Actual Grace
Gods interventions and support for us in the everyday moments of our lives.
Cardinal Virtues
Four virtues that are viewed as pivotal or essential for full Christian living.
To be guilty of wrong-doing.
Belief in the existence of God
Strength or courage to maintain moral judgment and behavior in the face of difficulties and challenges.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Good qualities formed in us by the Holy Spirit as we grow in holiness.
The free and undeserved gift of God’s loving and active presence in our lives.
Trust the promise of God and expect from him both eternal life and the grace we need to attain it.
Concerned with the rights and duties within relationships.
Comprehend the basic meaning and message of Jesus
Longing for God and a selfless commitment to supporting the dignity and humanity of all people.
Inclined towards choosing the moral good and avoiding the evil.
Also referred to as Piety, a deep sense of respect for God.
Right judgement
Know the difference between right and wrong and then to choose what is good - counsel.
Effective signs of grace.
Sacramental Graces
The gifts proper to each of the seven sacraments.
Sanctifying Grace
A supernatural gift of God by which our sins are forgiven and we are made holy.
Special Graces
Gifts intended for the common good of the church, also called charisms.
Moderates his/her appetites and passions to achieve balance in the use of created goods.
Theological Virtues
Human virtues are habits that guide us in choosing good moral actions.
Ability to comprehend how a person must live his /her life as a follower of Jesus.
Life long commitment to live a holy life.
Update and downs of our lives take a deeper meaning and purpose. Sees where the Holy Spirit is at work and is able to share that insight with others.
Wonder and Awe
“Fear of the Lord.” Presence of God.
Goal of Christian Morality
To be in unity with God
Primary Characteristic of a Christian disciple
To be perfect in holiness.
Vocation in a general sense
Lifelong commitment to live a holy life.
Moral conscience
God giving us several guides to assist us in moral living.
Well-formed conscience important?
Lead you to make the right moral judgement. Keeping God’s commandments.
What does grace restore?
Loving communion with the Holy Spirit lost through sin.
Prudence - moral
Directs moral problems thoughtfully and objectively.
Justice -moral
Takes account the needs of others as much as your own needs.
Temperance - moral
Self-control and balance in areas of our lives.
Fortitude -moral
The moral virtue that strengthens us to overcome obstacles to living morally.
Spiritually reborn as a child of Christ
Strengthens our bond with the church.
Source and summit of moral life.
Potential effects when we fail to forgive.
Prevent ourselves from accepting His forgiving love. Choosing own spiritual suffering
Potential effects when we forgive others.
Does not let it control you.