary device in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order, in the same or a modified form; e.g. "Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds."

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The thesis or proposition put forth in argument.

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[TERM], along with division, is one of the types of exposition. Process analysis, definition, comparison and contrast, exemplification, and cause and effect analysis are the others. In [TERM], the writer arranges and sorts people, places, or things into categories according to their understandable for the reader. differing characteristics, thus making them more manageable for the writer and more understandable for the reader.

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A [TERM] is an expression that has become ineffective through overuse. Expressions such as "quick as a flash," "dry as dust," "jump for joy," and "slow as molasses" are all [TERM]s. Good writers normally avoid such trite expressions and seek instead to express themselves in fresh and forceful language.

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[TERM] is a quality of good writing that results when all sentences, paragraphs, and longer divisions of an essay are naturally connected. [TERM] writing is achieved through 1) a logical sequence of ideas (arranged in chronological order, spatial order, order of importance, or some other appropriate order), 2) the thoughtful repetition of key words and ideas, 3) a pace suitable for your topic and your reader, and 4) the use of transitional words and expressions. Unity is a related concept, but it is not the same.

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Colloquial Expressions:

A [TERM] is characteristic of or appropriate to spoken language or to writing that seeks its effect. [TERM]s are informal, as chem., gym, come up with, be at loose ends, won't and photo illustrate. Thus, [TERM] are acceptable in formal writing only if they are used purposefully.

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Comparison and Contrast:

[TERM] is one of the types of exposition. Process analysis, definition, division and classification, exemplification, and cause and effect analysis are the others. In [TERM], the writer points out the similarities and differences between two or more subjects in the same class or category. The function of any [TERM] is to clarify-to reach some conclusion about the items being [TERM].

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See Beginnings/Endings

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A [TERM1] word names a specific object, person, place or action that can be directly perceived by the senses: car, bread, building, book, Abraham Lincoln, Toronto, or hiking. An [TERM2] word, in contrast, refers to general qualities, conditions, ideas, actions or relationships that cannot be directly perceived by the senses: bravery, dedication, excellence, anxiety, stress, thinking, or hatred. Although writers must use both [TERM1] and [TERM2] language, good writers avoid using too many [TERM2] words. Instead, they rely on [TERM1] to define and illustrate [TERM2]. Because [TERM1] words affect the senses, they are easily comprehended by the reader.

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Connotation / Denotation:

Both [TERM1] and [TERM2] refer to the meanings of words. [TERM2] is the dictionary meaning of a word, the literal meaning. [TERM1], on the other hand, is the implied or suggested meaning of a word. For example, the [TERM2] of lamb is "a young sheep." The [TERM1]s of lamb are numerous: docile, weak, peaceful, blessed, sacrificial, blood, spring, frisky, pure, innocent and so on. Good writers are sensitive to both the [TERM1] of words and they use these meanings to advantage in their writing. See also slanting.

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Controlling Idea:

See Thesis

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Writers often use [TERM]s, or oppositions, to elaborate on ideas. [TERM]s help writers to expand on their ideas by allowing them to show both what a thing is and what it is not. Take, for instance, images of light and darkness: a reader may better appreciate what it means to have light by considering its absence-darkness.

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[TERM] is the process of reasoning from a stated premise to a necessary conclusion. This form of reasoning moves from the general to the specific. The states the thesis or position up front and follows it with supporting evidence.

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[TERM] is one of the types of exposition. Process analysis, division and classification, comparison essay itself. and contrast, exemplification, and cause and effect analysis are the others. [TERM] is a statement of the meaning of a word. A [TERM] may be either brief or extended, part of an essay or an entire essay itself.

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See Connotation/Denotation

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[TERM] is one of the four modes of discourse. Narration, exposition, and argument are the other three. [TERM] tells how a person, place, or thing is perceived by the five senses. Objective writer's interpretation of them. [TERM] reports these sensory qualities factually, whereas subjective [TERM] gives the writer's interpretation of them.

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[TERM] is conversation that is recorded in a piece of writing. Through [TERM], writers reveal important aspects of characters' personalities as well as events in the narrative.

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[TERM] refers to an author's choice of words. For instance, in the sentence, "That guy was really mad!" the author uses informal [TERM] ("guy," "mad"); whereas in the sentence, "The gentleman was considerably irritated," the author uses more elevated [TERM] ("gentleman," "irritated"). A writer's [TERM] contributes to the tone of a text.

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Like comparison and contrast, [TERM] and classification are separate yet closely related mental operations. [TERM] involves breaking down a single large unit into smaller subunits or breaking down a large group of items into discrete categories. For example, the student body at a college or university can be broken up into categories according to different criteria (by class, by state or country, by sex and so on).

