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the end of suffering
Overcoming craving
It is a core teaching in buddhism which teaches that by doing so, we can be freed from suffering
Three poisons
Greed (bird), Ignorance (pig), Hatred (snake)
Buddhist believe that by living in this way, they achieve enlightenment
2 main types of schools in buddhism
Theravada (school of the elders) and Mahayana (umbrella term to describe other buddhist traditions like tibetan and pure land)
Samudaya (Tanha)
The second noble truth which is the cravings and desires (causes) of suffering
The Four Noble Truths
Dukkha - truth of suffering
Samudaya - cause of suffering
Nirodha - truth to the end (cessation) of suffering
Magga - The truth to the path to the end of suffering
The idea in Mahayana Buddhism that we are all able to attain bit
Bodhisattva Vow
This is made by people in the Mahayana tradition and it is the idea that you help others once you reach enlightenment
Three watches of the night
When the Buddha became enlightened, he did 3 important things during the night
Gained knowledge of past lives
Understood cycle of samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) and that it all depends on karma
Understood why suffering happens and how to overcome it
no fixed self or soul, people change during course of their lives
Impermanence, not permanent
Concept of dependant arising
Everything in existence is because other things are, everything is interconnected
Teachings of the buddha, path of rightness
Wisdom or understanding of teh truth of existence allowing them to be free from cycle of rebirth
Four sights
When the siddhartha gautama left the palace, he saw an old man, sick man, dead man and a holy man that was at peace even with suffering around him. This influenced his life and his teachings
One of the 3 poisons, attachment to material things and sensual desires
Human personality
The idea that ones being is composed of 5 factors (Skandhas/aggregates) - form, perception, mental formations, consciousness
Three Jewels
(three refuges) - the 3 things that the Buddha taught it is wise to seek refuge in which were the buddha, the dharma and the sangha
The deliberate actions that affect the believers circumstances in this and future lives (cause and effect)
Pure land
The dominant form of Buddhism in Japan and focusses on chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha
Blowing out to reach a state of perfect peace where individuals experience liberation form cycle of birth and death
Where was Siddhartha Gautama born?
South Nepal
Name of Siddhartha mother and father
Maya and Suddhodana
Where was Siddhartha born?
What are the 3 universal truths?
the three marks of existence: anicca, anatta, dukkha (dukkha is also the first of the 4 noble truths)
What is the first thing the buddha taught when he achieved enlightenment?
four noble truths
What are the 2 groups the seven states of suffering (Dukkha) can be broken down into?
Physical (birth old age sickness death) and mental (separation form loved one, contact with disliked one, not being able to achieve desires)
What are the 3 types of Dukkha
Ordinary (physical and mental pain), change (caused by loss, attachment (dissatisfaction as a result of attachment)
What 3 things does Anicca (impermanence) affect in the world?
Living things (lotus), non-living things (phone breaks), people’s mind (we change our mind)
What story is used to explain the concept of impermanence (anicca) and explain the story?
Kisa Gotami and the mustard seed, an overall summary of it is that everything is impermanent and that she can move on with her life
What does understanding anicca (impermanence) help with?
To alleviate suffering
What story is used to explain Anatta (no fixed soul)?
Nagasena and Kind Milanda, an overall summary of it is the use of the analogy of a chariot (there is no person behind my name)
What concept is Anatta’s story of Nagasena and Kind Milanda used to illustrate?
The five aggregates (just as a chariot is made up of lots of different parts, so is a human): Form, sensation, perception, mental formations, consciousness