Central topic subject or concept author is trying to point out. Possible to be more than one in a singe work.
Object that represents an idea, process, or physical entity. Used to communicate meaning.
Suprise Ending
Plot twist that occurs at or near end of a story.
Way in which author tells a story including dictation choice, sentence types and literary devices and techniques.
Fictional character based of common literary of social stereotype.
Belief adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things.
Static Character
Character who does not undergo any significant change in nature, values, or emotions, in contrast to a dynamic character.
Use of informal words and expressions not considered standard in speakers’ language or dialect.
Round Character
Character with complex and fully developed personality
Rising Action
Stories basic conflict complicated by secondary conflicts that frustrates protagonists attempt to reach his goal.
In poetry the solution to the problem presented in the first part of the sonnet, in fiction see denouement.
Sequence of events that make up a story.
Objective point of view
Unbiased POV without describes character’s thoughts opinions or feelings.
Various movements in art, architecture, literature… characterized by deliberate break with classical and traditional forms of methods of expression.
the ideas, theories and methods of Karl Marx, the political and economic theories propounded bu Mark together with friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the bais.
Indeterminate ending
Ending that is neither happy or unhappy.
An expression or phrase that makes figurative but not literal sense.
The protagonist, the term often implies nobility of character or great purpose.
A character who’s contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the order of the other character.
Flat Character
A relatively uncomplicated character who does not change throughout the course of a work; contrasts around with round character.
Advocacy of equality of the sexes and the establishment of the political, social, and economic rights of the female sex; the movement associated with this.
Falling Action
The point in the narrative after the climax where the conflict is resolved.
Dynamic Character
A character who undergoes a significant change in their nature, values or emotions; contrasting to a static character.
The part of the story
The quality of being aesthetic; the pursuit of or devotion to what is beautiful
The representation of a person in a narrative work of art.
The point of highest tension or
The central tension between the protagonist and antagonist