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Dominant Impression:

A [TERM] is the single mood, atmosphere, or quality a writer emphasizes in a piece of descriptive writing. The [TERM] is created through the careful selection of details and is, of course, influenced by the writer's subject, audience, and purpose.

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A [TERM] is a version of a piece of writing at a particular stage in the writing process. The first version produced is usually called the rough [TERM] or first [TERM] and is a writer's beginning attempt to give overall shape to his or her ideas. Subsequent versions are called revised [TERM]s. The copy presented for publication is the final [TERM].

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During the [TERM] stage of the writing process, the writer makes his or her prose conform to the conventions of the language. This includes making final improvements in sentence structure and diction, and proofreading for wordiness and errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation. After [TERM], the writer is ready to prepare a final copy. Keep these terms in mind:

  1. Expressive Writing- writing done for the self. The writer is the only audience and therefore conventions such as paragraphing, correct spelling, sentence structure, etc. matter very little.

  2. Transactional Writing- writing done for an audience other than the self. This is expressive writing that has been [TERM]ed, expanded, reorganized, or revised in some other way.

  3. Poetic Writing- this is transactional writing raised to the level of art. This term does not refer only to poetry; short stories, creative nonfiction, personal essays, drama, and even analytical essays can all be examples of artistic effort. But creating art is never easy or swift.

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Elegiac (elegy):

An [TERM] is a work (of music, literature, dance, or art) that expresses sorrow. It mourns the loss of something, such as the death of a loved one.

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[TERM] is the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues. In the sentence, "I like asparagus, my daughter broccoli," the verb like is omitted from the second verb phrase. In context, however, one can tell that the second phrase borrows the verb from the first.

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[TERM] is the placement of important ideas and words within sentences and longer units of writing so that they have the greatest impact. In general, the end has the most impact and the beginning nearly as much; the middle has the least. See also Organization.

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[TERM] is the repetition of the initial part of a clause or sentence at the end of that same clause or sentence. The beginning and the end of a sentence are two positions of emphasis, so special attention is placed on the phrase by repeating it in both places. For example: The king is dead; long live the king. Severe to his servants; to his children, severe.

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See Beginnings/Endings

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An [TERM] is a relatively short piece of nonfiction in which the writer attempts to make one or more closely related points. A good [TERM] is purposeful, informative, and well organized.

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Greek for "character." Speakers appeal to [TERM] to demonstrate that they are credible and trustworthy. [TERM] is established by both who you are and what you say. [TERM] also refers more generally to ethics, or values of the arguer: honesty, trustworthiness, even morals. In rhetorical writing, authors often attempt to persuade readers by appealing to their sense of [TERM], or ethical principles.

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A [TERM] is a mild or pleasant-sounding expression that substitutes for a harsh, indelicate, or simply less pleasant idea. [TERM]s are often used to soften the impact of what is being discussed. For example, the word "departed" is a [TERM] for the word "dead," just as the phrase "in the family way" is a [TERM] for the word "pregnant".

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An [TERM] of a piece of writing is an assessment of its effectiveness or merit. In [TERM]ing a piece of writing, you should ask the following questions: What is the writer's purpose? Is it a worthwhile purpose? Does the writer achieve the purpose? Is the writer's information sufficient and accurate? What are the strengths of the essay? What are its weaknesses? Depending on the type of writing and the purpose, more specific questions can also be asked. For example, with an argument you could ask: Does the writer follow the principles of logical thinking? Is the writer's evidence convincing?

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[TERM] is the data on which a judgment or argument is based or by which proof or probability is opinions of authorities. established. [TERM] usually takes the form of statistics, facts, names, examples or illustrations, and opinions of authorities.

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[TERM] illustrate a larger idea or represent something of which they are a part. An [TERM] is a basic means of developing or clarifying an idea. Furthermore, [TERM] enable writers to show ideas, not simply tell readers what they mean. The terms [TERM] and illustration are sometimes used interchangeably.

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[TERM] is a type of exposition. Definition, division and classification, comparison and contrast, cause and effect analysis, and process analysis are the others. With [TERM], the writer uses examples-specific facts, opinions, samples, and anecdotes or stories-to support a generalization and to make it more vivid, understandable, and persuasive.

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[TERM] is one of the four modes of discourse. Narration, description, and argument are the other three. The purpose of [TERM] is to clarify, explain, and inform. The methods of [TERM] include process analysis, definition, division and classification, comparison and contrast, exemplification, and cause and effect analysis. [TERM] is also a piece of writing or speech that is organized to explain. For example, if the novel you are writing about involves a wedding, your [TERM] might explain the significance of the wedding to the overall work of literature.

