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ABC Campaign
Public health campaign focusing on AIDS prevention: Abstain, Be faithful, Condomize
(Black) Africans
Indigenous Bantu-speaking groups in South Africa
African National Congress (ANC)
Leading political party in South Africa, key in anti-apartheid struggle
South African ethnic group descended from Dutch settlers
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome caused by HIV virus
Anti-retroviral drugs (ARDs)
Medications to manage and treat HIV, not cure it
Policy of racial segregation in South Africa (1948-1994)
Zidovudine, antiretroviral medication for HIV treatment
Bantu Authorities Act (1951)
Established self-governing Bantu homelands in South Africa
Territories for black inhabitants under apartheid policy
Battle of Blood River (1838)
Conflict between Voortrekkers and Zulu kingdom
Black Consciousness Movement
Anti-apartheid movement led by Steve Biko
Town experiencing rapid growth, often near mining areas
Born free generation
South Africans born post-apartheid, free from past racial discrimination
Association of major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Economic system with private ownership for profit
Collective identity
Shared sense of belonging to a group
Racial descriptor for mixed ethnic origin in South Africa
Congress of the People (COPE)
Political party formed in 2008 by dissatisfied ANC members
Dishonest conduct by those in power, often involving bribery
High rates of violent and non-violent crimes in South Africa
Democratic Party/Alliance (DA)
Major opposition party to the ANC in South Africa
Government where power is vested in the people
Transition to a more democratic political regime
Denial of link between HIV and AIDS, affecting public health responses
Deputy President
Second-highest official in South African government after the President
Developmental state
State prioritizing economic development in government policy
Dominant party system
One party consistently dominating election outcomes, as ANC in South Africa
Dutch Disease
Economic decline in sectors due to natural resource revenue increase
Economic deregulation
Reduction of government power in an industry for more competition
Social divisions based on shared characteristics like culture, language
Freedom Charter
Core principles of non-racial South Africa by ANC and allies
Generational Divide
Differences between younger and older generations in beliefs
Government of National Unity
Post-apartheid government including various parties for national unity
Grand Apartheid
Intensified racial segregation policies in late apartheid era
Great Trek
Movement of Boer settlers in 1830s to escape British control
Growth, Employment, & Redistribution Policy (GEAR)
Economic policy framework in South Africa for growth and employment
Designated areas for black inhabitants under apartheid
South Africans of Indian descent, recognized racial group under apartheid
Absolute: outright unequal treatment; Relative: comparison-based inequality
Influx control
Apartheid policy limiting black South Africans' movement to urban areas
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Technologies providing information access through telecommunications
Institutionalized discrimination
Incorporated discrimination in organizational structures, as in apartheid
Movement to reclaim 'lost' areas, not common in South Africa
Judicial independence
Principle of judiciary independence from other government branches
Process of eliminating economic restrictions, often for free markets
Mass organizations
Large groups mobilized around common issues, seen in anti-apartheid movements
Migrant labourers
Workers migrating for work, common in South Africa's mining industry
Mineral Revolution
Rapid industrialization from mineral discoveries in 19th century South Africa
Mines & Work Act (1956)
Legislation segregating workforce along racial lines in South Africa
Modernization (Theory)
Theory of societal progress through economic, social, and political stages.
Multinational state
State with multiple nations within its borders.
Patriotic principles emphasizing collective identity.
National Assembly
Lower house of South Africa's bicameral Parliament.
National Council of Provinces
Upper house representing provinces in South Africa's Parliament.
National Party
Governing party in South Africa during apartheid.
Natives' Land Act (1913)
Legislation restricting land ownership for South Africa's black population.
Oscar Pistorius
South African Olympic sprinter involved in a controversial legal case.
Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC)
Nationalist political party in South Africa advocating African nationalism.
Document restricting movement for Blacks in apartheid South Africa.
Pass Laws
Internal passport system segregating and managing population.
Patrimonial state
Governance where power flows from the leader based on patronage.
Power to control appointments and distribute resources for loyalty.
U.S. initiative aiding those with HIV/AIDS globally, including South Africa.
Population Registration & Group Areas Act (1950)
Laws classifying South Africans by race and residential areas.
Positive discrimination
Policies favoring previously discriminated groups.
Power sharing
Political arrangement where parties share governmental power.
Predatory state
State exploiting resources and population for personal gain.
Transfer of ownership from government to private sector.
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages, Prevention of Immorality Act (1949)
Laws banning interracial marriage and regulating relations.
Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act (1995)
Legislation creating the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Proportional representation
Electoral system allocating seats based on votes.
South Africa's nine administrative divisions with local governance.
Provincial Administrations
Government structures managing local functions in provinces.
Policies setting fixed numbers for group representation.
Socially constructed category used for classification.
Racial Hierarchy
Classification system where some races are considered superior.
Racialization (De- and Re-)
Process of categorizing people based on race.
Racial Supremacy
Belief in the superiority of a particular race.
Rainbow Nation
Term describing post-apartheid South Africa's multiculturalism.
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act (1953)
Apartheid law mandating racially separate public facilities.
Penalties imposed by one country on another.
SCOPA (Standing Committee on Public Accounts)
Key committee overseeing government expenditures in South Africa.
Security forces member with political influence.
Serial monogamy
Engaging in a series of monogamous relationships over time.
Settler state
State formed by foreign settlers dominating the local population.
Sharpeville Massacre
1960 event where South African police killed protesters.
South Africa's national rugby team symbolizing pride and integration.
Mark of disgrace associated with a circumstance or person.
Subnational government
Government entities below the national level.
Poorly built residential area for non-whites under apartheid.
Transactional relationships
Relationships influenced by material considerations.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Body addressing past abuses in post-apartheid South Africa.
Umkhonto we Sizwe
Armed wing of the ANC fighting apartheid.
Dutch-speaking settlers moving away from British control in South Africa.
"White Flight"
Phenomenon of white residents moving from mixed to homogeneous areas.
Major ethnic group in South Africa with rich traditions.
Largest ethnic group in South Africa with significant cultural influence.
Communist Party
a political party that believes the government should control all production and distribution of goods and working people should control their own lives and destinies
"Black Empowerment" programs
Initiatives aimed at redressing inequalities and historical economic disparities between racial groups in South Africa post-apartheid