the process by which stimuli are detected, transduced into nerve impulses, and sent to the brain
the process of organizing stimulus input and giving it meaning
the conversion of one form of energy into another; in sensation, the process whereby physical stimuli are translated into nerve impulses
the study of relations between the physical characteristics of stimuli and the sensory experiences they evoke
Absolute threshold
the lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected correctly 50 percent of the time
Subliminal Stimulis
a stimulus that is received by the senses but not perceived consciously
Decision Criterion
in signal detection theory, the potentially changing standard of how certain a person must be that a stimulus is present in order to report its presence
Signal Detection Theory
a theory that assumes that stimulus detection is not based on a fixed absolute threshold but rather is affected by rewards, punishments, expectations, and motivational factors
Difference Threshold
the smallest difference between two stimuli
Webers Law
the principle that to perceive a difference between two stimuli, the stimuli must differ by a constant percentage or ratio
Sensory Adaptation
diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus with the passage of time as sensory neurons habituate to the stimulation
the transparent structure behind the pupil that changes its shape to focus images on the retina
the light-sensitive back surface of the eye that contains the visual receptors
a visual defect, sometimes called nearsightedness, in which the lens focuses distant images in front of the retina rather than on it
a visual deficit sometimes called farsightedness in which the lens focuses the image behind the retina, reducing acuity for nearby objects
visual receptors that function under low levels of illumination and do not give rise to colour sensations
photoreceptors in the retina that function best in bright light and are differentially sensitive to red, green, or blue wavelengths; the retina's colour receptors
a small area in the centre of the retina that contains only cones and in which visual acuity is greatest
Bipolar Cells
the second layer of retinal cells with which the rods and cones synapse
Ganglion Cells
the third layer of retinal cells with which the bipolar cells synapse and whose axons form the optic nerve
Optic Nerve
a bundle of ganglion cell axons in the retina that transmits visual information to the brain
Visual Acuity
the ability to see fine detail
protein molecules within the rods and cones whose chemical reactions when absorbing light result in nerve impulses being generated
Dark Adaptation
the progressive increase in brightness sensitivity that occurs over time as photopigments regenerate themselves during exposure to low levels of illumination
Trichromatic Theory
the colour vision theory originally advanced by Young and Helmholtz that there are three types of colour receptors in the retina and that combinations of activation of these receptors can produce perception of any hue in the visible spectrum
Opponent -Process Theory
the theory proposed by Hering that the retina contains three sets of colour receptors that respond differentially to red-green, blue-yellow, and black-white; the opponent processes that result can produce a perception of any hue
Dual-Process Theory
the modern colour vision theory that posits cones that are sensitive to red, blue, and green, and opponent processes at the level of ganglion cells and beyond
Primary Visual Cortex
the area of the occipital lobe which receives impulses generated from the retina via the thalamus and analyzes visual input by using its feature detectors
Feature detectors
sensory neurons that respond to particular features of a stimulus, such as its shape, angle, or colour
Parallel Processing
our ability to use our senses to take in a variety of information about an object and construct a unified image of its properties
Visual Association Cortex
cortical areas in the occipital, parietal, and temporal lobes that analyze visual stimuli sent to the primary visual cortex in relation to stored knowledge and that establish the "meaning" of the stimuli
in audition, the number of cycles per second in a sound wave, responsible for the pitch of the sound; the measure of frequency is the hertz (Hz), which equals one cycle per second
Hertz (Hz)
the measure of sound wave frequency as cycles per second
the vertical size of the sound wave, which gives rise to the perception of loudness and is measured in terms of decibels
Decibel (db)
a logarithmic measure of sound intensity
a small coil-shaped structure of the inner ear that contains the receptors for sound
Basilar Membrane
a membrane that runs the length of the cochlea and contains the organ of Corti and its sound receptor hair cells
Oragn of corti
structure embedded in the basilar membrane that contains the hair cell receptors for sound
Frequency Theory
the theory of pitch perception that holds that the number of nerve impulses sent to the brain by the hair cells of the cochlea corresponds to the frequency of the sound wave; this theory is accurate at low frequencies