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A piece of information presented as having a verifiable certainty or reality.

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Figures of Speech:

[TERM] are brief, imaginative comparisons that highlight the similarities between things that are basically dissimilar. They make writing vivid, interesting and therefore more memorable. The most common figures of speech are these: Simile: An implicit comparison introduced by like or as: "The fighter's hands were like stone." Metaphor: An implied comparison that uses one thing as the equivalent of another: "All the world's a stage." Personification: A special kind of simile or metaphor in which human traits are assigned to an inanimate object: "The engine coughed and then stopped."

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Figurative Language:

[TERM] is an umbrella term for all uses of language that imply an imaginative comparison. For example, "You've earned your wings" is a [TERM] way to say, "you've succeeded." It implies a comparison with a bird that has just learned to fly. Similes, metaphors, and symbols are all examples of [TERM].

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[TERM] is the limitation that a writer gives his or her subject. The writer's task is to select a manageable topic given the constraints of time, space, and purpose. For example, within the general subject of sports, a writer could [TERM] on government support of amateur athletes or narrow the [TERM] further to government support of Olympic athletes.

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[TERM] is a purposeful hint placed in a work of literature to suggest what may occur later in the narrative. For instance, a seemingly unrelated scene in a mystery story that focuses on a special interest of the detective may actually [TERM] the detective's use of that expertise in solving the mystery.

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See Specific/General

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[TERM] is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to achieve emphasis. The expressions, "my feet are as cold as an iceberg" and "I'll die if I don't see you soon," are examples of [TERM]. The emphasis is on exaggeration rather than literal representation. [TERM] is the opposite of understatement.

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An [TERM] is a word or phrase that is used habitually with a particular meaning in a language. The meaning of an [TERM] is not always readily apparent to nonnative speakers of that language. For example, catch a cold, hold a job, make up your mind, and give them a hand are all [TERM]s in English.

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See Examples

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An [TERM] is a mental picture that is conjured by specific words and associations, but there can be auditory and sensory components to imagery as well. Nearly all writing depends on [TERM]s to be effective and interesting. Metaphors, similes, symbols, and personification all use [TERM].

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[TERM] is the process of reasoning to a conclusion about all members of a class through an examination of only a few members of the class. This form of reasoning moves from the particular to the general. A writer provides evidence up front, which leads naturally to a specific thesis or position.

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[TERM] occurs when a situation produces an outcome that is the opposite of what is expected. In Robert Frost's poem, "Mending Fences," for instance, it is [TERM] that the presence of a barrier-a fence-keeps a friendship alive; Frost's observation that "Good fences make good neighbors" is both true and [TERM]. Similarly, when an author uses words or phrases that are in opposition to each other to describe a person or an idea, an [TERM] tone results.

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See Technical Language

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When two contrasting things-ideas, words or sentence elements-are placed next to each other for comparison, [TERM] occurs. For instance, a writer may choose to [TERM] the coldness of one room with the warmth of another, or one person's honesty with another's duplicity. [TERM] sheds light on both elements in the comparison.

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Ironical understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary (e.g., you won't be sorry, meaning you'll be glad).

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Logical Fallacies:

A [TERM] is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. Some of the more common [TERM]s are these:

  • Oversimplification: The tendency to provide simple solutions to complex problems: "The reason we have inflation today is that OPEC has unreasonably raised the price of oil."

  • Non sequitur ("It does not follow"): An inference or conclusion that does not follow from established premises or evidence: "It was the best movie I've seen and it should get an Oscar."

  • Post hoc, ergo propter hoc ("After this, therefore because of this"): Confusing chance or coincidence with causation. Because one event comes after another one, it does not necessarily mean that the first event caused the second: "I won't say I caught a cold at the hockey game, but I certainly didn't have it before I went there."

  • Begging the question: Assuming in a premise that which needs to be proven: "If American autoworkers built a better product, foreign auto sales would not be so high.

  • False analogy: Making a misleading analogy between logically unconnected ideas: "He was a brilliant basketball player; therefore, he will be a fine coach."

  • Either/or thinking: The tendency to see an issue as having only two sides: "In the war on terror you're either with us or against us."

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Logical Reasoning:

See Deduction; Induction

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The use of reason as a controlling principle in an argument. In rhetorical writing, authors often attempt to persuade readers by appealing to their sense of [TERM], or reason. A type of argumentative proof having to do with the logical qualities of an argument: data, evidence, factual information.

