Ap HuG models + Theories

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Agricultural Hearth Theory

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Agricultural Hearth Theory

The diffusion of both vegetative planting and seed agriculture from their multiple hearths created a wide variety of food raised and consumed around the world.

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Agricultural Land Use Model

Von Thunen created an agricultural model for market-oriented crops. A big assumption of the model is that all the farms and their crops have the same market. The model predicts the type of agriculture based on its distance from the farm to the market. Technology has slightly outdated the model. The model can be applied with rings, sectors extending outwards, or even realms.

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Asian City Model

The focal point of the city is the colonial port zone combined with the large commercial district that surrounds it. McGee found no formal CBD but found seperate clusters of elements of the CBD surrounding the port zone: the government zone, the Western commercial zone, the alien commercial zone, and the mixed land-use zone with misc. economic activities.

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Bid-Rent Theory

geographical economic theory that refers to how the price and demand on real estate changes as the distance towards the Central Business District (CBD) increases.

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Central Place Theory

A theory that explains the distribution of services, based on the fact that settlements serve as centers of market areas for services; larger settlements are fewer and farther apart than smaller settlements and provide services for a larger number of people who are willing to travel farther.

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Concentric Zone Model

A structural model of the American central city that suggests the existence of five concentric land-use rings arranged around a common center. ( Burgess Theorist)

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Core-Periphery Model

A model of the spatial structure of development in which underdeveloped countries are defined by their dependence on a developed core region.

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Cornucopian Theory

a theory that asserts human ingenuity will rise to the challenge of providing adequate resources for a growing population

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Cultural Landscape Theory

theory stating that culture works with nature to create ways-of-life and that human impacts on the landscape are manifestations of culture

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Demographic Transition Model

A sequence of demographic changes in which a country moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates through time.

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Economic Gravity Model

The Gravity Model is a model used to estimate the amount of interaction between two cities. It is based on Newton's universal law of gravitation, which measured the attraction of two objects based off their mass and distance.

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Edge Cities

A large node of office and retail activities on the edge of an urban area.

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Environmental Determinism

A doctrine that claims that cultural traits are formed and controlled by environmental conditions.

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Epidemiologic Transition Model

A model highlighting the distinctive causes of death in each stage of the demographic transition

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Epochs of Transportation Model

City growth attracted along transportation linkages in a star pattern.

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Galactic City Model

An addition to the Multiple Nuclei Model - created by Harris, accounts for the growth of businesses and services as a result of suburbanization. Edge cities develop along automobile transportation routes like interstate highways.

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Green Revolution Model

The development of high-yielding varieties of cereal grains, expansion of irrigation, modernized management techniques, hybridized seeds, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides to farmers.

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Heartland Theory

Hypothesis proposed by Halford MacKinder that held that any political power based in the heart of Eurasia could gain enough strength to eventually dominate the world.

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Kurgan Hearth Theory

Theory of how language first began to diffuse. Started in present day russia north of caspian sea; looking for grasslands for herds; moved west to europe conquring much of east europe (Marija Gimbutas). Diffusion based in war/conquering

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Latin American City Model

Griffin-Ford model. Developed by Ernst Griffin and Larry Ford. Blends traditional Latin American culture with the forces of globalization. The CBD is dominant; it is divided into a market sector and a modern high-rise sector. The elite residential sector is on the extension of the CBD in the "spine". The end of the spine of elite residency is the "mall" with high-priced residencies. The further out, less wealthy it gets. The poorest are on the outer edge.

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Law of the Sea

Law establishing states rights and responsibilities concerning the ownership and use of the earth's seas and oceans and their resources.

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Laws of Migration

Developed by British demographer Ernst Ravenstein, five laws that predict the flow of migrants.

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Least Cost Theory

Model developed by Alfred Weber according to which the location of manufacturing establishments is determined by the minimization of three critical expenses: labor, transportation, and agglomeration.

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Migration Transition Model

Migration trends follow demographic transition stages. People become increasingly mobile as industrialization develops. More international migration is seen in stage 2 as migrants search for more space and opportunities in countries in stages 3 and 4. Stage-4 countries show less emigration and more intraregional migration

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Modernization- International Trade Model

The economic development of states.

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Multiple Nuclei Model

A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a collection of nodes of activities.

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Advocacy of population control programs to ensure enough resources for current and future populations.

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Brandt Line

divides the more developed north from the less developed south

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The theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives.

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Principles of Population

Population growth rates will exceed food supplies.

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Rank Size Rule

A pattern of settlements in a country, such that the nth largest settlement is 1/n the population of the largest settlement.

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Rimland Theory

Nicholas Spykman's theory that the domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia would provided the base for world conquest.

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Sector Model

A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a series of sectors, or wedges, radiating out from the central business district (CBD).

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Sub-Saharan Africa City Model

city model with colonial section, market section, and indigenous section, surrounded by ethnic neighborhoods

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Urban Realms Model

a simplified description of urban land use, especially descriptive of the modern North American city. it features a number of dispersed, peripheral centers of dynamic commercial and industrial activity linked by sophisticated urban transportation networks.

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World Cities Theory

World Cities- New York, London, Tokyo, are the Future Implications of East/Southeast Asia Cities and have economic, cultural, and political power.

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World Systems Theory

Theory originated by Immanuel Wallerstein and illuminated by his three-tier structure, proposing that social change in the developing world is inextricably linked to the economic activities of the developed world.

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Shatterbelt Theory

Cohen's theory that armed conflicts after 1950 would likely occur in areas within the Middle East

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Containment Theory

The US theory that stated, if Communism in Asia could be contained in the area the system would eventually die out.

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Ester Boserup

Principal critic of Malthusian theory who argued that overpopulation could be solved by increasing the number of subsistence farmers.

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Nomadic Warrior Theory

people conquered areas, spreading the English language

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Sedentary Farmer Theory

language diffused through farmers relocating (relocation diffusion)

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Gravity Model of Migration

large communities have a greater pull and attract more migrants

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Gravity Model of Population

Larger places attract people, ideas, and products more than smaller places.

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Lee's Pull and Push Model

Push and Pull factors for a destination: Push- wars, lack of jobs, flooding... Pull- freedom, jobs, climate

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