the acquisition of new information, experiences, and behaviors
associative learning
learning by connecting events that occur in a sequence
classical conditioning
the type of learning which uses a US/R to link a CS and CR
the type of psychology that focuses on objective research
unconditioned response (UR)
the natural response
unconditioned stimulus (US)
the original stimulus that produce the goal response
conditioned response (CR)
the goal response that comes from the alternate (initially neutral) stimulus
conditioned stimulus (CS)
the alternate (initially neutral) stimulus
the stage in classical conditioning in which there is an association between the CS and the US
when the CR stops occurring, as a result of US not following the CS
spontaneous recovery
when the CR occurs after a rest period of extinction
the tendency to respond to stimulus similar to the CS
the learned ability to distinguish between a CS and similar, but different stimuli
operant conditioning
learning that forms an association between behaviors and the resulting events
respondent behavior
an automatic response to a stimulus
operant behavior
a behavior that produces a rewarding or punishing stimuli
law of effect
Skinner’s idea that rewarded behaviors are more likely to occur
operant chamber/skinner box
an enclosure containing stimuli, and all responses are automatically recorded
the production of new operant behaviors via reinforcement
any even that strengthens the behavior it follows
positive reinforcement
any reinforcement that adds stimulus
negative reinforcement
any reinforcement that takes away stimulus
primary reinforcer
an innate need that acts as a reinforcement
conditioned reinforcer
a learned reinforer
continuous reinforcement
reinforcement that occurs every time
partial (intermediate) reinforcement
reinforces only sometimes
fixed-ratio schedule
reinforcement only after a set number of occurrences
variable-ratio schedule
reinforcement after an unpredictable number of occurrences
fixed-interval schedule
reinforcement only after a specified amount of time has passed
variable-interval schedule
reinforcement after unpredictable time intervals
negative reinforcement that decreases the behavior it follows
cognitive map
mental representations of an environment
latent learning
cognitive maps that are created when given an incentive
intrinsic motivation
motivation to do something for its own sake
extrinsic motivation
motivation to do something because of a reward or punishment
observational learning
learning by watching something else
showing something to learn through observation
mirror neurons
neurons active during observational learning; neurons that respond the same way to an action (even if that action was not actually done)
prosocial behavior
behavior that benefits one or more other people