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nervous system
the system that controls your sense by sending messages back and forth between the brain and body
Central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS)
What are the two nervous systems called?
specialized nerve cells that transmit electrical signals to various organs in the body
central nervous system (CNS)
part of the nervous system with main function to process information
brain and spinal cord
The central nervous system includes _______ and ______
The dendrites, a cell body, an axon
What are the neurons’ three main regions?
Part of the brain that regulates basic biological needs like hunger, thirst, and body temperature, as well as controlling the release of hormones.
When you’re hungry
Example of hypothalamus use:
Motor neurons
carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to a gland or muscles, resulting in a secretion or movement
stimulating your arm to move to swat a fly
Example of motor neurons in use
maintains homeostasis by regulating the amount of sugar in the blood
when the endometrium is shed monthly if an embryo doesn’t implant
chemical digestion
the action of enzymes in breaking down large molecules into smaller molecules which turns the food into energy
Mouth with saliva
The process of chemical digestion begins in the ________ with ________
stimulant that constricts blood vessels
drugs that increase alertness and physical activity
a steroid hormone that is necessary for the production of sperm
region of neurons that receives impulse from other neurons and contact impulses to the cell body
sensory neurons
neurons that send impulses from receptors in the skin and sense organs to the brain and spinal cord
Perceiving touch and pain
Example of sensory neurons
fertilized egg that undergoes mitosis after a couple hours
provides food and oxygen and removes wastes and contains tissues from both mom and fetus
the period of growth when sexual maturity is reached
8-13 years old
When do girls reach puberty?
10-15 years old
When do boys reach puberty?
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
Which hormones stimulate the gonads to mature?
constricted blood vessels
What is an immediate effect of nicotine?
the cerebrum
What is the largest part of the brain?
The auditory canal
Which part of the ear do sound waves first enter?
to provide nutrients to the fetus and maintain pregnancy
What are the functions of the placenta?
the nervous system
What system enables you to understand the words you read in a book?
To process info and form a response
What is the function of the nervous system?