How did church attendance percentages change in the UK from the 19th century til 2015?
They went from around 40-50% to just 5%
What are bogus baptisms and why do people do them?
It is where someone baptises their child despite not belonging to a religion in order to get into faith schools.
How many people would prefer to have a non-religious funeral nowadays?
What did the British Social Attitudes Survey and the Cenus (both 2021) find about how many people identified as non-religious and why did they get two different answers?
BSAS- 53%
Census- 37%
The BSAS was set up in response to potentially leading questions in the census (e.g. putting religion right next to ethnicity)
What two religions saw an increase in population in 2021 and by how much?
Hinduism- 1.7%
Islam- 6.5%
In 2021 how many less people identified as Christian? Why may this be?
13%, deaths and distrust
What 3 factors have led to the declining influence of Christianity?
Separation of church and state
Separation of church and education
A decline in clerical employment
Why does Dawkins think religion is losing influence?
The rise in scientific knowledge.
Why does Bruce think religion is losing influence?
Technological worldview
What is Weber’s idea of disenchantment?
The catholic church reigned over an era of enchantment (supernatural belief). However, intellectual movements such as the renaissance led to disenchantment and declining influence.
What country can be used to evaluate the idea of secularisation?
USA, evangelicism and the recent attempts to merge church and state.