Abnormal Psychology: Treatment of Abnormality


Antipsychotic Drugs

  • helps reduce symptoms of psychosis, which include hallucinations (unreal perceptual experiences) and delusions (fantastic, unrealistic beliefs)

  • First Group: Phenothiazines

    • Extremely helpful in reducing psychotic symptoms, but they carry a number of dangerous side effects

    • Side effects include: severe sedation, visual disturbances, and tardive dyskinesia (a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements of the tongue, face, mouth, or jaw)

  • Atypical Antipsychotics: seem to be effective in treating psychosis without inducing some of the side effects

Antidepressant Drugs

  • reduce symptoms of depression (sadness, low motivation, and sleep and appetite disturbance)

  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: most frequently used antidepressants; affect the serotonin neurotransmitter system

  • Selective Serotonin-norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs): designed to target both serotonin and norepinephrine

    • Common Side Effects of SSRIs and SNRIs: nausea, diarrhea, headache, tremor, daytime sedation, sexual dysfunction, and agitation

  • Lithium

    • a metallic element present in the sea, in natural springs, and in animal and plant tissue

    • Widely used as a mood stabilizer, particularly in the treatment of bipolar disorder, which involves swings back and forth from depression to mania (highly elevated mood, irritability, grandiosity, and involvement in dangerous activities)

    • Side Effects: extreme nausea, blurred vision, diarrhea, tremors, and twitches

    • Anticonvulsants

      • used in the treatment of mania and has fewer side effects than lithium

Antianxiety Drugs

  • First Group: Barbiturates

    • Effective in inducing relaxation and sleep

    • Highly addictive

    • Withdrawal from them can cause life-threatening symptoms such as increased heart rate, delirium, and convulsions

  • Benzodiazepines

    • Appears to reduce the symptoms of anxiety without interfering substantially with an individual’s ability to function in daily life

    • Sleeping pills: most frequent use of this drug

    • Highly addictive

    • Withdrawal symptoms include: heart rate acceleration, irritability, and profuse sweating

Electroconvulsive Therapy and Newer Brain Stimulation Techniques

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT):

  • introduced as a treatment for schizophrenia

  • consists of a series of treatments in which a brain seizure is induced by passing electrical current through the patient's brain

  • Full series of treatments consists of 6 to 12 sessions

  • Side Effects: confusion and memory loss

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)

  • exposes patients to repeated, high-intensity magnetic pulses focused on particular brain structures

Deep Brain Stimulation

  • electrodes are surgically implanted in specific areas of the brain

  • These electrodes are then connected to a pulse generator placed under the skin that delivers stimulation to the specific brain areas

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

  • electrodes are attached to the vagus nerve, a part of the nervous system that carries information to several areas of the brain, including the hypothalamus and amygdala

  • These electrodes are connected to a pulse generator that delivers stimulation to the vagus nerve, which in turn travels to targeted areas of the brain


  • Prefrontal Lobotomy

    • Antonio de Egas Moniz

    • the frontal lobes of the brain are severed from the lower centers of the brain in people with psychosis

    • Patients would often experience severe and permanent side effects: inability to control impulses or an inability to initiate activity, extreme listlessness and loss of emotions, seizures, and sometimes even death


Behavioral Approaches

  • focus on the influence of reinforcements and punishments in producing behavior

  • 2 core principles:

    • Classical Conditioning

      • Ivan Pavlov

      • Unconditioned Stimulus (US): stimulus that naturally produces a response

      • Unconditioned Response (UR): response created by the unconditioned stimulus

      • Conditioned Stimulus (CS): previously neutral stimulus

      • Conditioned Response (CR): response that CS elicits

      • has been used to explain people's seemingly irrational responses to a host of neutral stimuli

    • Operant Conditioning

      • E.L. Thorndike observed that behaviors that are followed by a reward are strengthened, whereas behaviors that are followed by a punishment are weakened

      • Shaping of behaviors by providing rewards for desired behaviors and providing punishments for undesired behaviors

      • B.F. Skinner showed that a pigeon will learn to press on a bar if pressing it is associated with the delivery of food and will learn to avoid pressing another bar if pressing it is associated with an electric shock

      • Continuous Reinforcement Schedule: behaviors will be learned most quickly if they are paired with the reward or punishment every time the behavior is emitted; consistent response

      • Partial Reinforcement Schedule: behaviors can be learned and maintained in which the reward or punishment occurs only sometimes in response to the behavior

      • Extinction: eliminating a learned behavior; more difficult when the behavior was learned through a partial reinforcement schedule than when the behavior was learned through a continuous reinforcement schedule

    • Learning can occur through modeling and observational learning

      • Albert Bandura argued that people also learn behaviors by watching other people, a view that came to be known as social learning theory

      • Modeling:

        • People learn new behaviors from imitating the behaviors modeled by important people in their lives

        • more likely to occur when the person modeling the behavior is seen as an authority figure or is perceived to be like oneself

      • Observational Learning:

        • takes place when a person observes the rewards and punishments that another person receives for his or her behavior and then behaves in accordance with those rewards and punishments

Behavioral Therapies:

  • focus on identifying those reinforcements and punishments that contribute to a person's maladaptive behaviors and on changing specific behaviors

  • Behavioral Assessment: foundation of behavioral therapy

  • Systematic Desensitization Therapy: a gradual method for extinguishing anxiety responses to stimuli and the maladaptive behavior that often accompanies this anxiety

    • Often combined with modeling

    • Vivo Exposure: asked to experience these stimuli directly; generally has stronger results than exposure only in the client’s imagination


  • Argue that it is not simply rewards and punishments that motivate human behavior

  • Cognitions (thoughts or beliefs) shape our behavior and the emotions we experience

  • Causal Attribution: the “why”

  • Global Assumptions: broad beliefs about ourselves, our relationships, and the world

  • Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis

Cognitive Therapies

  • help clients identify and challenge their negative thoughts and dysfunctional belief systems

  • Designed to be short-term, on the order of 12 to 20 weeks in duration with 1-2 sessions per week

  • 3 Main Goals in Cognitive Therapy

    • Assist clients in. Identifying their irrational and maladaptive thoughts. A client might be asked to keep a diary of thoughts she has whenever she feels anxious.

    • Teach clients to challenge their irrational or maladaptive thoughts and to consider alternative ways of thinking. A client might be asked to evaluate the evidence for a belief or to consider how other people might think about a difficult situation.

    • Encourage clients to face their worst fears about a situation and recognize ways they could cope.

  • Often combined with behavioral techniques known as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)


  • suggest that all behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, whether normal or abnormal, are influenced to a large extent by unconscious processes

  • Began with Sigmund Freud; developed psychoanalysis

  • Psychoanalysis

    • A theory of personality and psychopathology

    • A method of investigating the mind

    • A form of treatment for psychopathology

  • Anna O.

    • Extensive symptoms of hysteria—physical ailments with no apparent physical cause—including paralysis of the legs and right arm, deafness, and disorganized speech

    • hysteria is the result of traumatic memories that have been repressed from consciousness because they are too painful

    • defined repression as the motivated forgetting of a difficult experience

      • Does not dissolve the emotion associated with the memory or wish


    • 2 basic drives that motivate human behavior

      • Libido: sexual drive

      • Aggressive drive
