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Types of partitions
Cold war
Factors in the gradual collapse of the British empire
Previous devolutions (e.g., Canada)
Exhaustion of wars
Japanese empire and pan-Asianism
Defeat of āwhiteā powers
Failure of decolonization ā partition
Theodor Herzl
late 19th C
Founded Zionism & orgs.
Idea: no central geographic idea for Jews
Settled on Palestine (in Ottoman)
Nationalist over Colonial ideas
Jewish immigration to Palestine
Increase over 1920-1946
Mostly from Europe
Also major Arab population growth simultaneously
Sykes Picot Agreement
1916, WW1
Secret treaty between UK & France, with assent from Russia & Italy
Would divide the Ottoman Empire
Belfour Declaration
Lobbied British for national Jewish home in Palestine
No infringements on rights of inhabitants
Deliberately vague
National home not state
The Mandate System
League of nations forms and allows certain mandates
Syria & Lebanon - French
Iraq, Palestine, Transjordan - British
Was always supposed to be temporary
Not settler colonies like Canada
How did the British administer in mandated areas?
through elites
preferred to deal with elites in Transjordan over Palestine
Divide & rule
Jewish immigration and land purchases
Absentee landlords selling land to Jewish settlers/Zionists
Class problems: tenets being replaced (local Palestinian farmers)
Rise of both Israeli and Palestinian nationalist movements
riots and revolts
Zionist strategies
Immigrate and settle
began to form idea of a state
After holocaust, survival logic
Israeli proto-state
Military: Yishuv & Haganah (dissolved into IDF)
Rejects independent Palestinian state
Arab Question: what to do with Arab population in a Jewish state?
Chaim Weitzmann
1st Israeli PM
Zeāev Jabotinsky
Revisionist Zionism
Expanding territory
Removing Arabs
Amin Al-Hisseini
Palestinian nationalist
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
title given by British
Some power over Palestine
Raghib al-Nashashibi
Open to administering Palestine into Jordan
Sympathetic with some aspects of partition
Causes & outbreak of Arab Revolts
1936-1939 (āWar of Palestinian Liberationā)
Causes: Frustrations, uneven/aggressive British handling, land loss
Outbreak: Starts against British
Phases of Arab Revolts
First phase: General strikes
Second phase: Peasant war & harsh repression
Consequences of Arab Revolts
20 000 Arab casualties
700 Jewish casualties
Fragmentation/destruction of Palestinian movement
White paper
Peel commission
āTwo-state solutionā
Partition by population and transfer
Zionists: Amicable to partition
Arab: Reject
Why? Indigenous and leadership repressed
White paper
Policy until end of mandate (1945)
within 10 years, Jewish national home within independent Palestine
not a state
to be governed jointly
Rejected peel commission
Limit immigration, land transfers
Why? Britain wants good relations w/ Saudis & Egypt (Suez)
Responses to the white paper
Amin al-Husyani: Rejects (prof: mistake)
Zionists: Reject, launch attacks against British rule
WW2 dynamics for Zionists and Palestinians
Destruction of Jews in Europe
British limit immigration
Al-Husyani alligns with fascist powers (Italy, Hitler to go against Brits)
Zionists alliance with Britian
Serve in their military (military experience and stronger alliance)
US perspective (pre-partition)
presses Britain to let refugees into Palestine
Sympathetic to Jews
Raises money to send to Zionist troops
USSR perspective (pre-partition)
Sympathetic to Jews (politically)
See Arab states as too aligned with Brits
See Zionism as bourgeoise, but power politics more important
Palestine Partition Plan
British preference: Jewish state & Palestine absorbed into Jordan
Not fully accepted by anyone
Messy territories & borders
60% Jewish, 40% Arab
Even though mainly Arab population
Consequence of the partition plan
Civil war breaks out
Mobilization for war by Haganah
Arabs split between different factions (Arab Liberation Army) sent from nations outside
Palestine Civil War
Attacks on Jewish bus and general strikes
Revenge attack on revenge attack etc etc
Village massacres (both)
~1000 death toll by 1948
British authorities during Palestinian Civil War
Doing nothing
Want to get out and protect themselves/their areas
Siege of Jerusalem
Early Palestinian tactic
Jerusalem had few roads, isolated,
1948 Plan D - Jewish wanted to secure roads
Palestinian forces almost destroyed
Mass exodus of Palestinians
Flee to other Arab states
1948 war: origins
US: propose trusteeship
Britain: seeks Transjordan merger
Arab states: privately petition Britain to hold off another year
May 14: Israel declares independence
Key themes of 1948 war
Israel ongoing state building + mobilization
Israel more military experience
Evolving war aims of Israel
Arab states had unclear objectives b/w factions
Phase 1: Arab offensive
Some gains
territory for Egypt & Jordan
4 week truce
Phase 2
Israel counter offensive
Phase 3
Israel victories
separate armistices
Egypt: Gaza strip
Jordan: West bank, East Jerusalem
David Ben-Gurion
1st president of Israel
Result of 1948 ear
Partition of Palestine b/w Israel, Egypt, Jordan
Huge increase in Israel borders
Palestinian refugees flee to neighbouring states
Israel wins
Why did Israel win the 1948 war?
Superior political strategy
Divisions + failures of Palestinian leadership
Lack of commitment from Arab states
Growth of arms/international support for Israel (debated)
Israel/Palestine Civil war massacres
10-70 (both sides)
Israel: Biological warfare (poisoning Arab wells)
Deir Yassin Massacure
by zionists
split in Israeli command
emptying of homes, use of guns/grenades, killings, rape, mutilations
Haganah: slightly involved, officially apologize, mainly far right
The Nakba
Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians
750 000 displaced
400-500 Arab villages depopulated
Key themes in the partition of Palestine
Decay of British empire
Founding of Israel
Problem of Israeli borders
Destruction of Palestinian statehood
Indefinite refugee issue