(n.) an assumed name, especially as used to hide one's identity; (adv.) otherwise called
Many singers use alias for their names
s pseudonym a real name
(v.) to walk slowly, stroll; (n.) an easy pace; a leisurely walk
I like taking ambles on nice sunny days
s saunter a dash
(adj.) big and strong; muscular
i saw a dude at the gym with burly figures
s beefy a weak
(v.) to give a false or misleading account of; to twist out of shape
after play with it for awail it became distorted
s misshappened
(adj.) persistent, stubbornly determined, refusing to give up
Some people are very dogged
s untiring a faltering
(adj.) so amazed that one is unable to speak, bewildered
I was dumbfounded when i got my cat
s speechless a unsuprized
(adj.) no longer in existence; no longer active; gone out of use
The dodo is an extinct bird
s died out a alive
(n.) an object from the past with historical value or interest; a trace of an outdated custom; remaining fragments, ruins
There are many relicals from the past
s artifact
(n.) very fine sand or gravel; courage in the face of hardship or danger; (v.) to grind; to make a grating sound
when I want into a cave that had grit in it
(adj.) sure to happen, unavoidable
i was so inevitable that m crush would be at the dance
(adj.) fixed deeply and firmly; working into the grain or fiber; forming a part of the inmost being
the wording was ingrained into the stone
(adj.) resembling a meteor in speed; having sudden and temporary brilliance similar to a meteor's
the meteoric rock was so fast
saw a parody online and it was so funny (n.) a humorous or ridiculous imitation; (v.) to make fun of something by imitating it
(v.) to triumph over; to succeed; to exist widely, be in general use; to get someone to do something by
urging I was prevailed the winner of the fight
(v.) to tear to pieces; split violently apart (past tense, rent)
(v.) to fill again, make good, replace
i replenish my cup with water
(v.) to search through, investigate the contents of; (n.) an active search; a collection of odd items
I rummaged through my old stuff
(v.) to save, be thrifty; to be extremely sparing with; to give little attention or effort to
my mother likes to skimps my stuff
(n.) a detective
i saw a sleuth on the street
(n.) deliberate and pointless destruction of public or private property
vandalism is a crime