security of tenure- judges cannot be removed from office unless they break the law
pay- salaries paid by independent budget, indpendent of manipulation by ministers
appointment- judicial appointments commission and selection commission for supreme court are transparent in there procedure and free from political intervention
seperation of powers
gina miller held gov to account-shows independence , article 50 theres amay
right of sex offender to appeal against registration for life, 2010, opted against gov as breach of human rights- independence
not independent
government still control their budget
powers limited- cannot strike down gov laws
case of private jason smith-2010 agreed with gov
ministers and newspapers critical of judges, 2017 areticle 50 case lots of backlash- less likely to criticise gov again
is neutral
conflict of interests- judges must refuse to sit in a case that involves a family member, friend or professional associate
public activities- must avoid political activity
process of legal training and experience pushes personal agenda to one side
not neutral
.narrowness of supreme court’s composition in terms of gender, social and educational background- all white, old privately- educated males
cant empathise with majority of poeple
one female member- significant in case of radmacher vs granito (2010) in a case involving pre-nuptial agreement among marriage partners, lady hale only one to dissent claiming would have more of a negative effect on women
all but two privately educated, all but two went oxbridge