Place Theory
the theory of pitch perception that holds that sound frequencies are coded in terms of the portion of the basilar membrane where the fluid wave in the cochlea peaks; this theory accounts for perception of frequencies above 4000 Hz
Conduction Deafness
hearing loss caused by damage to the mechanical system that conducts sound waves to the cochlea
Nerve Deafness
hearing loss caused by damage to the cochlear receptor cells or the auditory nerve
sense of taste
sense of smell
Taste Buds
the receptors for taste in the tongue and in the roof and back of the mouth that are sensitive to the qualities of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter
Olfactory bulb
a forebrain structure immediately above the nasal cavity odorus chemical excites only a limited portion of the olfactory bulb and coded in terms of where on that bulb the sense excites
chemical signals found in natural body scents
menstral synchrony
the tendency for some women who live together over time to become more similar to one another in the timing of their menstrual cycles
Gate Control theory
theory that proposes that the experience of pain results from the opening and closing of "gating mechanisms" in the nervous system
natural opiate-like substances that are involved in pain reduction
the body sense that provides feedback on the position and movements of our body parts
Vestibular Sense
the sense of body orientation or equilibrium
sensory prosthetic devices
devices that provide sensory input that can, to some extent, substitute for what blind and deaf people are not supplied by their sensory receptors
bottom-up processing
perceptual processing that begins with the analysis of individual elements of the stimulus and works up to the brain's integration of them into a unified perception
Top-down Processing
perceptual processing in which existing knowledge, concepts, ideas, or expectations are applied to make sense of incoming stimulation
an experimental procedure used in attention research in which a person simultaneously receives two or more messages, is asked to focus on one of them, and then is asked to report on the other messages as well
figure-ground relations
perceptual organization in which a focal stimulus is perceived as a figure against a background of other stimuli
Gestault Laws
the laws of perceptual organization advanced by the Gestalt psychologists similarity Proximity Closure Continuity
Perceptual Schemas
internal representations that contain the essential features of an object of perception
Perceptual Consistencies
recognize stimulus characteristics under varying conditions
Monocular Cues
depth cues that require only one eye; include linear perspective, decreasing size, height in the horizontal plane, texture, clarity, light and shadow, motion parallax, and interposition
Binocular Cues
depth cues that require the use of both eyes
Binocular Disparity
each eye sees a slightly different image
a binocular depth cue produced by the muscles that rotate the eyes as they focus on nearby objects
Stroboscopic Movement
illusory movement produced when a light is briefly flashed in darkness and then, a few milliseconds later, another light is flashed nearby
incorrect perceptions based on false perceptual hypotheses that often result from constancies that do not apply to the stimuli in question
Critical Period
a time period in which exposure to particular kinds of stimulation (e.g., perceptual) is required for normal development to occur
Deprivation Experiment
method of determining the critical periods during which certain experiences must occur for the related brain mechanisms to develop normally -cat stuck in containment with bars
Perceptual set
A readiness to perceive stimuli in a particular way
Inattention Blindness
the failure of unattended stimuli to register in consciousness
Tactile Sensations
Pressure (touch) Pain Warmth Cold
A condition in which stimuli are experienced not only in the normal sensory modality but in others as well
Subliminal Stimulus
A stimulus that is received by the senses but not perceived consciously
Normal colour vision They are sensitive to red-green, yellow-blue and black-white
Deficiency is caused by an absence of hue-sensitive photopigment in certain cone types. A person who is colour blind is in only of of the systems
Sensitive to only black-white system and is totally colour blind
Parallel Processing
Unified images created Modules which process colour, movement, shape, distance simultaneously
Protein molecules within the rods and cones whose chemical light result in nerve impulses being generated
Auditory cortex
totonic map, increasingly complex feature detectors, auditory association cortex
Adaptive significance
primary window into the chemical composition of what we ingest Seek out tastes that have caloric and nutritious value Avoid tastes that may have toxins
Inattentional Blindness
Failure of unattended stimuli to register in consciousness Gorilla and ball experiment
Perceptual set
readiness to perceive stimuli in a particular way top-down processing
Cognitive Penetrability
the extent to which knowing the trick diminishes the illusion