A factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy
Gatsby's house
The white palaces of fashionable East Egg
Buchanan's house
Ashes take the forms... with transcendent effort, of ash-grey men
Pervasive ash
The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg... enormous yellow spectacles
TJ Eckleburg
swollen... in its monstrous length... labyrinth of windshields
Gatsby's car
The yacht represented all the glamour and beauty in the world
Cody's yacht
God sees everything
Eckleburg Religion
They smashed up things and creatures then retreated back to their money or their vast carelessness
Vast carelessness
Cuff buttons ... finest specimens of human molar
Beautiful little fool
Dishonesty in a women is a thing you never blame deeply
Ash-grey men swarm up... stir up an impenetrable cloud
dust cloud
He was his wife's man and not his own
Wife’s man
fifth guest's shrill metallic urgency
fifth guest
a regal homecoming glance
around the neighbourhood
mingled her thick dark blood with the dust
blood and dust
her left breast swinging loose like a flap
violence of death
exhibition of complete self-sufficiency
draws a stunned tribute from Nick
too wise to ever carry well-forgotten dreams from age to age
too wise to
Drift on forever seeking
a string of polo ponies
polo ponies
sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart
physical egotism
broke her nose with his open hand
myrtles nose
never seen such beautiful shirts before
gleaming like silver, safe and proud over the hot struggles of the poor
appalled by West Egg... by the too obtrusive fate that herded its inhabitants
appalled by WE
daisy tumbled short... of the colossal vitality of his illusion
colossal illusion
sprang from his Platonic conception
"Can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can."
repeat the past
his mind would ever romp again like the mind of God
ravenously and unscrupulously
he had committed himself to the following of a grail
gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future
a regular Belasco
owl eyes theatre
Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope
judgement - ch1
I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled
observational periphery
I am one of the few honest people that i have ever known
honest people