Transatlantic Slave Trade
The brutal system of trading African Slaves from Africa to the Americas. It changed the economy, politics, and environment. It affected Africa, Europe, and America. It implies that slaves were used for cash crops and created a whole new economy.
New England settlers
Puritans escaping religious persecution or seeking new settlement
Chesapeake Settlers
settlers that lived in smaller, more spread-out farming communities; less religious than New England settlers
Philosophical Reasons Revolutionary War
Enlightenment: individual rights, self gov, tyranny resistance
Why was the Constitutional Convention called?
To revise the Articles of Confederation
Debates about the Constitution Adoption
fear of tyranny, state vs centralized power, bill of rights, representation
How did Federalists convince Anti-Federalists to ratify the Constitution?
federalist papers (jay madison hamilton), bill of rights, compromises
Difference between federalists and antifederalists
Federalists - strong national govt, weak state govt, indirect elections, longer terms in office, govt of elites, limited violations of people's basic freedoms
Antifederalists - opposite of above
John Marshall
judicial review (marbury v madison) (supreme court had right to review laws passed by congress), strengthened property rights and economic development, made supreme court ultimate interpreter of constitution
Market Revolution
the major change in the US economy produced by people's beginning to buy and sell goods rather than make them for themselves
Henry Clay's American System
Plan for economic growth: establish a protective tariff, establish a national bank, and improve the country's transportation system
How did disagreements over tariffs in the 1820s and 1830s lead to calls for secession?
Many of these tariffs benefitted the way the North was set up (industrial), but didn't support the Southern plantation/slave based economy: the South depended on international trade and free market
How did Jackson respond to the nullification crisis?
affirmed fed. gov authority (nullification crisis)
Important terms Women's Rights
cult of domesticity , republican motherhood (need for women to be educated), seneca falls convention, second great awakening, abolitionist movement, industrial revolution
How did democracy change during period 4?
two party system (dems and whigs), more political participation
Antebellum Reform
More colleges, state-supported elementary schools, Dorothea Dix reforms (for the mentally insane), prison reforms.
How did territorial acquisitions lead to tensions between the North and South?
Triggered debates regarding the expansion of slavery
Know-Nothing Party
Political party of the 1850s that was anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant
How did Know Nothing Party illustrate continuity of hostility towards immigrants
Fear of immigrants changing American culture, religious tensions, economic/job security, national identity
Compromise of 1850
Includes California admitted as a free state, the Fugitive Slave Act, Made popular sovereignty in most other states from Mexican- American War
Compromise of 1850 failed
fugitive slave act, popular sovereignty (Bleeding KS/other conflicts), rise of abolitionists, sectional divisions
Black Codes
laws that enforced curfews, restrictions, property and business restrictions, voting and political restrictions, and family and social restrictions
Congress Response to Jim Crow
Civil Rights Act of 1866, 13th Amendment (formally abolished slavery), 14th (guarantees citizenship and equal protection), 15th Amendment (vote)
Reconstruction Successes
13th, 14th, 15th Amendment, A.A. political power growth, freedmens bureau/other social services, economic changes
Reconstruction Failures
Blacks are still denied their rights 2) South still bitter against fed. government 3) Slow to industrialize
Radical Republicans
After the Civil War, a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and thought that Lincoln was sometimes too compassionate towards the South.
Southern Democratic politicians who sought to wrest control from Republican regimes in the South after Reconstruction.