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[TERM] is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared directly, usually for emphasis or dramatic effect. For instance, the observation that "she lived a thorny life" relies on an understanding of how dangerous and prickly thorns can be. In an extended [TERM], the properties of a single comparison are used throughout a poem or prose work. For example, if you call government, "the ship of state," you could extend the [TERM] by calling industry and business the "engines" of this ship and by calling the citizens of the state, "passengers" of the ship.

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[TERM] is a figure of speech in which something is referred to by using the name of something that is associated with it. For example, a crown is associated with royalty, and is often used as a [TERM] for royal authority. "The edict issued today by the Crown forbids grazing in the commons."

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[TERM] is the prevailing or dominant feeling of a work, scene, or event. The opening scene of Macbeth in which three witches are center stage, for instance, sets a [TERM] of doom and tragedy for the first act of the play. [TERM] is similar to atmosphere.

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[TERM] is one of the four modes of discourse. Description, exposition, and argument are the other three. To [TERM] is to tell a story, to tell what happened. Although [TERM] is most often used in fiction, it is also important in nonfiction, either by itself or in conjunction with other types of prose.

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[TERM1] writing is factual and impersonal, whereas [TERM2] writing, sometimes called impressionistic writing, relies heavily on personal interpretation.

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[TERM] is an effect created by words that have sounds that reinforce their meaning. For example, in the sentence, "The tires screeched as the car zoomed around the corner," the words "screeched" and "zoomed" are [TERM] because the sounds they make when spoken are similar to the sounds the car makes when performing these actions.

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An [TERM] is a belief or conclusion not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof. It reveals personal feelings or attitudes or states a position. [TERM] should not be confused with argument.

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[TERM] encompasses all the activities that take place before a writer actually starts a rough draft. During the [TERM] stage of the writing process, the writer selects a subject area, focuses on a particular topic, collects information and makes notes, brainstorms for ideas, discovers connections the mind or on paper and makes a scratch outline. between pieces of information, determines a thesis and purpose, rehearses portions of the writing in the mind or on paper and makes a scratch outline.

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Process Analysis:

[TERM] is a type of exposition. Definition, division and classification, comparison and contrast, and cause and effect analysis are the others. [TERM] answers the question how? And explains how something works or gives step-by-step directions for doing something.

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The anticipation and answering of possible objections, a method used in refutation.

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The [TERM] stage of the writing process is when the writer shares his or her writing with the intended audience. [TERM] can take the form of a typed or an oral presentation, a photocopy, or a commercially printed rendition. What's important is that the writer's words are read in what amounts to their final form.

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A [TERM] is a play on words. A [TERM] is created by using a word that has two different meanings, or using two different words with similar meanings, for a playful effect. Shakespeare uses [TERM]s extensively in his plays; in Hamlet, for instance, Hamlet says he is "too much in the sun,” making use of the meaning of the word "sun" and stressing his role as a "son" simultaneously.

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[TERM] is what the writer wants to accomplish in a particular piece of writing. [TERM]-inclusive writing seeks 1) to relate (narration), 2) to describe (description), 3) to explain (process analysis, definition, (argument). division and classification, comparison and contrast, and cause and effect analysis), or 4) to convince (argument).

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Reductio ad absurdum:

This is a method of proving the falsity of a premise by reducing it to its most logical consequence, revealing its absurdity or contradictory nature.

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[TERM] is the reiteration of a word or phrase for emphasis.

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During the [TERM] stage of the writing process, the writer determines what in the draft needs to be developed or clarified so that the essay says what the writer intends it to say. Often the writer needs to revise several times before the essay is "right." Comments from peer evaluators can be invaluable in helping writers determine what sorts of changes need to be made. Such changes can include adding material, deleting material, changing the order of presentation, and substituting new material for old.

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In writing, [TERM] is the thoughtful arrangement and presentation of one's points or ideas. Narration is often arranged chronologically. Exposition may be arranged from simplest to most complex or from most familiar to least familiar. Argument may be arranged from least important to most important. There is no single correct pattern of [TERM] for a given piece of writing, but good writers are careful to discover an order of presentation suitable for their audience and their purpose.

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An [TERM] is a brief summary of the whole work.

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An [TERM] combines two contradictory words in one expression. The results of this combination are often unusual or thought provoking. For instance, if you praise a child for her "wild docility," in essence you change the separate meanings of the words "wild" and "docility" and create a new, hybrid image.

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[TERM] is the speed of a story's action, dialogue, or narration. Some stories are told slowly, some more quickly. Events happen fast or are dragged out according to the narrator's purpose. For example, "action movies" are usually fast [TERM]; when their [TERM] slows, the audience knows that the section is being given special emphasis.

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