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Spot Healing Brush
removes unwanted spots or small objects from your image by clicking on the problem area
blends in replacement pixels from another part of your image
Steps in Using the Spot Healing Brush
create a blank layer
zoom in
select spot healing brush
size the spot healing brush
choose brush type
check sample all layers box
remove spot
Content-Aware Move Tool
Photoshop looks at your image and figures out what content to use
Create Texture
Photoshop generates a pattern from the pixels around the area you want to replace
Proximity Match
Photoshop looks at the pixels just outside of the Spot Healing Brush circle for replacement pixels
changes the size of the brush in pixels.
changes the hardness/softness of the brush
allows control over how smooth the brush appears when clicking and dragging
At 25% it will work perfectly for most images.
At 0%, the brush will be as smooth as possible.
At 1,000% , the brush will have spread-out spots, even when clicking and dragging.
allows reshaping of the brush
reducing the Roudness will change the shape of the brush
Adjusting the angle witll change the way the oval will be rotated
Blend Modes
Normal - is the default blend mode and does not add any special effects.
Replace - replaces the exact selection previously selected with the current selection
Darken - only targets light objects (eg light hairs on a subject's face, or highlights on skin).
Lighten - only targets dark objects (eg dark hairs on a subject's face, or dark skin blemishes)
Types of Spot Healing Brush Size
Dial - makes the brush size bigger or smaller
Pen Pressure - if you have a sketch pad, pen pressure determines the brush size
Stylus Wheel - for people who not only have a pen tablet but also have an optional pen size to go with it
Patch Tool
is part of the healing brush set of tools.
are the go-to tools for retouching and repairing your images.
is primarily used to repair larger areas of an image, or get rid of any distractions or blemishes.
Replace unwanted content with Patch Tool
Select the Patch Tool
In the Tool Options Barm, Choose Normal and select either Source or Destination
Draw a selction border over the area you want to replace
To patch the Source, drag your selection to an area containing matching detail to cover what the part you want to remove
To patch the Destination, drag the selection to that part of your image where you want to copy the selected pixels.
Selection Types
This property is the same as the selection properties.
This is the normal selection that you do with the patch tool.
Add to Selection
allows you to add more parts to your patch selection than we do using the patch tool
Subtract from Selection
allows you to remove some parts of the already selected parts which we want to patch.
Intersect with Selection
it takes the part of the selection that is common between two selections
Features of the Normal Patch Option:
Patch source from destination
Patch destination from the source
Use transparency while blending patch
Patch source from destination
This option helps us to patch the source (selected part) with the destination.
Patch destination from the source
This option helps us to patch the destination part of the image with the copy of the source(or selected part of the image).
Use transparency while blending patch
This option when enabled uses a transparency factor while blending the patched part
The next option helps us to patch the part of the image with a specific pattern.
tells how quickly the patched portion adapts to the surrounding pixels.
The more the value, the better
By default, it is set to 5 and has ranged from 1-7.
Photoshop chooses the best fill for your patch and makes the blending much more smooth and more realistic.
recommended to use these options when the user cannot do good patching in Normal mode.
Properties of Content-Aware Patch Option
It has a range of values from 1-7.
This value tells the amount to which the patch should be blended with the nearby pixels of the image.
It has a range of values from 0-10. T
his value tells us the amount of blending of colors that the patch will have.
If the value is set to 0, the blending is disabled or there is no blending of colors.
Content-Aware Move Tool
can be used to select and move certain parts of an image
the image is recomposed, and the gap created is filled with complementary pieces from the original image.
you don't have to make tedious modifications that include layers and difficult selections.
Content-Aware Move Tool Options:
Sample All Layers
Transform On Drop
Move - used to place selected objects at a different location
Extend - used to expand or contract objects
Enter a value between 1 and 7 to specify how closely the patch should resemble existing image patterns.
If you enter 7, the patch adheres very strongly to existing image patterns.
If you enter 1, the patch adheres very loosely to the existing image patterns.
Enter a value between 0 and 10 to specify the extent to which you want Photoshop to apply algorithmic color-blending to the patch.
If you enter 0, color blending is disabled. A Color value of 10 applies maximum color blending.
Sample All Layers
Enable this option to use information from all layers to create the result of the move in the selected layer.
Select the target layer in the Layers panel.
Transform On Drop
When this option is enabled, you can scale the part of the image that you've just moved to its new location.
Simply adjust the resizing handles for the moved part of the image.
Red Eye Tool
is a user-friendly tool that removes the red-eye effects that appear in photographs.
is made specifically to eliminate the appearance of red eye.
What Causes Red Eye?
Caused by light reflecting off the retina at the back of your eyes
Generally happens in low light conditions when a flash is used
How to Use the Red Eye Tool
First, locate the Spot Healing Brush tool on the left side of the workspace within the toolbar.
Then, select the Red Eye tool which is under the Spot Healing Brush Tool.
click and drag the tool around the red eye, and then unclick.
Pupil Dimension
Use the slider to increase/decrease the dimension of the pupil.
Darken Amount
Utilize the slider to darken or lighten the color of the pupil.
default value for Pupil Size and Darken Amount